tiger bloom help


Well-Known Member
my plant is about a week in flowering. ive noticed a lot of white hairs so i know its in flowering mode. im ready to add my nutrients but ive read about how tiger bloom lowers your ph. can anyone tell me about this? any experiences? do i have to go buy more shit to adjust ph?


Well-Known Member
I would go buy some ff big bloom to go with. depends on the water you are using but you can also let it sit in your water or 24-48 hours to help with ph issues. also I would go lite with it like 1/4 strength. do you have a ph or ec meter? good luck and watch your leaves as they will tell you when they need something


Well-Known Member
Tigerbloom along with alot of foods are ph'd low in order to keep a longer shelf life. If it lowers your ph too much then you can get some ph up to correct this. Ph up and down are fairly cheap and should last you a while. If your in dirt and never ever have to worry about ph again then I would recommend adding dolomite lime to your soil before hand and you'll never even think about fucking with ph again... thanks wet


Well-Known Member
Tigerbloom along with alot of foods are ph'd low in order to keep a longer shelf life. If it lowers your ph too much then you can get some ph up to correct this. Ph up and down are fairly cheap and should last you a while. If your in dirt and never ever have to worry about ph again then I would recommend adding dolomite lime to your soil before hand and you'll never even think about fucking with ph again... thanks wet
ive heard that a lot. what does the dolomite do? keeps it at the perfect ph?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i would say soil or not you definately want to ph that stuff. when i used it just mixing it with water the solution had a ph of around 4 and the runoff was even worse. lime can only do so much when your pour straight up acid on the plants. on the bottle they use big bold letters about using a ph adjuster because they purposely make it very very low. if you ph it a bit and use some lime the whole thing will be a non issue.


Well-Known Member
Dolomite lime buffers your ph so it stays around 6.5 which IMO is perfect for soil, if your using a peat based medium then after time the peat starts to break down and make the soil acidic thus locking out certain nutrients. It also adds a bit of calmag to give them a little extra boost. I would recommend the pellets because by time you REALLY need the lime is when it starts to kick in and keep your soil at a perfect level. I used to worry about ph when I switch to using promix but after seeing the results of adding it, I haven't even had a thought about my ph. Thank god or mother nature for Lime.. 1 cup DL per 1 cubic foot of soil. And its cheap as hell too


Well-Known Member
i would say soil or not you definately want to ph that stuff. when i used it just mixing it with water the solution had a ph of around 4 and the runoff was even worse. lime can only do so much when your pour straight up acid on the plants. on the bottle they use big bold letters about using a ph adjuster because they purposely make it very very low. if you ph it a bit and use some lime the whole thing will be a non issue.

Once you get the lime in there then ph will not be an issue for you anymore. I have been using neptunes harvest for a while and just for the hell of it I checked to see what ph of water would be after adding food, it was around 5 and I still use it on my ladies without any issues whatsoever. BUT if it gives you piece of mind and makes you feel better then you should def keep an eye on you ph levels. INVEST in a quality meter because if you buy a cheap one then you'll just be buying another one a few months down the road


Well-Known Member
I have used FF for years and a little advice about TB, don't start in right into flowering or your gonna run into N defs around the 3-4th week of flowering. You might also wanna add some bigbloom to your feeding schedule, it is a catalyst that works quite well.