looking for new clone's


Active Member
anybody live in southwest M.I.with some for sale hit me up with a PM.lookin for new strain's and the fucker's just snatched my last order from attitude 8^( 317 dollar's out the window.i currently have LSD,white widow,and california hash plant so if you have any other strain let me know.thnx in advance.
just joined, 32 posts....
ha ha i have card and will smoke and trade with fellow card carrier's noid ass mofo's
chk me out on grasscity my buddy at the hydro shop told about this site cuz of the local section
DrFragenstein is my name on GC
fuck it, it only takes two weeks for attitude. i will be gettin guaranteed shippin this time for sure. 8^)
That is your best bet. Then you know for sure the genetics and won't risk bringing a mold spore or pest in your grow room.
All the guys a grow shop are just passing spider mites to each other...WTF?
anybody live in southwest M.I.with some for sale hit me up with a PM.lookin for new strain's and the fucker's just snatched my last order from attitude 8^( 317 dollar's out the window.i currently have LSD,white widow,and california hash plant so if you have any other strain let me know.thnx in advance.

Did you tell the seed co? I use a dfferent company out of the UK but they were cool as fuck when I contacted them; maybe they can resend it for you at a dscounted price or in my case (it was under 100 US) resend the whole thing free. I use http://www.marijuana-seeds.nl/index.html and recomend them to everyone. Hope it helps, hate to hear about being ripped off.
ya i did and they told me next time get guaranteed shipping, and they did say they would send em for a discounted price but damn i already paid once.i know it's not their fault and i do not blame the tude just sux learning a lesson that i should of already known.
ha ha i have card and will smoke and trade with fellow card carrier's noid ass mofo's
chk me out on grasscity my buddy at the hydro shop told about this site cuz of the local section
DrFragenstein is my name on GC

Nice you will fit in great in MI forums... just cry "grey area" and "its my right" a few times and you will be a mod in no time.
I've got some clone only "Lemon G" some Red Dragon, Sharks breath Original Amnesia and some Confidential Chesse clones ready ....
if ya watched the vid dick you would see a ww clone,got an E Z clone.tired of smokin same ol same ol.i buy seeds about every 6 mo.my plant's are beast because i alway's pop 10 beans of one strain and only keep the best of the best which your broke ass probably don't.seein if anybody else is on the level. flavor selection around here has dropped over night it feels like.every one's got ww,or gdp so no point in tradin med's with them.
Come on man, LSD seeds got you the widow cali hash promo's...
But yeah, I'm a broke ass, a broke ass running bulbs that cost more then your set up did..
You should think about your insults before you ask people to check out your low rent e-bay closet grow.
(I know I know thats your small personal grow box, your op is somewhere else)






One of these days you'll stop acting like you know it all and you'll start asking questions.