So this b*tch is cheetin on me...

She will regret least my son's mother did. I loved it when she thought we were going to get back together and everything....She used my son like he is a puppet to try to gain me back...I know she wants me so bad and will never have that oppurtuntiy again...As much shit as I talk, I have NEVER cheated on any woman...I just don't see any point in it:hump:
This Thread has been reborn!!! We need updates on how the life has been for you FaCult after ridding yourself of that incompetent tramp.
i think you should just go out & find that rebound bone session... that'll get her out of your system.. just go get you d*ck sucked and smoke one...:joint:
Nope not at all, but in my current situation I wouldn't consider it cheating either.
So that answer is a no, you are confirming yes, if I came to say I needed my brains fucked out by ZEKE this weekend its be no?

i jumped from page 11 to the end and im wondering, has any got their asses beat yet?

heres my get back advice, ask her to bone a dog and take pics to show her parents. boom, you win.
Get some stationary from the health department. Photoshop the state seal make an envelope.
Send her an official looking letter barley seal it.

Send the letters announcing she has tested positive for venereal warts, Clap and herpes , tapeworms, and hep c.

Send them to her friends house barley sealed some of the letters will get read... Ta da
Just up an leave, put a note on the table saying you posted the naked photos you took of her while she slept online... let her go fucking look.. should give her a few days of agony.
man i'm sorry but letting it go is not an option... you can't just do this kind of shit to someone you supposedly love and then have nothing happen to you... i know karma will come around but still, she need to be severly punished for this shit.

Sounds like the worst that you've suffered is a bruised ego. Get over it. Move on. It's really not worth the bullshit.
i need some advice...maybe you guys can help...

so i just found out today that my gf of 3 years has been lying to me about going to hang with her bitchy ass sister, and in stead is going to this dudes house and messing around with a guy that lives there...we've been having some issues lately and i am moving out in a week...but this shit is unacceptable...she could have at least waited till we didn't live together...

so... i need to get back at her for this shit, i just found out today, and she dosn't know that i what you guys think i should do?

i was thinking about killing her ass and this dude... lol...


Go fuck one or two of her friends! Its easier than it sounds. They all have a friend that wants their boyfriend

Women operate on the monkey theory. Women are like monkeys, they never let go of one branch until they have their hand on another.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to go get laid as fast as possible. If you want her back let her go and go get another. She will come back as soon as she knows you got a new woman. Do the exact opposite of what you think you should. Women aren't rational, they are emotional. You getting laid immediately and moving on shows her you have value to another woman and she won't like that. Its a guarantee. No phone calls, no begging, DEFINITELY no asking her to talk. Go grab a new women and let her know about it. Complete silence and moving on on your part will put her head up her own ass and she will be the one pining over you. Dont be chump, make her the chump.

Besides, once the meats tainted you aren't going to eat it. This meaning, even if you did fix the relationship, you'll always see that guys face when your with her and who wants to live with that shit...

NEXT! Just keep nexting them until you get the one you like