Help, brown spots / edge burn on 7 day old White Fire sprouts


Well-Known Member
yeah i also took a look at the other dude. i might have missed the soil comment or not. whats your soil brand new or organic high in anything or compost. do you put apple cores or anything degradable in? i just start that with a plant on the far side of the soil.


Active Member
yeah i also took a look at the other dude. i might have missed the soil comment or not. whats your soil brand new or organic high in anything or compost. do you put apple cores or anything degradable in? i just start that with a plant on the far side of the soil.
here is a profile of the soil I'm using. Nothing added whatsoever. Here is a link to the companies website with the soil i bought:

  • Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss (70% by volume)
  • Perlite – Premium Horticultural Coarse Grade (30% by volume)
  • Starter Nutrition – Macronutrients & Micronutrients
  • pH Adjuster – Gypsum & Dolomitic Limestone
  • Wetting Agent


Well-Known Member
im almost out of things to ask im trying to prevent my own problem. sorry i cant help. is heat a factor? im low on heat except for threw the window. did you grow it straight or transplant?


Active Member
Well I took the ballast out, so I'll see how that changes things. I'm going to tighten up my duct seals for better air flow also


Active Member
so did you get the temps to drop any ???
I think the temp went down about 5 degrees, it's hard for me to tell at this point. I just moved my tent into this room out of my closet, so I need to make the ceiling hole for the exhaust and I need to tighten up the seals on my ducting before I continue. And then if temps are still high, i'll wait 1-2 weeks for winter cold weather. If that doesn't help, then I'm buying an ac for the room... my central ac just isn't cutting it, unless I turn it down to like 68F... but thats a waste and makes the house too cold.


My light is an air cooled 400w CMH. They are supposed to run cooler than HPS, but why my temps go an extra 10 degrees just from the light... It is attached to a 450cfm fan which sucks the air through the light. On my tent I have the side vent open with a fan blowing fresh room air in.
Do you have any passive intakes.. Can you turn that fan to blow the hot air out the vent ???


Active Member
Do you have any passive intakes.. Can you turn that fan to blow the hot air out the vent ???
Do you mean passive intake into the room where my DR80 veg tent is? Or do you mean, passive intake into the tent?

Sorry, but I don't follow... you mean blow the hot air out of the room into my ac vent? Or do you mean turn my tent intake fan around?

My tent is setup right now like this: BEDROOM (door open most times) -> ballast -> tent -> fan intake on tent -> carbon filter -> ducting -> 400w CMH -> ducting -> 450cfm exhaust fan -> ducting into room for now (i will probably vent this into attic soon). I don't think venting into attic is going to change tent temps though. Because right now, it's 70F outside with cold breeze. I have a house fan that brings in cool air. With that cool air coming into the room at probably 65 -70 (feels pretty damn cool in the room) my tent temps are still at 80F.

I'm thinking to just go buy a portable ac and stick it on the intake and be done with it. I was wanting to wait for the cold winter to come though and just use that for cool air...if that will even work. I was checking the weather and it looks like it will start getting cold here next week (hopefully)

I guess I just don't understand how people are getting their grow areas to 70F degrees without an ac dedicated (especially with higher output lights)??? I mean it seems for me to do that, my central ac temps would have to be down at 60F to get to 70. It's just not realistic and expensive to cool the whole house to that

thanks for the help again...i appreciate it. Can you tell me what your ambient temp is outside your grow and what your temp would be inside your grow? I'm wondering how much the temp should fluctuate in/outside the grow


Active Member
Bear in mind also...the 10 degrees difference is with my thermometer sitting at my sprout tops and about 29" away!! I think that means that moving lights down 10-20" will be much hotter at canopy tops :(

I also forgot to mention i have 2 fans blowing inside tent also for circulation.

Maybe tent pics would help?


Active Member
Well, I removed my CF and ducting to the light... I did notice a pretty good difference in air flow after removing. There was a big bend from CF to light. I also, covered up thermometer with something so it gets a true temp reading and not with radiant temp...we'll see


Active Member
is it time to start feeding yet? I know the sprouts are only about 10 days old, but I'm starting to see some slight purpling going on the new growth stems... Also I'm still seeing slight marks on the new not sure maybe still something wrong?

It looks like to me that the new center growth is starting to yellow slightly??



Active Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6447529 said:
nope not yet haha it has a very green color its fine, you dont want to burn it
Yea that's what I figured... I just saw the new growth getting slightly purple stem and still see some spots... Thought it might need a little mg or ph. But I guess I'll just leave it be for now!!


Active Member
Well got the insulated ducting going into attic...i just hate everytime i've had to cut those holes lol... I always make them in the closet so they're less noticable.

I'm going to try to rig my fan up in the attic for less noise if I can find a way to plug it in... Well anyway, we'll see how this helps for heat/energy usage


Sorry man I been a way for a bit ... That Dr 80 is recommended for a 250 watt light... But hey go big or go home is what i say..
With those 2 fans you got blowing air around Can you take one fan and have it blow hot air out of the tent like an exhaust fan ??
Then open one or two of the free flow vents to allow fresh cool air to come inside the tent.
I keep negative pressure in my grow box in the same way.. Im only growing with a 150 watt hps right now but my box is small.
room teps stay at 72.. hottest its got in the box is 77 I alsow have a fan blowing up at the light to try and keep the heat away from the plants..
Heres a lil clip i found that might help.

Good luck with your grow man .. Stay Medicated !!!


Active Member
Thanks dude!! Temps r finally dropping some here! Last night got down to 50's.. Woohoo!

So I changed some tent configuration and moved ducting around for fewer bends... And finally cut the damn hole in the ceiling for exhaust. Now my temps seem to be a little better. I actually got tent temps down to 72f last night! Record low.. Haha

White fires are looking great! Can't wait to take cuttings and flower them! Believe it or not, I've never even smoked kush (that I know) so I can't wait to try these bad boys!

Only thing I gotta do now is build my flower box/tent... I here wifi stretches like crazy!! 3-4x.. So I'm a little worried about that.

Thanks for the help man.. If u guys were here I've throw ya nugs lol