///need help please!


Active Member
hey guys im about to start growing my first batch of marijuana (2 feminized blue widow plants) and i basically need to know everything :( heres what i plan to do : grow room will be a 2 door closet usinng the bar across that holds jackets to hang 1 1000w metal halide lamp or bulb. after germinating the seeds i plan to wait 3 weeks before transferring them to 5 gal buckets. im also going to hang an oscillating fan in the closet to move the air and plants around a bit. is all this ok? how can i vent the closet? its a rented apartment and i cant drill holes in the wall and for 2 plants i dont want to spend too much money. any ideas or help is greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
w/ a 1000 watt light, you are going to need real ventalation. can you remove a door and replace it w/ something that you can put holes in? then when you leave,put the orignal door back?


Active Member
what if i use a dimmer bulb like a 600w or 400 w? what do i need to mount the bulb? im not very good with wires etc thnx for any replies!


Well-Known Member
buy a reflector hood for the bulb, all the fittings come with it, u can get cheap one, get two light rollers that allow the bulb to be moved up and down easily. as madcow says that 1000watter is gonna pump out a fuckin helluva heat so either get a real good fan or go for a smaller bulb and ballast, 400w is more than enuff. heres a link to site that'll show you what i mean. btw its a british firm but u can get the same anywhere.


Active Member
thnx alot im in ireland and i already found an irish site that will deliver, can i just buy a bulb or do i need a ballast? (what is a ballast exactly?)


Active Member
You need patience. Wait a few days and gather some feedback from experienced growers before making a purchase. It's going to be a good 4 months if not more before you smoke your first harvest.

What are the dimensions of your closet? How much weed do you want to harvest? What are your plans for ventilation? (LOL@ I can't cut any holes, but I need to vent my closet... no offense, you'd be surprised how many times I've read that) Best bet is to get a second door that you can mutilate for ventilation, but if you can't vent your closet, then you'll have to find a more suitable place to grow.


Active Member
ok solid answers i guess, ill take some pics of the wardrobe , having the doors open before the smelly stage is fine after that i ddont know what ill do really . i hope to grow 2 plants and thats it an i like them to get pretty big about 3-4 feet if possible. ill be back with pics soon enough thnx for feedback!


Well-Known Member
the ballast is an electriacl item that u need to get your hid bulb working, they cant work without them. the light needs a big jolt of power to get it running and this done with the ballast, the bulbs have a different fitting as well so u cant just put them into standard house fittings. here a wiki link that'll explain better.
getting plants 3-4 feet tall is easy and my advice is get a 400 or 600 watter, 1000 is way to big and will create problems and expense for no good reason. best of luck mate.


Active Member
thanks man really good advice im terrible with wires and stuff aswell so i guess i shoul find out how to wire the lights before i go ordering them! heres some pics of the wardrobe i hope to use


Well-Known Member
ok, buy a 400watt or even a 250, anything else is a total waste of cash and will cause you endless problem. even a 400 maybe be too much in there, in fact i can almost garauntee it. ur stll gonna need to cut air vents. its a good ize for two plants or even a scrog. what about smell, have u got neighbours? will anyone be visiting? coz the shit can get lethal halfway thru flower and people WILL notice, dont be kidded.


Active Member
hey m8 thnx again for all your help appreciate it! right as i sai i can leave the doors open if nee be for air and ill get a fan as for smell are there any cheap ways to mask it? i dont get too many visitors who would care if they knew and hopefully i can mask the smell somehow anyway... what about sprreading coffee around the wardrobe during flowering? also theres a radiator (gas heating) right beside the wardrobe for temp control. your suggesting a 250w halide bulb then? an if so will that do me for all stages of growth? cheers again for all your help!

btw (im showing my noobness i know) whats a "SCROG"? :P


Well-Known Member
that radiator will cause problem for your temps, turn it off. the only way to get rid of the smell altogether is a carbon filter, it also reduces the heat build up. u can get small easily fitted kit for around £60.other than that you'll need to mask it with air-fresheners, the best is called 'ona gel' bout £15. the bulbyour wanting isa 250watt hps dual spectrum bout £20 if that, and a 250 watt ballast to go with it, proabably around £60 with reflector. try e-bay or Greens Horticultue. u'll need a clip fan as well and some odds and ends like pots , trays, thermometer etc.type in grow tents on e-bay and have a look.
scrog is 'screen of green', u put chicken wire over your plants and they poke there way thru, very handy if u got limited room but you need more plants as each individual plant doesnt produce the same amount of bud.


Active Member
ok so say i want to put 3 plants in there since if im gonn do 2 and i have room for 3 i might aswell do 3 will that bulb be enough for all 3? and is there a certain type of ballast i need? also the carbon filter is it electric yeah? thanks again man also will a regular cheap timer bough from say homebasr or B&Q work with the bulb and ballast?


Well-Known Member
Since your growing in a closet why not use CFL's that way you won't have to worry about venting the heat. I grow with them and they work well for small grows.


Well-Known Member
yes mate that would be fine although like bullwinkle says if ur only wanting 5 oz from 3 plants the cfl's(compact fluorescent light, strip light in other words) are a definite choice for you, they will never compete with HID bulbs for light intensity but produce virtually no heat, this means u can get the lights about 2" away from the plants and prevents them stretching, they cost pennies to run as well. yes the fan is electric and can be quite noisy, you don't really want it in your bedroom.heres a link-