Got burnt for the second time..... STAY AWAY FROM CARGIVERS IN HONOR MICHIGAN!!!!

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Active Member
Dam this is the second time getting fucked by a caregiver. Out of two crops I got 2 oz for free and never offers to sell me anything..... deal was 2 free oz every crop was done and some hash. I got 2 free oz out of 2 crops. My last caregiver never give me a deal on meds or nothing free just keep it all.... and now this? Wow is there any real caregivers that wont fuck there patients. Remember don't deal with anyone out of honor Michigan there no good. Kinda feel bad for the others that are getting taken for a ride from there caregivers....... Im sick and cant get any good help, wish I could post names but I will be the man and let it go.... WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND!!!


Well-Known Member
dude you are lucky as shit if you get free weed, you think the stuff grows itself or something?!?!?!?! 2 free oz?!?! thats like handing you 500 bucks (depending on where your at) every month... something might have gone wrong, cannabis isnt the easiest plant to grow in the world. i would most likely drop you as a patient if you demanded 2 every time, they get their 1 oz from me every month and they gotta pay regular price if they want more, but usually its gone before they even finish the o they got in the first place...

i dont think many CGs in michigan will agree with you..


Well-Known Member
dude you are lucky as shit if you get free weed, you think the stuff grows itself or something?!?!?!?! 2 free oz?!?! thats like handing you 500 bucks (depending on where your at) every month... something might have gone wrong, cannabis isnt the easiest plant to grow in the world. i would most likely drop you as a patient if you demanded 2 every time, they get their 1 oz from me every month and they gotta pay regular price if they want more, but usually its gone before they even finish the o they got in the first place...

i dont think many CGs in michigan will agree with you..
with that attitude i'd never use you as my grower. ;)

don't take on responsibilities you can't handle, especially when sick people are counting on you.

if dude was promised 2 ounces then he should get his 2 ounces. :-P


Well-Known Member
with that attitude i'd never use you as my grower. ;)

don't take on responsibilities you can't handle, especially when sick people are counting on you.

if dude was promised 2 ounces then he should get his 2 ounces. :-P
what if his crop got screwed over or he didnt harvest enough? not only did he pay tons of loot ($7500 +) to get this operation started and than once harvest time comes you harvest your plants and you get next to nothing..... i mean there is a thing called a dispensary and no they arent closed. he is bitching because he has to pay for weed... and i dont have room for patients so i wouldnt be able to grow this sweet sticky icky for you n e way.. i give my patients 1 oz every 4 weeks


Well-Known Member
what if his crop got screwed over or he didnt harvest enough? not only did he pay tons of loot ($7500 +) to get this operation started and than once harvest time comes you harvest your plants and you get next to nothing..... i mean there is a thing called a dispensary and no they arent closed. he is bitching because he has to pay for weed... and i dont have room for patients so i wouldnt be able to grow this sweet sticky icky for you n e way.. i give my patients 1 oz every 4 weeks
if an agreement was made and the grower does not hold up to his end then it is on the grower.

do not take on responsibilities you cannot handle. pretty simple stuff.

he is bitching because he had an agreement that was not upheld. i'd be pissed as well.

daniel cardenas

Active Member
and lets face it you are growing more than the one ounce per month anyways for that patient so you are not doing it for nothing. i agree with fdd2blk .


Well-Known Member
Free weed, and your complaining? Sounds to me like your not mad at a caregiver, but mad at a guy who is using your plant count to make money on the black market.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
How many plants per patient is a caregiver allowed to grow?

Fdd2blk is right. Personally, I feel that depending on how many plants per patient are allowed, I think that's pretty chintzy.

Streets, I don't know where you buy your shit, but I have the capacity to have one HELL of a grow op, and I'm under 3K.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
its not free weed.....if he grew it himself maybe u can call it free weed,.....but he gave his grow rights to his caregiver and his care giver fucked fdd said "do not take on responsibilities you cannot handle. pretty simple stuff."

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
$7500.00??? You must be running a dozen 1000 watters, with super high end nutes.... I can have a 600 and a 400 hps+400 mh with ff soil and nutes, intake and out fans/duct and grow 8 ladies vegged for 4 weeks and then flowered for under $1000.00...... I agree with fdd also....


Well-Known Member
well true, his care giver is fucked up and should own up to the weed he should get, i will retract and say that i was wrong by saying that to you, i am having troubles with some of my patients demanding more "free" weed than they are expected to get, i told them it costs 10 bucks to change caregivers. thus i took it out on ya, i apologize.

as for people with budget grows, good luck.

i have multiple atmospheric controllers for both veg and flowering room. i have installed an inconspicuous separate ac unit outside for the grow specifically that can run throughout the winter and runs below 0* F. i run co2 by the tank and by burner in both veg and flower rooms. i dont spend alot on nutes because thats a joke, i spend money on bulbs, ballasts, tanks of co2 (weekley), co2 controllers, Humidity controllers, ect. i only use high end equipment because i want high end product. you get what you pay for, and most of the time you get marketing from companies. i dont know how many of you purchase high end light bulbs but a 1000 watt horti blue costs 240 bucks at the hydro store and for whoever has a, or multiple like i do, Co2 controllers, those arent cheap for a nice one. i dont order online because that leaves a paper trail directly to you know where. i mean who has seen a 5x raise in electric bills, shit isnt cheap or "free" for us caregivers work directly with cancer research centers and people that have debilitating conditions.


