Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


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These were taken today. Im pretty sure there ready to harvest now but I cant do it until next weekend.
The one that I cut all the rot off of last week has more on it today. I would love to be able to chop them now but my wife dosnt know about it, and theres just no way I could find the time.
As you can see, there some seriouse purple happening.
Let me know what you guys think. Would another week hurt?

Find the time bro they look done to me...:clap::clap: Good job bringing those to the finish line... I know brother hic would be proud....


Well-Known Member
It really sucks that hic cant see this. Maybe he will be back here some day.
I might try and do a partial harvest on monday. How much damage could letting them go a extra week do?
Getting them out of this spot and home isnt easy during the week


Active Member
View attachment 1824848View attachment 1824847View attachment 1824852View attachment 1824854View attachment 1824855View attachment 1824856View attachment 1824857

These were taken today. Im pretty sure there ready to harvest now but I cant do it until next weekend.
The one that I cut all the rot off of last week has more on it today. I would love to be able to chop them now but my wife dosnt know about it, and theres just no way I could find the time.
As you can see, there some seriouse purple happening.
Let me know what you guys think. Would another week hurt?
James- You can see how fast the rot spreads once it starts. If you don't cut the one with rot you will probably lose most of it in another week.


Active Member
I clipped this off today. It looked like it was starting to rot and have a little mold. I couldnt get the microscope on it to good "need battery for the light". I screwed with the wifes SLR for like an hour trying to figure out how to take a CLEAR closeup. It looks like it was dying but it looked like a bunch of trichomes and not mold. The leaves were turning dark green.

I propped the green bud behind it to prop it up for the picture. That was what I cut out with it. The grey was at the bottom of the green one before I cut it/


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, what have I gotten myself into.
It took me 4 hours just to take down two plants. All I did was strip the fan leaves, trim out moldy spots and take it home and hang it up.
I have 13 more to go. The amount of space this stuff is taking up has me a little concerned. I have the room but paranioa is high. I never thought they would all make it to harvest. Everyone said to expect to have losses along the way but they all made it and now I litterally have more then I know what to do with.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
way to go james:bigjoint:
If you run out of room Ill take some off your hands I have plenty of room do to my lack of attention this year:dunce:


Well-Known Member
Took four more down today. Im just trimming the fan leaves and the bigger ones around the bud. All the other leaves will be left on while it dries and cures. Its not how I want to do it but its all I can do right now. I will manicure it when I get laid off for the winter.


Active Member
Had the wife clip a small early sample last night for me. Will check it out this weekend. I didn't take the picture so I don't have a very good closeup. The black on the right is electrical tape that I used to mark where I wanted her to cut it for me.
Hopefully no mold when I get up there this weekend.

I was planning on getting some safers or serenade fungicide if I can find it. The weather is getting back to normal. Rain and highs in the mid to low 50's. Trying to hold out until the end of the month. Any suggestions on application?



Well-Known Member
The stuff I clipped early actually turned out pretty good.

Its supposed to rain the next two days. I cant get the rest down today so im gonna do it in the rain tomorrow. Ill just have to get it hung up and drying asap.
100211171628.jpg100211171231.jpgTwo larger plants one smaller planted later in the season just for experimental reasons, this is my first grow start to finish. Located a hour or three from Detroit ;). Lemmeknow what ya think? Maybe post a lil' som' som' in thread in my sig.


Well-Known Member
I chopped the rest of them down this morning. Ive been trimming all day and barely made a dent. Im not even fucking with the sugar leaves and its still taking forever.
What do I do if I cant get it trimmed before its ready too jar? Can I just jar it leaves and all?
Im not worried about the sugar leaves. I planned on leaving them on for now. Its all the non sugar leaves sticking out of the bud im worried about.


Active Member
I chopped the rest of them down this morning. Ive been trimming all day and barely made a dent. Im not even fucking with the sugar leaves and its still taking forever.
What do I do if I cant get it trimmed before its ready too jar? Can I just jar it leaves and all?
Im not worried about the sugar leaves. I planned on leaving them on for now. Its all the non sugar leaves sticking out of the bud im worried about.
Now I know why they make those bud trimming machines. Just a couple of plants is quite a lot of work. Can you get help from some trusted friends?


Well-Known Member
dude yeah jar it up with the trim on it. i do it sometimes and just trim when i have more time.