Very weak stem :(


Hey guys, newbie here, i have 8 seedlings in 1x1 rockwool cubes.

On a 12/12 cycle, feeding everyday, in a propagator unit. Its been in there for 10 days now and 3 of the 8 have bent over. I have them stabilised with a cotton bud (with the cotton off of course) but i just wanted to know why this was, how could i fix this, and also if a fn blowing on the propagator would help and how?

Oh yh, the ones which are falling over are about 5inches long.



New Member
you're supposed to have an oscillating fan blowing on them 24/7. Also post a picture, they could be stretched out too


Okay thanks for the responses, what i have done is 1. Cut up some straw and placed it next to the ones which are tilting for stability. 2. Placed a fan on them for a hour a day.

I cannot repot them as they are in rockwool cubes and are still in the propagation unit. So when i do have the fan blowing i take the lid off. Or do you think i should let the fan blow for longer and keep the lid off?


Also, my light (250 envirolight) ,is approx 15cm away from the prop unit, so they cant be searching for light.


Well-Known Member
pics so we can see wtf you are talking about...1x1" rockwool cubes are TINY...what are these going in? Hydro? Soil? GIVE US MORE INFO MAN!! :D And why 12/12? Doing 12/12 from seed?


Active Member
your light cycyle is wrong wrong wrong....i do 24hrs of light the first two weeks after seedlings begin to sprout. at the least your light cycle should be 18 on 6 off but i would recomend 20 on 4 off or just the straight 24 on like i do...also.. you may need to bump that light a lil tit bit closer.. another tip id have to give is if your not using femenized seeds then the males tend to be the ones who strech out early..not always a fact but it may be somthing to consider. it sounds like your lil ladys are big enuff to be replanted in there new home...if u leave them in a propergator too long then roots can become tangled up and thats a headach u rly dont wana have. if you are planting in soil then emerge the whole stem of the plant under the dirt leaving just the leafs above the base of your soil the stems will actualy turn into roots if put underground at this young age...thats a lil trick i use to keep my ladys short and thick. sience your new to growing i gota say also do your homework brush up on light cycles, watering properly, feeding all about organics but whatever works for you.. im also a true believer in supercroping so scope that out too. good luck kid. youll need it.


Okay, erm, well basically im 12/12 from seed as i have seen on a thread on riu.

No pics as iphone cam is totally screwed.

Yeah they are going into hydro. I bought a total kit including everything such as tds and ph meter, h&g nuts, carbon filter, 600w light etc

They are not stretching but instead tilting over, hence why i've got the straw next to the stem to help with stability.

Reason why they are in 1x1 is because the guide i got from my hydro shop states that they should be in 1x1 until roots poke out then transfer to 3x3 then place into my flood and drain system.

Also seeds are feminised big buddha blue cheese :)


your light cycyle is wrong wrong wrong....i do 24hrs of light the first two weeks after seedlings begin to sprout. at the least your light cycle should be 18 on 6 off but i would recomend 20 on 4 off or just the straight 24 on like i do...also.. you may need to bump that light a lil tit bit closer.. another tip id have to give is if your not using femenized seeds then the males tend to be the ones who strech out early..not always a fact but it may be somthing to consider. it sounds like your lil ladys are big enuff to be replanted in there new home...if u leave them in a propergator too long then roots can become tangled up and thats a headach u rly dont wana have. if you are planting in soil then emerge the whole stem of the plant under the dirt leaving just the leafs above the base of your soil the stems will actualy turn into roots if put underground at this young age...thats a lil trick i use to keep my ladys short and thick. sience your new to growing i gota say also do your homework brush up on light cycles, watering properly, feeding all about organics but whatever works for you.. im also a true believer in supercroping so scope that out too. good luck kid. youll need it.
check it out (12/12 thread)


