a rich tradition of meth addiction???how the fuck did we mange that ya goddamn 'dusk till dawn' extra?lol, and when it come to wife beating u gotta try real good to mix it up with the muslims. bad hygene?????this from mexican, the only country that uses road kill for deoderant??? racism, c'mon man the fuckin coons got that game well sewn up. high schoool?? at lwast we got countrys with school, our education doesnt come from a catholic priest when he buggering our assholes??? day time talks show, well i'll agree that the presenters are white bud the audience is fat niggers doin paternity tests.....and they reason we goota yell is that you fuckers cant undestand proper english so it either shout or beat you....and as were payin for your family evening gruel and torttias stop complaining and move your lil spick ass faster...theres no fuckin siesta on my greenback time....btw , how s the grow goin esse?