Well-Known Member
Fight nature with nature. Buy predatory mite eggs and release them in your garden they will eat all of the spider mites and then when there are none left they will eat eachother. !!!
Dude. lady bugs are way cool, but they are typically overtaxed for the job.
Predatory mites are the way to go.. Mites have tendency to build immunities to all those sprays. Or even Preying mantis all which you can order online and have the eggs delivered to your house.You just need enough lady bugs to do the job.
Predatory mites will do the job too.
Fight nature with nature. Buy predatory mite eggs and release them in your garden they will eat all of the spider mites and then when there are none left they will eat eachother. !!!
You just need enough lady bugs to do the job.
Predatory mites will do the job too.
Yo BH,
Very astute natural answer. Preditory insects are the bomb. Using them, however, needs a little forethought.
I love lady bugs, I love mantices; I have not used preditory mites to date.
As I have warned before: "If one plans on using caliclean, clear you love bugs off first."
When most people look in on my articles or recipes, they are usually in trouble - as the infestation has taken hold. The avearge person is like: "Oh crap, My plants are full of holes and dying! What can I do?" By then, its almost too late.
The best medicine is always preventitive medicine. Lady bugs all the time (in season) is a great preventitive weapon, unless they die from lack of food. The same with mantices. You can deploy them, but if there are no mite or insects for prey, they will split or die. Conversely, if one has an infesation, its usually to late for the bugs to handle the burden alone, though they help afterwards in mopping up the reminants - if any.
I like lady bugs two weeks after the spray to keep the hatching eggs and baby mites down in numbers. The sad fact is: once a room has mites it is very difficult to completely rid the environment of mites. Its almost better to slash and burn and start again with pure stock. But who wants to kill full grown plants?
Its usually a matter of control once they come to visit. Only the diligent get rid of all of them, and the lady bugs do help afters.
Nice feedback! Thank you for your all natural approach.
My best,
Howdy BT!
True. Good advice! Lots.
However, if the leaves are wilting and the white spots and yellow edged leaves are all the way to the top, one needs to blast the majority into Hades, before the plant succums to the vampire sucking.
Thanks for that!
I study all the time. I am scientifically trianed. I experiment continuously. I breed and clone. I have grown out doors and indoors. My first bumper crop was when I was 17 years old - 30 years ago(when good opiated Thai-stick was common in California. I have been doing this jazz a while).
Know the law. It shall empower and protect you.
The best time to spray is during the Light Cycle early. Not overnight. The cleaner should go on and evaporate quickly, and the fans and direct light help dry the leaves. As the spray drys on the leaves the solution concentrates. As you are supposed to wash your leaves (during either an 18 hour light cycle vegitative, or 12 hour light cycle flowering, you want your leaves dry by the time the lights and heat go out. All experienced growers know that wet leaves in the dark may be hit by mold. DO NOT COMPOUND YOU PROBLEMS with weak plants that are subseptible to illness.
Think of your plant as a dog that has a terminal case of fleas. The fleas suck so much blood that even a minor illness in another area can kill the host. Your plants have open sores where the mites have fed. The day after the spray is for leaf healing, allowing the wounds to close. BEWARE.
Caliclean will harm your precious ladybugs. Do not release the beetles till you have control - a few mites only - if any.
Your temps. seem nominal. However, the colder the better. 68 is the low end of the gradient, where growth is still viable but slow. In a sence you are putting your plants in a micro hibernation cycle, while they heal. Mites are like lizards, temp contols their activity. If they don't move fast they are eaiser to get - and can't run and hide in the leaf buds and inside the flowers - stuck in the proverbial tar pit of pepper spray.
Yes "Piggmies on the shoulders of giants..." is one of my favorite Einstien quotes. Here is another good one: "God does not play dice." Thus, neither should you trust luck to cure your plants. Use scientific affirmative action. Use the Universal laws and physics to treat your plant "matter."
One may use caliclean right up to the day before harvest; just rinse well and dry. Though if you catch them a week before harvest (god forbid) you should not have to spray at all at harvest. Now that you've had mites you know how to deal with them the next growth cycle and to keep you kids clean before flowering. CALICLEANER works best during the vegitative state and should be used prior to the flowering cycle to assure that no mite will move in on the new growth, when and where they are harder to treat.
Well done for sticking with this thread CB. If I ever got the amount of grief you seem to get (for no apparent reason), I would have been off long ago!
Nice man, i have a couple books on constitutional law that i read a couple years ago...time for a refresh i think :]
again great info, i love learning new things! Ill definitely not spray at night, makes sense to me
I tried out the caliclean and it works great, i made an extra potent batch in which i left the remains of what was separated out and jarred it with 8ozs of the normal spray.. we will see if i need it this strong!
So far it is killing everything with no movement... i'm convinced!
This is definitely my new multipurpose spray ^_^
P.S I was referring to Issac Newton but many have rephrased the quote. I believe it's of Nordic lineage if you wanna go that far back, same message throughout.
[FONT=arial,helvetica]"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." [/FONT]
Einstein is a great scholar but could have discovered far more than he put effort toward. Some of what he has proven to be scientific law is in actuality wrong, so hes not my favorite![]()
its a nordic quote (common phrase in iceland anyway)
its bit off, one does not stand upon the shoulders of giants, one stands on the shoulders of millions of people, a few of whom are bit more noticable than the rest.
got anything for soft scales?
cool thread dude!-
as i have a bit of experience with the mighty borg, i would like to chime in.
more than likely this is the missing ingredient in my "solution". i make ionized water, using the low ph side i then mix 5mL lemon juice, and about 1.5 mL dishsoap(for viscosity amendment) per gallon. it works well. it makes the mites explode. literally. it also kills the majority of eggs, turning them a milky white color.
i don't use hoods, so the bit of uv does burn the plants if applied under full power. mimicking a rainy day as suggested is what i do as well. the combination of the low ph water and reduced light cycle have a secret added benefit as well.
i can see where the added benefit of the pepper oils disruption of feeding would make my potion much stronger.
Hi sso!
Thanks for that added input.
Might you eleborate on your question please for the forum?
Why have I not been in here.. Not sure if it has been POSTED.. but this should have been on post # 2 w/ thread closed after.
You can cry about spending money... or having to order it.. or not being able to make some Home Made Version but that is life for you. The Haters Gon' Hate... Mighty Wash is FTW.