2nd Grow - Tangerine Dream.


Active Member
you shud jus start em up mate, better still jus do 1 along with something else. that way u can compare. cheers mate keep following. on flower day 6 :)

kevin murphy

New Member
yea mate when u post a reply there a film click picture press that mate and load pic from youtube or facebook or sumat and then it will loads pal..


Active Member
yea mate when u post a reply there a film click picture press that mate and load pic from youtube or facebook or sumat and then it will loads pal..
dont really want to put a vid of my tent on fb lol. what if i mad a fake profile n put the vid on there ??


Active Member
Here's a quick video of the tent/plants.


kevin murphy

New Member
nice vid update mate...1 tip up to u weather u do it or not...move the light as cloase as u can use hand test and put the fan blowing along top of canopy that way denser buds and not airy buds...imo...


Active Member
nice vid update mate...1 tip up to u weather u do it or not...move the light as cloase as u can use hand test and put the fan blowing along top of canopy that way denser buds and not airy buds...imo...
ok mate nice 1. the light is pretty close at the mo.


Active Member
the big fan leaves wer taken from around the middle or jus below but yes the smaller ones are from the bottom.

kevin murphy

New Member
then it might be ok mate keep eye on it for gettin worse if it does post leaves up and do a flush think it will be ok but better to be safe than sorry...


Active Member
I run soil and got a td goin now. I ph my nutes and water to 6 to 6.3 and they respond good. hope that helps. oh you need some ph down also, u can find it at your local grow shop. You put a couple drops in and your waters good.