Conservative Tea Party Candidate Leading the Polls


Well-Known Member
Full Zogby report here:

Wow, a Tea Party Conservative leading the polls. What will the MSM do if they don't get to pick the Republican candidate for us this year? They shoved McCain down our throats last year and the Republican fools nominated a progressive doormat and they have been trying to do the same thing this year with Romney.

The last thing the Dems want is a debate between Obama and his defeatist, anti-American, self-loathing liberal ramblings and a true American success story in the form of Herman Cain. Cain would destroy Obama, he has actual executive experience, doesn't tolerate over-privileged whiny little fucks and demands personal responsibility. So far, he's the only candidate that doesn't make me want to vote libertarian. And as an added bonus, he doesn't seem to be a religious zealot.

IBOPE Zogby Poll: Cain Expands Lead Over GOP Field & Leads Obama, 46%-44%

Obama Approval Steady at 41%

UTICA, NY--Herman Cain has opened up a 20 percentage point lead among likely Republican primary voters in the race for the Presidential nomination, and also holds a narrow lead among all likely voters over President Barack Obama.

Cains share of the GOP primary has jumped 10 percentage points since Sept. 26 and is now at 38%. Mitt Romney is second with 18%, followed by both Rick Perry and Ron Paul, at 12% each.

The Oct. 3-5 IBOPE Zogby interactive poll also matches Cain, Romney and Perry against Obama. Cain led Obama, 46%-44%, while Obama is one-point ahead of Romney, 41%-40%, and leads Perry, 45%-40%
As for President Barack Obama, both his job approval (41%) and the percentage who believe he deserves re-election (38%) are virtually unchanged from recent polls.

"IBOPE Zogby International conducted an online survey of 1,581 voters. A sampling of IBOPE Zogby International's online panel, which is representative of the adult population of the U.S., was invited to participate."

not even close.

"If your not rich its your fault" Herman Cain, not very tea party like philosophically, hes not libertarian at all, he doesn't even really pretend to be libertarian, he obviously doesn't get the liberty movement. Herman cain is the CORPORATE TEA PARTY CHOICE not the BOSTON TEA PARTY.

Why are you surprised that the corporate tea party candidate is leading the polls? Sarah Palin does it all the time and she doesn't want to really be president because it would limit her ability to work for corporate America in some sort of psyop against the people of this nation.

and enough with the cheap shots at Ron Paul - "Consistently at 9%" says UncleBuck.....Corporate establishment media can take their "polls" and shove it up their ass, Ron Paul wins every on-line poll by a wide margin for years. (and just an FYI Ron Paul won or placed 2nd in more official straw polls then herman cain, more then rick perry, more then Michelle bachman, more then any but corporate choice #1 Mitt Romney - Dr Paul also consistently polls #1 in hypothetical polls vs obama). Ron Paul is also the only one that doesn't take corporate money, the only pro humanitarian, the only veteran, the only doctor, and has the most experience.

The Ron Paul revolution was the tea party, The Occupy wall street is and will be a second Ron Paul least I hope(if thats not take over by
a....nd enough with the cheap shots at Ron Paul - "Consistently at 9%" says UncleBuck...

says a survey of all polls, actually.

how did your revolution do in 2008? 0.000325% of the vote, 40,000 out of 100+ million.

excuse me :sleep:
100+ million?!? I don't think your talking about the GOP , you better get your facts straight, you really think that many people voted in republican primary?
yeah no way a black man gets a republican nomination. flavor of the month........GF pizza's fuckn delicious tho, something about the cheese......
100+ million?!? I don't think your talking about the GOP , you better get your facts straight, you really think that many people voted in republican primary?

the general election is where those numbers come from.

so, out of all the voters, 99.999675% chose someone other than ron paul.

more people voted for alan keyes than ron paul :lol:

ron paul is garnering 9% against other GOP hopefuls. he has NO chance.

some revolution :sleep:
Not that it matter but,

Ron Paul 2008 Primary Results. The campaign was suspended in July so that would be why, those are write in votes,but still:

States Won: 0
States Second Place: 10
States Third Place: 17

Really doesn't mean shit, neither do the polls, MANY presidential races have been an upset, hes not really that big of an underdog...He has won the most finished second and first place in all straw polls but Florida, way better then Reagan did.

