Home Made Co2 Tutorial


Well-Known Member
Home Made Carbon Dioxide Tutorial

Well after asking around and finding the simplest methods I came across a real easy way of making home made Co2 (thanks to skunkishybrid and m420) and i've illustrated it aswell, just thought i'd help a few of you out there who are new to this like myself.

When plants photosynthesise to make energy and grow they use Water (h20) and Carbon Dioxide (Co2) plus Light. They use half the amount of Carbon Dioxide to the amount of Water they use so this is alot of Carbon Dioxide if you think about the amount you water them, so giving them a boost of Carbon Dioxide during growth would be an advantage.

So here's my guide on how to make your own little amount of Carbon Dioxide to give your plants the boost they would love.

Step 1.
Obtain a bottle of any size, preferably plastic and fill it half way with water


Step 2.
Peirce the plastic lid using a hot pair of scissor or a pin


Step 3.
Make a funnel, either out of some card or paper or grab a funnel from your kitchen


Step 4.
Get some yeast, doesnt really matter what sort of yeast as long as it's active.. This only cost me £1.50 Sterling so probebly about $2-$3


Step 5.
Get some sugar or glucose, I've used sugar but glucose is cheaper, just get what you can get your hands on


Step 6.
Put about 1/5th of sugar to water in your bottle and the same for the yeast, 1/5th, it doesnt really matter so long as you have a decent enough amount


Step 7.
Ensure that your water has gone cloudy and remove your funnel and put the lid back on your bottle


Step 8.
I've used about this much yeast/suger mix at the bottom of my bottle


Step 9.
Cover the hole at the top of your bottle and shake well and continue to shake regularly for the next 48 hours to start off the reaction


Step 10.
Leave to stand for a second and pretty much straight the way bubbles should be on the top, this is the Co2 being given off


The bottles should be ideally placed at pot height, because from what I remember from chemistry Carbon Dioxide is lighter than air, because air contains so much nitrogen which is a heavy (Carbon = 12 atomic mass / Nitrogen = 14 atomic mass) so if place at pot height the Carbon Dioxide will rise into the plants leaves and stem where the photosynthesis occurs


this is a 3D image of how mine are setup


Hey presto, everytime you want to give your plants a little boost of Carbon Dioxide the cheap way! Just shake up the bottle and stand it next to your beloved plant. For greater Carbon Dioxide production, use a bigger bottle. If no more bubbles are produced after shaking your bottle then it means you need to add more sugar, if no more bubbles are produced after the sugar has been added then more yeast must be added to the solution.

Much lurve.

I have a question about the application of this wonderful device. It's been a while since Chem 101 but is Co2 heavier than air or does it matter where the container is located? Should I just place it between my 4 pots or set it up on a shelve for the best, most efficient resuts?

Great Tutorial, thanks a bunch H2O!
I have a question about the application of this wonderful device. It's been a while since Chem 101 but is Co2 heavier than air or does it matter where the container is located? Should I just place it between my 4 pots or set it up on a shelve for the best, most efficient resuts?

Great Tutorial, thanks a bunch H2O!

I updated my tutorial at the bottom, thanks for the input

The only reason i say this is because this is how skunkish has it layed out..


Much thanks skunkishybrid
Last's about a week

TENN1234<----Chemistry Major. Yes Co2 is heavier than air, but remember :all particles want equilibrium, which means over time they will disperse into the atmosphere, so it doesn't really matter, but I would put them slightly above the plants.
Last's about a week

TENN1234<----Chemistry Major. Yes Co2 is heavier than air, but remember :all particles want equilibrium, which means over time they will disperse into the atmosphere, so it doesn't really matter, but I would put them slightly above the plants.

Chemistry was another class I taught.

A simple example of CO2 in action is to buy dry ice which is basically frozen CO2. The fog which rolls off the dry ice is CO2. When I got my first indoor grow lights, since before jesus was born, we use to place huge chunks if dry ice over the hoods and watch the dry ice fog roll down onto the biitches. It was eerie like a London Fog and when you are stoned to the bone you can imagine Jack The Ripper come out and attacking your ass from the forest of biitches and fog. Dry Ice is not a good alternative and expensive. Bottled CO2 gas or CO2 generators are the ticket.
Nice man....But is there any truth that alcaseltser in a water bottle releases co2 aswell

thats a positive. and if for the yeast/sugar bottles, u can tell when the co2 isnt being produced any more by the lact of bubbles. sugar and yeast are pretty fuckin cheap, so this is def the cheapest, automatic way to feed ur plants their co2.

my question is how often do u shake ur bottles to make sure the reaction is still going well?
The bottom line on CO2 is if it is done properly, you will shit yourself at the difference.

Human breath contains a shitload of CO2 so sleep with your biitches if possible. I am serious.

To do it right you need a CO2 controller/monitor and a CO2 solenoid regulator (I recommend the CAP PPM-3). That is all around $500.00. A CO2 tank is anywhere from FREE to $220.00 depending on the size (I use a 50 pounder - like a huge welders tank size for you novices - about 4 foot tall and heavy).

So to do it right you are looking at around $500.00-$700.00 as an investment. Nothing else is needed except for exhausting fans if needed (I do not exhaust my grow area of 10'x14'x7') and I use simple mechanical timers.

Exhausting is ONLY needed to bring down the HEAT and not to replenish fresh air as some have started to post or some are actually fucking up and wasting precious CO2.

You want to maintain around 1,200-1,500 Parts Per Million or PPM's of CO2 in the grow area. This is hard to do for a relatively sealed area so the CO2 is starting and stopping as the CO2 monitor sniffs the air.

Mother nature prodces 200-500 PPMs of CO2 naturally (the closer to a freeway the higher the readings).

Weed thrives at levels of CO2 between 1,200 and 1,500 PPMs. It also allows you to operate indoor at higher temperatures without stressing the plants (around 100 degrees).

Your nute and water uptakes will all be accellerated. Your flowering times will be accellerated as well by a few days thanks to the CO2. Expect increases of up to if not better than 30% in your yields easily.

CO2 is used ONLY during the lights-on cycle and not at night.

Do not inject CO2 into the soil as I have seen some stupid fuckers attempt.

CO2 can kill you by displacing oxygen and levels above 3,000++ PPMs will fuck you up.

Those are the big tips I can think of for Indoor CO2.

I have tried all the rest of the monkey ass shit out there (CO2 pucks, beer making, dry ice, baking soda and vinegar) and after you have "MacGivered" your ass to death, you end up spending what I said to do it right.

I hope that helps. bongsmilie
Cheers Chinga, you know you shit....Could you tell me would alcaselter or yeast and suger release the better amount of Co2 needed.