Help!!! My babies are twisting!!!


I made the stupidest mistake of having my roommate watch over my girls when i left for two weeks for a family vacation....i came back and my girls were all f***ked up:cuss:

Anyways this is my main problem right now....the leaves look like they have been ph locked. and some gnarley nute problems. (see pic) i have flushed the girls with nothing but ro water for 3 days and they havnt snapped back. last night i started the nute cycle again at 50% strenth...(botanicare bloom and liquid karma)

please help...what should i do? will they snap back? or should i just go and beat the sh*t outta my roommate who carelessly kept feeding them with an un ph'd res...

my stats:
Medium: rockwool
TEMP/Humiidty: 80-82 @40%
ph now: 5.8-6.0
ppm: 350ppm
feeding: 3 times a day, drip system
week: 4 weeks

as you can see from the back ground, the leaves are all yellowing like crazy too. SOB!!!....PLEASE HELP ME FIX THIS MY BROS. or is it too late?



imahippy91...why so high brother? i always thought ph for hydro was from 5.8-6.2(max)

will upping the ph level introduce micronutes?
What a great way to damage my name already. To be honest, I didn't read his post fully. I apologize for that and in the future ill read all posts thoroughly.


P.s really am sorry for misinformation


New Member
I don't think you have anything to worry about. None of your other leafs are twisting or anything, its just that one new leaf. Your plant looks really green and healthy. I say just give it time and it'll probably work it's way out. That leaf is after all pretty thin lengthwise

Just make sure you haven't locked out the nutrients. It could be as easy as forgetting to mix the nutes up properly. One time I forgot to mix the grow into the water (just dropped it in and continued), then I added the micro and it locked out the plant just because it wasn't mixed properly


its not just one leaf site...its on all 25 its definitely a prominent problem. should i just stay put and watch the girls? or should i go get some kind of micronute supplment at the hydro store??


bought some spray and grow and cal magic...foliar spray with a EOD schedule. will keep you guys posted.

also reduced main feeding regime to once a day for 5mins.


Well-Known Member
You should, besides listening to the good advice you've been presented with, punch YOURSELF in the eye for leaving someone who knew Jack Shit about growing in charge, apparently.


UPDATE: Girls are starting to snap back..still have some twisting and folding thoough on some sites. I dont know if they were over watered or its cuz of the micronute def....or even both. Whatever it is, they are starting to come back.

on that note, i never knew that rockwool cubes could actually be overwatered since i always believed that rockwool had a very high infiltration rate compared to soil/coco. Is this true??? or am i just jumping to conclusions?


Well-Known Member
First, fix your roommate... and I mean fix him/her good.

You've already done what I would have done...flushed and reintroduced proper PH nutes. I wouldn't try putting in all sorts of stuff in an attempt to make them bounce back... it might just shock them further... How long since you flushed and gave them fresh nute? Give them a little time. They can recover.


its only been day 4...and they are bouncing back. and as far as the yellowing girls, ive foliar sprayed them with some cal-magic + spray and grow and they are getting greener by the day

and as far as the roommate issue, lets just say hes gonna be fully-sponsoring me for me for my next round. haha

mistakes happen. and i f**ked up big for letting him take care of my ive kicked my ass soo many times since i came back from my trip. but its times like these that make me that much closer to being as good as you guys on this board. I love this place. hands down.