

Active Member
Hey man just took some of his JH x AO to a dispensary and they told him it had mildew and was only good for edibles. He's got a few other strains that we haven't had tested yet, so I'm not sure if we just lost our entire crop or not. Anything we can do?:sad:


Active Member
pry not alot to do to save those poor buds but...maybe invest in a dehumidifier for your flowing room and cure room. humidity should never be over 40% in ether area mentioned.. mold and mildew can ruin entier crops easily. its a huge danger for those in moist and humid areas like the pacific northwest.


Active Member
This was outdoors in SoCal.

pry not alot to do to save those poor buds but...maybe invest in a dehumidifier for your flowing room and cure room. humidity should never be over 40% in ether area mentioned.. mold and mildew can ruin entier crops easily. its a huge danger for those in moist and humid areas like the pacific northwest.


Well-Known Member
Dont he check his product before trying to vend the product ?

I mean fuk,its a simple task to look at the bud under a scope,mold & mildew show up clearly at the same magnification as the thichomes do.

Mold or mildew is easily seen next to the trichomes if the bud is infested,check your buds before vending next time,the club i use bans vendors who bring contaminated buds in to vend,no 2nd chances.

To answer your question yes,you most likely lost the crop,smoking a jibber or 2 from mildew bud wont f up most healthy people but smoking alot of tainted bud will make a healthy person sick,one joint smoked by the right sick person could knock them down & out,my wife would die if she used mildew bud.


Active Member
I'll guess he didn't. He's no "pro", just an old-timer who grew way too much this year and thought he'd see if a dispensary would buy it. Sounds like there's very little (I'll get more info asap), but *any* is obviously no good.