what in your opinion is the most lacking quality in this f&*#@% world today ?

what is the most lacking quality in this world with fellow people persons

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Well-Known Member
omg forbid if someone care about their family and kids before others lol r u serious mannnn bahahahahah i care about my fam and kids first before anybody straight up and if someone dont like it fuk'em :finger:
i think people have no compassion for anyone. everyone is so hateful and miserable, they only care about themselves & their dumb kids lol


Well-Known Member
you can till love somebody but not respect them you love and n
love fits under 7 of the other categories in my opinion
ot trust so im not sure if i agree with that but also how true is that love if you dont have those in tow also so its deff a toss up


Well-Known Member
I choose compassion and understanding... I think as a race humans lack both of these hugely... Not just as individuals but also by nations... With so many famines and all the pointless suffering in the world through war and oppression i would have no problem in saying that i am imbarreasssed to call my self a human being most of the time... Unless the suffering is right in front of our eyes then the vast majority do little or nothing to help... Although i genuinely believe as a species we are evolving into a more peaceful race and moving in the right direction, i feel this needs to happen much more quickly and that wont happen unless we all make small changes.... NOW


Well-Known Member
I picked Common sense, patience, and balls. Lol. A lot of people these days think they're so fucking smart, but they're really not, and a lot of people these days have no patience, they shouldn't have to wait cause the world revolves around them right? And people also have no BALLS. A lot of people are truly pussies but act like they're the shit. Like a few people have already said. Some people's egos are fucked up.


Well-Known Member
Common sense and the ability to think logically using deductive reasoning. People are F*&$*ng stupid!


Well-Known Member
This is my take on this poll... If more people had common sense a lot of the other problems would be solved! There are too many people voting that lack common sense.



Well-Known Member
I agree that commonsense is important and not exercised enough today. However Love is my biggest. Take whitey Joe and send him walking down into the ghetto of NY (black people's neighborhood). What will happen to whitey Joe? A. Curbstomp, B. Pistol Whip, C. Punched until Dead.
Or how about how the USA loves the oil of the middle east, but not the nations themselves that are on top of that oil? Love, is severely lacking everywhere. And i;m not talking about the love of a pimp for his ho's, I mean brotherly love
what in your opinion :confused: is the most lacked quality in us humans today personally i belive that if 50 % of this world had common sense wed be off pretty good. what are your thoughts and opinions ? :roll:

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