HELP! Made a rookie mistake!!


I need some advice. I fed my plants without checking the pH levels. Freaking stupid mistake that could cost me a grip. Spare me the obvious, what can I do to counteract this the best I can?

I've decided to research before I act on anything (like flushing)

BTW, this is in soil. First time feeding so I have no idea where the pH level usually falls.

What are my options?

  • Use lime or manure to help balance.
  • read the pH level of soil runoff and counter it with an appropriate pH balanced H20.
  • flush
  • wait and see what happens
  • cry


First time feeding what? What dirt is it in?
It shouldn't be an issues hows the plant look?
yo git sum pics!


New Member
read the ph then take the appropriate action ex:flush with water then refeed with what you should of done in the first place


Well-Known Member
Ive never ever read my PH of my nute mix or soil run off, period. If the plant aint showing any signs of distress then why u worrying! If it is showing signs of distress, then firstly get some pics, secondly, when ive over nuted in the past a flush has sorted everything out within 24-48hrs.

What soil u using?

What nutes u using?

How far into veg are you?


Hey guys, thanks for the quick response.

I'm using a 50/50 mix of Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Happy Frog.

I'm using Advanced Nutrients:

  • Micro
  • Grow
  • Bloom
  • Voodoo Juice
  • B-52
  • CalMag

They're clones that have been vegging between 1-3 weeks. If others have fed without balancing the pH then I might get lucky. I'll take some photos as soon as I get to the place.

Gotta buy a 3rd dehumidifier today too... yesterday the room peaked at 81% humidity... thanks to the rain

Thanks, I'll be reading the runoff ASAP and trying to balance it out.


New Member
just leave it alone chances i would bet is ph is in check dont do nothing next watering add your 1 or 2 ml of food per litre of water,
stir well then check your solution ph adjust accordingly soil 6.4 to 7.0 try for 6.8 ph that mj happy point of ph in soil

PS: if your still freaking out then make up a batch of the food you made and check ph that should tell you what ph you gave your plant
dont fret just correct next feeding

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Both Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Happy Frog contain buffers that help prevent extreme pH fluctuations. For peace of mind I would test the pH of the solution (identical proportions). Any solution that goes 5.7 or below may give you a reason for mild concern but it is doubtful that long term it would create pH lockout. They should be fine.


I just checked them out and they're all doing great!

Just to be sure, I tested the pH of the soil run-out and it read 6.8, definitely something I can live with.

I was sure I destroyed my crop. Got lucky this time. Thanks everybody for your help, I'll be sure to enforce some of the methods discussed to help balance the soil in a mild sort of way.

Grow on.


Active Member
I use Advanced Nutrients and have fond that they are pretty damn strong for young plants. how many ml per litre are you feeding? The bottles of sensi grow n bloom say 4ml per litre but if you feed that right off the bat you will fry the hell out of your plants.

I always start seedlings out at 0.5ml per litre and increase from there........not made it to 4ml per litre yet!!!