Who thinks we need a porn section?

Who thinks we need a porn section?

  • WE NEED PORN!!!!

    Votes: 64 56.1%
  • That's just uncalled for

    Votes: 50 43.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
With all of the XXX talk and recent avatars, I believe a porn section is in order. What do you guys think?
There is a whole intarweb dedicated to porn. I honestly come here for marijuana related issues, and the occasional heated political debatebongsmilie.


Master of Mayhem
There is a whole intarweb dedicated to porn. I honestly come here for marijuana related issues, and the occasional heated political debatebongsmilie.
Hey that's cool man. I come here to talk to other stoned people. I don't grow anything at all. Should I stick to the AOL chatroom then? If there WERE a porn section, nobody would be forcing you or anybody else to look at it. Why is it so bad?:confused:


Well-Known Member
There is a whole intarweb dedicated to porn. I honestly come here for marijuana related issues, and the occasional heated political debatebongsmilie.
You add funny porn pictures we are 1 step ahead of everyone.....I mean if porn doesnt have to do with growing neither does political rubbish...
Not my website but we are giving suggestions just like im sure political sections came by people wanting them..

I would rather look at funny porno pictures then argue over political stuff that also has nothing to do with growing... Atleast see from another point of viewbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I like the fact that this site has mostly to do with weed in general but mostly growing it. I get distracted easily, and if there was porn on here my grows would go to shit.lol.
just like if I was on a porn site and suddenly some great info on growing,politics,aliens,conspiracies came up I would get distracted from my porn.


Well-Known Member
Lets not be unrealistic about RIU members desire/curiosity about porn posts....Someone said "This is a weed forum"....True enough however, I posted this legitimate pot question and 63 people viewed it https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/57206-flushed-my-plants-w-water.html ......When I started this Thread It currently has over 1450 views and growing https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/56330-vagina-tattoo-ouch.html ......I conclude that people are curious and amused by various forms of porn....There are plenty of threads that don't relate to weed and I for one enjoy the diversity of topics....Including the occasional crazy ass porn photo that makes me laugh!!!!:)


Master of Mayhem
And just to clear things up...I don't wanna spam the place with random porn. Maybe a place where people can share links, pics (of themselves, or funny porn pics), or just plain out talk filthy to each other.:hump:


Well-Known Member
As the evening wears on I'm actually on the fence with this one. I voted no but still not sure. It may not be so bad but how would it work? only regestered members can post? home movies from growers? lotsa spam accounts by real porn sites ppl? copy paste images/vids?

Ernie what did you have in mind? ahhh edit late post


Well-Known Member
how come my live "chat button" doesnt work. i think that would be kool. maybe its exclusivly for the "ELITE"


Well-Known Member
Oh and one more point....The nute question I asked got 5 replies.....The vagina Tattoo thread currently has 75 replies......I think that speaks volumes about the entertainment value of a porn thread:)


Well-Known Member
Oh and one more point....The nute question I asked got 5 replies.....The vagina Tattoo thread currently has 75 replies......I think that speaks volumes about the entertainment value of a porn thread:)
LMFAO They are gonna delete the evidence now.....bongsmilie FDD for president!!


Well-Known Member
Cannabis prohibition is political. The War on Drugs is political. Medical marijuana is political.
Porn is political!! anything can be political......So if I post a sex video of me and my old lady fucking while watering the plants and talking about hilary it would be up for grabs?


Well-Known Member
Hey that's cool man. I come here to talk to other stoned people. I don't grow anything at all. Should I stick to the AOL chatroom then? If there WERE a porn section, nobody would be forcing you or anybody else to look at it. Why is it so bad?:confused:
I realize I would not have to see it if I didnt want. But you asked us to vote and I did. I just don't vote for porn on here. I think Rollitup is up for all kinds of things, the site has changed a lot since I first came here. But I have to believe he would agree that having porn on here officially would be more harmful than beneficial to his site. I dunno.