Into The Last Few Weeks


Well-Known Member
into the last few weeks before harvest, at this point my only concern is thieves i live in southern ontario the weather has been awesome..... how much further does anyone think they need. and i was wondering does every extra day longer waited make a big differnce in yield and potency. thanks



Well-Known Member
so how much more weight do you think they will pack on , i think they still have like 2- 3 more weeks, its been diamonds up here for weather man. supposed to be 23 tommorow (tuesday) and then later in the week were gonna have a few rainy days in a row.... i already lost one female to a ripper


Well-Known Member
Guess what N.r? Nobody wants to help someone who is a liar and a thief. In fact, I can't believe you are even posting. Those probably aren't even your plants. Are those the ones you stole or lied about? If they are yours, I hope you get every plant problem there is. You suck thief! Liar. Either one is as bad as the other.

haha faggot and now these are ones i grew, never stole anyones plants, i may be a liar on here but im not a thief.. btw being a liar on a growing forum doesn't seem so bad? for all we know fumble could be a kiddy porn molester and not just the weird old dude whose an upstanding citizen who also grows marijuana and hides in the shadows?..


Active Member
Honestly assbag, who gives a shit if you grew them or not. The fact that you are a LIAR and a THIEF still remains. The fact that you would make a thread about finding SOMEONE ELSE'S plants and should you steal them or not, puts you in the lowest of the low. YOU SUCK ASS! Then you try to come back and say you were only lying to get traffic on your thread. Probably trying to get people to like you after they saw what an ASSBAG you are. Let me repeat, YOU SUCK! So, you see, whether you stole someone else's hard work or lied about your own, an asshole maneuver is and asshole maneuver. And yeah, lying on a growing forum is stupid.

And again, since you can't seem to remember from my other responses that you didn't have the balls to respond back to, I am a GIRL!
shit that sum naughty move thinkin of pinchin somebody's crop. that is a cert way 2 get ur legs broken over in uk.


Well-Known Member
haha faggot and now these are ones i grew, never stole anyones plants, i may be a liar on here but im not a thief.. btw being a liar on a growing forum doesn't seem so bad? for all we know fumble could be a kiddy porn molester and not just the weird old dude whose an upstanding citizen who also grows marijuana and hides in the shadows?..
You just lost any hope of getting any real help!
so how much more weight do you think they will pack on , i think they still have like 2- 3 more weeks, its been diamonds up here for weather man. supposed to be 23 tommorow (tuesday) and then later in the week were gonna have a few rainy days in a row.... i already lost one female to a ripper
hey man i seen you were just looking for help and that person tried to start a flame war.. but id say if weather permits you still should let them mature another 2 weeks or 3 weeks, wait untill its just covered in sticky resin
btw those plants are lookin nice man, no matter what if you win or lose this season keep on growin!!! if you get ripped off this year you still built valuable xp points for next season and if you did get ripped off make your network tighter next year,,, one partner maximum and should be well off the beaten path.... several small plots of 1 or 2 plants can almost guarantee a harvest, dont put all your eggs in one basket.... i also like to believe in karma with things as little as leaving litter in the woods, leave a wrapper or bottle on the ground and mother nature might shit on your plants,.. just a thought


Well-Known Member
hey man i seen you were just looking for help and that person tried to start a flame war.. but id say if weather permits you still should let them mature another 2 weeks or 3 weeks, wait untill its just covered in sticky resin
Not trying to start anything, just finishing it. If N.R wants any kind of help, maybe he should change his name, because he wont get any help using that one. At least not from anyone who remembers him and what a liar and/or thief he is. Why would you give someone advice on how to care for and what the yield may be when the plants aren't even theirs to begin with? He just found someone else's girls and started a thread on whether he should steal them or not. And then come back and say he was only lying and they were really his, just trying to get people to his thread. Sounds more like covering his ass to get people to think he's not really a thief. Either way, the POS doesn't deserve any help.
Not trying to start anything, just finishing it. If N.R wants any kind of help, maybe he should change his name, because he wont get any help using that one. At least not from anyone who remembers him and what a liar and/or thief he is. Why would you give someone advice on how to care for and what the yield may be when the plants aren't even theirs to begin with? He just found someone else's girls and started a thread on whether he should steal them or not. And then come back and say he was only lying and they were really his, just trying to get people to his thread. Sounds more like covering his ass to get people to think he's not really a thief. Either way, the POS doesn't deserve any help.
thats one persons opinion, when did i say anything about yield?.....


Well-Known Member
thats one persons opinion, when did i say anything about yield?.....
I was referring to N.R's original thread. That was his ?? Basically, 'I thinking of stealing these girls that someone else worked their ass off for. How much do you think I'll get off them?' Then he says he was only lying and just trying to get traffic. His thread was closed by the mod's that be.

I do understand your pov bag.seed.farmer, but you didn't know the whole story. I hope this helps. I do not pick fights with people. I just thought people would want to know that they are helping someone who doesn't deserve it. If he wants respect of any kind, maybe he should try being real, truthful, and not a thief.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I didn't even look at them. I saw his name and that's all the info I needed. They may be nice looking plants, but I don't care. Maybe if he hadn't of come to this forum under the pretense of being a thief, and at the very least, a liar, it would be a different story. But that is my whole point... he should not be given advice on how to care for stolen plants.