CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf


Well-Known Member
Thanks Zibra from HappyLand!

I'll be posting some new pics of my Royal dwarf this afternoon, as it is the only one that you can see a big difference in.

Also, I am going to be editing my LST method. Right now i am using stakes to train the my mother KC36. I am going to start using some hemp cord, and hole punch the side of my pot to train her. She is getting so big she just lifts the stakes out of the ground to get to the light. It's pretty funny, but im nervous that one of these days, her leaves are going to major burn because i was not there to hold her down.

What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Plants look great :D.. gl light proofing. Im sure its fine.
I guess it's my parinoid self thinking that the flowering girls should be showing me sex already, but I think it's just my inpatients that I need to contain. All the girls are looking healthy this morning. I'm also going to give them one or two weeks off of Monday MG feeding reg. I don't see them needing that much, as the soil still should have quite a bit in it.

Another question for you guys. My water pH going into watering is roughly 8.0, and it is still coming out at around 5.1. Should flush the soil or keep raising the pH going in? They plants show no signs of nutrient def as of now, but i don't want there to be issues once they start budding. Thots plz.


Well-Known Member
Overall, they look quite healthy. On the last pic of the newest set, I am seeing something that perhaps resembles nute burn, or an Mg deficiency. If you could get more pics of that plant, I could perhaps say for sure.


Well-Known Member
Overall, they look quite healthy. On the last pic of the newest set, I am seeing something that perhaps resembles nute burn, or an Mg deficiency. If you could get more pics of that plant, I could perhaps say for sure.
It's from my CFL's. It grew over one of the weekends into my CFL and it got a little burn. Still doing quite well.


Well-Known Member
Alright so here are some pictures of the Royal Dwarf and Mother KC36. I counted 13 bud sites on the Royal Dwarf, which is pretty awesome saying she is only about 6-7 inches tall. She responded really well to being transplanted and she shows no signs of being stunted for the past few days. She decided to grow some roots and continue to add to her bud! Makes me happy that she loves me so.

As I said earlier, the Kc36 mother was due for a re engineering of her LST system. As you will see in the pics, she is being held down by twine instead of stakes and it is making all the difference as to the height of her. Her leaves are pretty big so they love to stick up into the lights, which ends up getting burn. They are so clueless when they are young haha. Also, her branches are getting just about give enough for cloning. I am going to wait until they have 4 good set up leaves on them and then clone them. (will post pics of my bootleg setup). It should be in the next 2-3 days.


Age of both of these are : 24 days!

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Well-Known Member
I just checked the flowering girls. The tallest is a Girls!!!!!!!!:hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump: The second tallest appears to be a girl, but I will know for sure tomorrow.

I am so fucking happy. Makes all this fun even funner =)

Will post pics tomorrow, as I feel the hairs will be easier to see. :clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
Gratz for the girl ^_^

edit: are you still growing these in the rubbermaid?
Yes, I have one rubbermaid for veg (mother and royal dwarf) and another rubbermaid for flowering. I will be growing out of these for the next 8 months unless i figure out something with my closet. unlikely because of roommates.

Sooo as long as this grow goes good i will be sticking with the rubbermaids.


Active Member
Nice. I just ordered a 240 cfm pc fan (ac wired) so i can complete my flowering section. Gonna try and lightproof it by putting some carbon sheet/filter things on the fan. How did you light proof your intake/outtake?


Well-Known Member
Nice. I just ordered a 240 cfm pc fan (ac wired) so i can complete my flowering section. Gonna try and lightproof it by putting some carbon sheet/filter things on the fan. How did you light proof your intake/outtake?
I didn't. How i have it set up is, the containers parallel each other and the intake and outtake are almost butted up against a dresser, fridge and my wall. I think i posted it on my initial post. i actually just set up some black plastic bags that make a wall around my flowering container which is doing a much better job. Luckly CFL's aren't as powerful as HPS and dont penetrate through every little crack with enough lumens to grow something lol. I was thinking of making light traps for the fans, or putting a filter over the fans, but the heat inside of my containers is so high that i need every CFM i can get out of my fans, which means no obstructions.

Here is my intake fan - I think i'm going to have to install another intake because as my plants are getting bigger, they get in the way of the air flow. We will see though.

Can you post link of the fan you just ordered?


Active Member
Ya that's what i was worried about (too much obstruction). I did some modifying to my box and sealed up the openings where the fans stick out and then covered it with a lil light trap box but that cut down like more than half the circulation and the temp went up 6 or so. Im hoping this new fan will be powerful enough to have a small filter... not too thick, just enough to where light isn't bleeding out (so i can sleep and its not a glowing beacon to my closet). I know that won't kill the small but it should help a lil. I plan on buying a small air purifier with a built in carbon filter for my room once i start flowering. Between those two and some actually air fresheners i think the smell issue will be covered.

Heres the fan, this site is awesome and you can probably find whatever you need fan wise there.:

Here's a vid of a similar rated fan...