Active Member
ive noted the 12/12 from seed concept and i think its..well retarted. to optimize growth a seeding should have as i said a 24 on, 20/4 cycyle or 18/6 cycle thats just a fact. now when growing a pure sativa or sativa dominant strain you wana go 12/12 as soon as your seeds or clones have rooted if and only if you have concers about space i.e your plant being too tall or close to the light to finish without getting burned...there are alot of misconcepts about the production of cannabis.. the 12/12 from seed is certanlty one of them. you will never hear about 12/12 from seed from any pro or experienced recreational grower. i believe a good veg time of at least a month is critical to the welll being of the end product. also bigger plants produce more buds in the end... your a brave man just to jump into growing hydro. soil is alot easier and more forgiving for the imenant mistakes of a new grower. your plants are pry killing over due to a weak root system directly resulting from your inefficent light cycle. you may not like it you may not like me. but the truth is you need to chang the light cycle


Well-Known Member
12/12 from seed and your plants look weak?

You don't say... I've always been curious about that myself. The thread of that 12/12 seed guy you pointed out is interesting. He does get some immensely fat mini-lolli-poppers that way. I can see how you got enticed to try it.

If you're just getting started or have very little grow experience, I would get some successful grows with the conventional methods under my belt before trying anything weird thats someone else is doing.


ive noted the 12/12 from seed concept and i think its..well retarted. to optimize growth a seeding should have as i said a 24 on, 20/4 cycyle or 18/6 cycle thats just a fact. now when growing a pure sativa or sativa dominant strain you wana go 12/12 as soon as your seeds or clones have rooted if and only if you have concers about space i.e your plant being too tall or close to the light to finish without getting burned...there are alot of misconcepts about the production of cannabis.. the 12/12 from seed is certanlty one of them. you will never hear about 12/12 from seed from any pro or experienced recreational grower. i believe a good veg time of at least a month is critical to the welll being of the end product. also bigger plants produce more buds in the end... your a brave man just to jump into growing hydro. soil is alot easier and more forgiving for the imenant mistakes of a new grower. your plants are pry killing over due to a weak root system directly resulting from your inefficent light cycle. you may not like it you may not like me. but the truth is you need to chang the light cycle
Hi mate, thanks for your response, but the stems are now strong :)

What i did was attach a straw which i trimmed and had my fan blowing on it for a couple hours when the light was on to strengthen them.

From my research hydro was quite easy and as all my friends also do hydro none have had any problems or referred me to go soil. I bought a system with everything needed and more. Also i dont have the space for soil if you know what i mean. lol

Growth of the seedlings are happening rapidly, and hopefully by the end of the week i'll have some pics.

You gotta take risks man, thats how we learn. If i fuck up, ill try again.

Optimism, not pessimism is how i work. If they say the stoves hot, imma touch just to make sure! lol


also i dont know if any of you could advise me but i have 4 seedlings growing strong and healthy and another 4 looking like its has a nitrogen deficiency (yellowing of stem, stunted growth)

I have only recently started using grow a (i know, i knw, i shouldve been using a & b) with b, whereas before (for 10 days) i was only used grow b by itself. Now this is the weird part, if 4 of them have a n deficiency why do the others dont? They have all been treated the exact way, getting the exact same light as the others, fed the same etc, but its only 4 of them with it.

Any feedback would be appreciated.
Great philosiphy man, Im currently on my first grow and Im being a little paranoid about my setup. How soon does the oscillating fan become crucial?

daniel cardenas

Active Member
you can go to a arts and craft store ore even walmart at sewing section where they have dryed flowers and stuff and get a couple of dryed bamboo shoots they come in diff. sizes you will prob. have to stick the bamboo next too stem and tie with bread twist ties( very loosly so it can move a little.) tie in 2 or more spots and you should be ok.


Great philosiphy man, Im currently on my first grow and Im being a little paranoid about my setup. How soon does the oscillating fan become crucial?
To be honest, i dont know, but when i do my 2nd one, im gonna start using the fan as soon as i see some green. lol