Mayo and Dorito Sandwhiches?


Well-Known Member
lofl, when my bf is hungry and too lazy to make a sandwich (every night), he eats mustard on bread.

i've seen him eat mustard and a pretzel on a bun.

men r so lazy


Well-Known Member
is it laziness or efficiency? Does he eat it over the sink?
sometimes, other times on the couch. he never uses a plate though, sometimes a paper towel. it's half being efficient but half lazy. he would say he doesn't care enough to make something decent but i would never eat the stuff he eats. :)


Make french toast 2-6 slices depending on how much chronic is in your blood. Then make the same amount of fried eggs over medium. Fry up some bacon throw it all in the french toast and add just a lil drizzle of maple syrup. Dope tastic.


New Member
Half stick, or whole stick of butter...bag or two of lil marshmallow, melt til its all gooey and great...pop popcorn and pour over... mix it all up...awesome!