Ancient Aliens.


Well-Known Member
what i would like to know is how are we so sure about it if most of the ancient myan, inca and aztec literature was burned by the conquistadores. HOw much knowledge was lost? No one will ever know


Well-Known Member
we've got plenty of literature from other cultures of that time that claim it thats pretty much the same across the board, im sure the north and south american culture origin myths were similar. Our ancestors have been known to make up stories and myths and legends and gods that are not true/real, over and over again, i dont see much point in trying to interpret it looking for ancient alien similarities, it would just more cherry picking of the ancient texts to find what they want to find if the ancient alien people had that additional info.


Well-Known Member
He thinks everythign is an alien or were aliens lol but its one of my fav shows
i think ole boy is awesome just cause of the fuckin hair and that tan. he says some outlandish shit, but he also sometimes says shit that makes alota sense. my fav is the old dude.

The first time I ever heard this show I was on my way to work early in the morning And He had I guy on the phone in a Private airplane going to fly into Area 51 at deck level to see "what the Hell is really going on out there" (redneck accient) I caught on when he was like 30 miles out And as he got closer he said he could see them manning the runway and they where trying to contact him and he turned the radio off. LOL ! He said "fukem we need to know what is really there and he doesn't care about being inercepted or shot down. As he was like 5 miles out he said he could see the planes taking off and the phone went dead and the show was over......... I got home to check the news for the story. LMFOL ! I then understood what "Coast to Coast" is all about.


Well-Known Member
if aliens came here means they are way more advanced than us so if they came here and said pluto was a planet back then...ima listen to the mother fuckers who can travel the universe like its nothin over what we think. so because some people said somethin that big isnt a planet means they're right? you cant blame aliens for us takin soo long to advance once they gave us the info and what good would have givin then saucers and shit done? so they can fly around for a little while till it runs outa fuel and it just sits there? they left the advancement to us they just pushed us in the right direction.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
we've got plenty of literature from other cultures of that time that claim it thats pretty much the same across the board, im sure the north and south american culture origin myths were similar. Our ancestors have been known to make up stories and myths and legends and gods that are not true/real, over and over again, i dont see much point in trying to interpret it looking for ancient alien similarities, it would just more cherry picking of the ancient texts to find what they want to find if the ancient alien people had that additional info.

Let me see if I understand you correctly. We have very similar stories/legends/"myths" about the "Gods" going back as far as civilization goes, from across the globe, from different cultures, some of which had no contact with each other. These "myths" were made up and were almost exact in every detail from culture to culture, that the gods had "powerful" weaponry, traveled from one place to another in an instant, flew across the skies, and descended from the "heavens". They either built, or directed us to erect monolithic structures, many of which would challenge our best technology, at a time when cavemen were walking the earth? And there is no need to try to interpret any of this?


Well-Known Member
maybe aliens are way older than us as in our existence as we know it, you back to 4.6bya... they probably started 1 billions years after the formation of the universe, who knows...

if aliens came here means they are way more advanced than us so if they came here and said pluto was a planet back then...ima listen to the mother fuckers who can travel the universe like its nothin over what we think. so because some people said somethin that big isnt a planet means they're right? you cant blame aliens for us takin soo long to advance once they gave us the info and what good would have givin then saucers and shit done? so they can fly around for a little while till it runs outa fuel and it just sits there? they left the advancement to us they just pushed us in the right direction.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
lol is there nothing you gullible lot wont believe ? gods , aliens , fairys and goblins lol

did i ever mention i have elfs at the bottom of my garden ? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Did i mention you have herpes in your ars!

Also, did they mention to you, you suck?

Also, you are fucking stupid, you still believe you are good at boxi! I think that outweighs all believers beliefs.


Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Yeah it's full of ideas that have no evidence. They snicker in the show when they think they have cornered religious people, but they are no better.
You've either not heard the evidence or choose to ignore the blatant facts.

Advance to 1:10:32 for evidence!


Well-Known Member
Hitler was an alien fanatic. He was searching for a UFO because he knew higher technologies existed. Aryian or however you spell it is supposed to be a TYPE OF ALIEN, thus Hitler believe Ayrian was the TRUE RACE/ DECENDANT to these tall blond aliens.

Nothing we see nowdays is new, has been done before.