I need to know before I grow..!!


Well-Known Member
Mornin everyone.. Gona be another Beautiful day in Michigan..!! :-) I'm tryin to understand the gun ownership thing & being a MMJ patient.. So any help or 1st hand experience would be great or any links related to this would be wonderful..

1st question..
I live at home with my Mom who's a gun owner.. She wants to get her MMJ card but is hesitating because of what's been said lately on the T.V. or as I call it "The Idiot Box"!! LoL..

2nd.. how does her being a gun owner affect me as far growing & possessing my MMJ.. Can I grow my own with no problems..?

3rd.. Is the state actually doing inspections of patient's grow's..? say the state pops in I'm growing my own meds, Mom's a non MMJ cardholder & gun owner.. But I'm all legit, MMJ cardholder non gun owner.. What would the state do or the law enforcement agency do..?

4th.. What's your input & advice guys? I'd hate to spend $1500 in grow equipment & be told I couldn't grow & have my shit ganked!!

Thanks Greg

Oh yeah.. Another thing o note..I'm just tryin to help get my Mom off all these F'N prescription painkillers these Dr.'S are givin her.. So I'm a Man on a mission to improve not only my own "Quality of Life" but to do the same for My Mom..!! Ya only have 1 Mom!!

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
Well I don't know all the details (or any of them for that matter), so hopefully someone with more answers will come after me. What I do know though is the state does not do inspections. They don't have the resources to check on everyone.

So it seems to me nothing has changed. You never been allowed to own a gun and do 'illicit' drugs. The ATF are feds, marijuana is a schedule 1 drug with no medicinal value to them. So you've never been allowed to smoke and own a gun, it's just now someone high up in the agency said something.


Well-Known Member
As far as I'm concerned, if the state issues a mmj card to a "gun owner" and the feds have a problem with it then they need to take it up with the state.

I'm not giving up right under the law to use medical cannabis and I'm not giving up my right under the second amendment to bear arms.

As long as you are within legal limits you don't have to worry about it. If you have 100 plants then you're up shit creek without a paddle.
I plan on owning a gun in the next few years. If Hoss can take his gun to a government building, or a public park, i think I can sit at home with one if i want to!


Well-Known Member
for certain-

to the man, if you grow, and possess a gun while doing so, you have committed a federal felony.
it also works with any other crime. think drunk driving, breaking and entering, trespassing, etc..

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
for certain-

to the man, if you grow, and possess a gun while doing so, you have committed a federal felony.
it also works with any other crime. think drunk driving, breaking and entering, trespassing, etc..
very clarifying point of vew. Thanks, its all bullshit but I can see their angle better now. Thanks murf


Well-Known Member
you bet-

keep in mind. in MI there are a LOT of people that hunt. they have been smoking and drinking in the woods for awhile now.

could you imagine the cops going to a place like pinconning and demanding all the drunk high ons surrender their guns?LOL


Well-Known Member
I saw a big piece in the news about how they wont be "targeting" gun owners AT all.. I cant find the article tho sorry. Basically said they wont be knocking doors of card holders (mmmp/ccw) or owners .

Now if you get raided and they find them . Thats where it becomes a little "grey"

for certain-

to the man, if you grow, and possess a gun while doing so, you have committed a federal felony.
it also works with any other crime. think drunk driving, breaking and entering, trespassing, etc..
Just to clarify, If you grow (gun or not) you are commiting a federal felony