Well-Known Member
$7500.00??? You must be running a dozen 1000 watters, with super high end nutes.... I can have a 600 and a 400 hps+400 mh with ff soil and nutes, intake and out fans/duct and grow 8 ladies vegged for 4 weeks and then flowered for under $1000.00...... I agree with fdd also....
8 ladies.... and you spent 1000, try 72 ladies


Well-Known Member
Breaking a deal is bullshit. If it makes you feel any better you still got twice as many free meds as you would have from me.
I hate this free weed for patients debate. This stuff is NOT cheap to grow. The equipment is expensive, not to mention the nutrients, good genetics if you cant get clones, dirt, water, etc.. Not to mention the grower's time, plus the space on their property (usually indoors) that is being used.... thats an extra room that could be used to live in or rent out. Electricity bills are skyhigh too. If you go to the pharmacy to get medicine... do they give it to you free for being a patient of the hospital? NO they dont.

I am a patient who grows for himself and when i get a patient to offset my overages, they will get a great price, btu most likely not much/anything free. I dont want to "use your name to legally grow" I allready am, legally growing. I dont want to swap oz's for that privelage i already have.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
well true, his care giver is fucked up and should own up to the weed he should get, i will retract and say that i was wrong by saying that to you, i am having troubles with some of my patients demanding more "free" weed than they are expected to get, i told them it costs 10 bucks to change caregivers. thus i took it out on ya, i apologize.

as for people with budget grows, good luck.

i have multiple atmospheric controllers for both veg and flowering room. i have installed an inconspicuous separate ac unit outside for the grow specifically that can run throughout the winter and runs below 0* F. i run co2 by the tank and by burner in both veg and flower rooms. i dont spend alot on nutes because thats a joke, i spend money on bulbs, ballasts, tanks of co2 (weekley), co2 controllers, Humidity controllers, ect. i only use high end equipment because i want high end product. you get what you pay for, and most of the time you get marketing from companies. i dont know how many of you purchase high end light bulbs but a 1000 watt horti blue costs 240 bucks at the hydro store and for whoever has a, or multiple like i do, Co2 controllers, those arent cheap for a nice one. i dont order online because that leaves a paper trail directly to you know where. i mean who has seen a 5x raise in electric bills, shit isnt cheap or "free" for us caregivers work directly with cancer research centers and people that have debilitating conditions.
I'm seeing both sides here-if you say something own up. I think your caregiver stuck his nuts out too far in the first place but that's his bad. I don't do "free weed". There is no free lunch in this world, period. we can debate risk reward, electric bills and what not but to me it all comes down to: it costs me. Costs me time, money WTF ever and therefore is not free to me. If your caregiver can look up, do a little jig and pot falls from the sky and he charges you for it then he is a total dick for sure but I got my doubts that this is how he comes into your monthly "free weed". I agree with say what you mean and mean what you say but I can't sign off on anyone asking for free anything. I wasn't brought up that way. I can't ask for anything free even if it has no real value it's just not polite to ask nor right accept. I do all I can to make my patients happy and give them quality first and value a close second. Never at the cost of quality to save or make a buck. People donate things all the time money and time and all sorts of stuff but you can't go asking for someone to volunteer or donate anything. I mean c'mon you think holding a card with your name on it means you get free pot? Really? Ima go to DMV or the SOS right now and demand my free car cuz I got a damn liscense where is my free fucking car at??????? I got a mechanic I allow to work on the one I got, should he be giving me free cars? I feel i'm getting fucked here, I'm sick and want my free fucking cars for the month, WTF??????


Active Member
Alot of caregivers are just glorified drug dealers. So let me get this straight, you get my 12 plants to grow and harvest and you dont wanna give me a free ounce out of that? i call that bullshit, now i know it cost money to grow and everything but you mean to tell me you cant cover your self on the other 3 pounds your pulling down from my plants. Alot of caregivers are greedy and just use paitents to boost their plant numbers so they can make a killing. cracks me up when caregivers cry about costs, you were growing before you got paitents most likely anyways, now you have their 12 plants and you think your entitled to all of it. When it really comes down to it, does it cost you 250 dollars an ounce to grow? no it doesnt not even close.


Well-Known Member
Just for another point of view, if they used all twelve of your plants at once don't you think that might leave a little gap and what about whats bound to be over your limit? Some people aren't gaining anything but the additional weight, not the plant count. In all fairness peoples time is worth money, equipment and utilities can be expensive. I'm not defending profiteering here, but it doesn't seem unfair to get nominal compensation for your time. People better treat their patients right, especially now with no store fronts. If you don't take care of your patients, I'm wagering that they'll find someone who will.

Alot of caregivers are just glorified drug dealers. So let me get this straight, you get my 12 plants to grow and harvest and you dont wanna give me a free ounce out of that? i call that bullshit, now i know it cost money to grow and everything but you mean to tell me you cant cover your self on the other 3 pounds your pulling down from my plants. Alot of caregivers are greedy and just use paitents to boost their plant numbers so they can make a killing. cracks me up when caregivers cry about costs, you were growing before you got paitents most likely anyways, now you have their 12 plants and you think your entitled to all of it. When it really comes down to it, does it cost you 250 dollars an ounce to grow? no it doesnt not even close.
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