The polls don't show us much, the corporations show us what they want us to see, ignoring Ron Paul and smearing him to the best of their ability.

Why do you think the other candidates votes fluctuate soo much? because its people that don't really know the issues and will leave in 2 weeks for another candidate, secondly its because they drop some cash on some polls so all the sudden one day mitt romney gained 25% or something, MY ASS, something smells fishy about that.

Once a Ron Paul supporter Always a Ron Paul supporter because his position doesn't change.
But the phenomenon that may ultimately have done the most to propel Reagan's rise, and also to shape his presidency, was one that began in 1978. In that year, the conservative activist Howard Jarvis launched the first major, successful citizens' tax revolt in a generation by organizing an elaborate campaign behind Proposition 13, a referendum question on the California ballot rolling back property tax rates. At a time of slow economic growth and stagnating incomes, the revolt against taxes suddenly had a tremendous appeal. Proposition 13 passed easily, and a dozen other states passed similar referenda over the next several years. The tax revolt moved rapidly from local to national politics. Articulate popular economists such as George Gilder and Jude Wanniski created a new, inverted version of Keynesianism, which they called "supply-side" economics (to differentiate it from liberal Keynesianism, which emphasized consumer demand). By cutting tax rates (and offering particularly large cuts to wealthy people), the supply-siders claimed, government would encourage investment and help produce enough growth to generate higher total tax revenues. "There are always two tax rates that yield the same revenues," the economics writer Arthur B. Laffer liked to argue, explaining his briefly famous "Laffer curve." A lower rate could generate as much income for government as a higher one by stimulating growth and increasing taxable income. In 1979 Representative Jack Kemp of New York and Senator William Roth of Delaware proposed a 30-percent reduction in federal income tax rates, without suggesting that such a cut would require any significant reduction in government services. And in 1980 Ronald Reagan—who little more than a decade earlier had pushed the largest state tax increase in American history through the California legislature—accepted the advice of his campaign managers and made a major tax reduction one of the economic centerpieces of his presidential campaign.
Businessman Herman Cain now leads the race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, while former front-runner Rick Perry has dropped to third, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Wednesday.

Picking up some steam. Winning straw polls, winning debates, still plenty of time for the Herman Cain express to come off the tracks, but he's doing well at the moment.

I like the guy, been listening to him for years as a guest on various radio talk shows, consistant message, unapologetic conservative and has a bit of business sense rattling around in his head.

Don't like his positions on abortion, legalization, gay marriage and a few others, but I'm never gonna get that packaged with a fiscal conservative anyways. Here's a link to a page with a pretty good breakdown of his positions. Judge for yourself, yes we know the libs won't like any of it, goes without saying.
Don't like his positions on abortion, legalization, gay marriage and a few others, but I'm never gonna get that packaged with a fiscal conservative anyways.
Uh yeah...Ron Paul....

Herman Cain is the fucking FED hitman sent to take us out, Im sick and tired of him being called "bussinessman" hes the fucking enemy of the people so just say it like it is 'FED HITMAN'
Uh yeah...Ron Paul....

Herman Cain is the fucking FED hitman sent to take us out, Im sick and tired of him being called "bussinessman" hes the fucking enemy of the people so just say it like it is 'FED HITMAN'

I feel your pain deprave. I like Ron Paul and I like his positions on almost everything. The sad truth is he's never going to get the nomination as a Republican because he's a libertarian. Always has, always will be. The religous zealots that populate the Republican Party will not tolerate him and his positions on abortion, legalization and so many others. He has as detractors, the religous right, the libs, the MSM and the GOP... they are all working to marginalize him and so far they have been extremely successful.

He can run as an Independent, but he'll be lucky to put up Perot numbers. Which the Dems would love as it would hand Obama a second term.
so instead you support the FEDs hitman? Can't beat them so join em?
You going to get a bar-code tattoo next?


i like huntsman's line about the 999 plan:

"i thought it was the price of a pizza"

i loved cain's oh-so-brilliant rebuttal to factual analysis about his plan's shortfalls:

"the problem with that analysis is that it is wrong"

Cains exscuses for everything...and always turns out to be illegitimate just dodging the FACTS, People just seem to take him for his word?

"uhhhh uhh...what I meant to say was..."

"but but but thats not true"

"well what had happened was..I was taking out of context...first I never said that"