But see, here's the thing. People don't go to bars for the health benefits, they go to get fucked up, and people as a whole are cool with this as long as you don't turn into a straight alcoholic, even then, many people are cool with it. Those same people will talk shit night and day about the evils of pot, despite that unlike alcohol, no deaths can be attributed to it. Your generation getting high for the sake of getting high shouldn't have been seen as a bad thing. But the fact is people want a scapegoat. The same thing happened with alcohol during prohibition. Society blamed every damn problem in existence to the evil of alcohol. People want something to blame thats not them.
Kay, done with my little rant.
Though I will have to agree that we are all cannabis advocates. Because of the mass of ignorance every stoner that isn't what society wants as an ideal member is hailed as an example of why pots evil.