Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
Dear mr Heisenberg, I kinda knew where you were going for one moment, but then just a moment later I had realized that in the following illustration, you are the guy on the right, and I am on the left. Look how I a laugh right now!

Again, if God is 'common sense' right in front of us, then why can't you give any legit answers to those who seek him? Why do you need to rely on tricks and insults? Why does a thread full of people seeking answers 'blow'? Isn't it exciting to see so many trying to find god? Perhaps what blows is that we are not gullible and can easily point out the areas that you are. It seems you have been singing this song and dance all day. You're brain can construct a scenario where everyone else is stupid and does not see God right in front of them, but your brain forgets, you can't point to him either.


Well-Known Member
Atheism is the lack of belief in god or gods. Someone that claims that god does not exist is also an atheist, usually referred to as a strong or explicit atheist. They would be required to make their case however since it is the belief in the non-existence of something, the cumulative lack of evidence for god or gods can be used inductively to support their argument without presenting positive evidence. One point you also need to consider is that the strong atheist does not need to make a claim. They can hold a personal belief that there aren't any gods but for sake of argument, merely reject the claim of the theist.
It is much easier to deny the existence of specific gods with specific traits and characteristics than it is to deny the existence of any type of god imaginable. For example, any god with the characteristic of omnipotence defies logic and can safely be rejected.

So then a religious person does not need any evidence because they can rely on an atheists (who claims god does not exist) lack of evidence. It will go back and forth forever lol.


Well-Known Member
They have Numbers..Statistics.. Proving, Showing you.. Our worlds most Brilliant Minds who ACTUALLY CHANGE THINGS.. not just giving a bum a few dollars.. They invent the Future for us.. So yes, Religious people can be smart & good.. but THEY OBVIOUSLY do not take their CURIOSITY a step Further like the rest of humanity who tries to progress..

I am not saying that, I am saying FOR CERTAIN that most Religious people, do not Strive to reach their TRUE POTENTIAL due to a false belief in confort of knowing the alknowing. "God" The Studies Alone, Show that God believing Scientists, could have had MORE POTENTIAL had they not stopped persueing the REAL ANSWERS, rahter than using "God" as one.
I do question my world. I have questioned my world so much it led me to religion. And you can't say every religious person can't reach their potential, :).


Active Member
CAN BE. BUT THEY ARE NOT. Fact, because once they come upon a question they are baffled by.. They use "God" as an answer & seek it no further. It has happened over & over.. Einstien stopped studying certain unknowns because he believe in a "God" & where EINSTIEN left off and Technically GAVE UP.. another scientist who did not answer the Question with "God" figured it out & furthered Einstiens studies. It happens all the time over & over in history.. Great minds stop when they accept "God" as an answer for the UNKNOWN. GOD being used as a place for what is UNKNOWN WILL ONLY HOLD YOU BACK. QUESTION YOUR WORLD

So yes RELIGIOUS PEOPLE DO GOOD THINGS.. But out Greatest Accomplishments to explain our way of life till this day.. You can thank people who Questioned God, who did not just accept it so easily. Great minds do not stop @ god.
people who believe in God knows things on earth is vanity, therefore choose to not go any farther if they want to aint no big deal and the last i checked you was praising some Allah, hypocrite


Well-Known Member
CAN BE. BUT THEY ARE NOT. Fact, because once they come upon a question they are baffled by.. They use "God" as an answer & seek it no further. It has happened over & over.. Einstien stopped studying certain unknowns because he believe in a "God" & where EINSTIEN left off and Technically GAVE UP.. another scientist who did not answer the Question with "God" figured it out & furthered Einstiens studies. It happens all the time over & over in history.. Great minds stop when they accept "God" as an answer for the UNKNOWN. GOD being used as a place for what is UNKNOWN WILL ONLY HOLD YOU BACK. QUESTION YOUR WORLD

So yes RELIGIOUS PEOPLE DO GOOD THINGS.. But out Greatest Accomplishments to explain our way of life till this day.. You can thank people who Questioned God, who did not just accept it so easily. Great minds do not stop @ god.
I call shenanigans.
Einstein didn't stop anything because of his beliefs. Being uncomfortable with the probabilistic nature of the quantum world was certainly unsettling to him but I have seen no evidence that it prevented him from working on the TOE. Another reason is that Einstein's god was Spinoza's god, nature itself. He did not believe in the Jewish god or any type of supernatural entity.


Well-Known Member
*l* ...there's an actual debate somewhere in time about wool and cotton as a symbol of chosen poverty. I believe it still exists today.
Well these are what I wear everyday. Tshirts, Jeans, a hat (probably cotton too) and this jacket.

And I don't mind being poor. I don't believe the world is about money. I know I need money to fulfill everything I want to.
But even when I get money, it will be being used to rid the need of money in large groups of people.


Well-Known Member
So yes, Religious people can be smart & good.. but THEY OBVIOUSLY do not take their CURIOSITY a step Further like the rest of humanity who tries to progress..
That's the only part of your statement that slightly bothers me. Some religious people are "smart & good" and they do "take their curiosity a step further", you are referring to the close minded religious people. Please raw, show me the numbers and statistics. I'm not saying your statistics will be wrong, I just wanna see them, :).


Well-Known Member
??? CHOOSE NOT TO GO FURTHER? So if ALL MAN was like you we would still be in the Stone Ages? What I said is the fact you live in the world you live in today is THANKS to People who did not dumb themselves down with God. THey questioned the World they live in.. YOU DIESEL ON THE OTHER HAND.. THINK IT IS AGAINST GODS LAW.. TO QUESTION THE WORLD.. you are not the future my friend, you will not create anything new or beneficial to mankind. You simply Copy & Paste what has been branded into your mind from a young age.. It is already to late for you to become someone great in regards to Real life studies..
people who believe in God knows things on earth is vanity, therefore choose to not go any farther if they want to aint no big deal and the last i checked you was praising some Allah, hypocrite

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Well these are what I wear everyday. Tshirts, Jeans, a hat (probably cotton too) and this jacket.

And I don't mind being poor. I don't believe the world is about money. I know I need money to fulfill everything I want to.
But even when I get money, it will be being used to rid the need of money in large groups of people.

...that's pretty cool. There's been a few times I've turned down jobs that seemed 'worth it' in terms of cake, but not for the loss of sleep / family / friends / life...


Well-Known Member
So then a religious person does not need any evidence because they can rely on an atheists (who claims god does not exist) lack of evidence. It will go back and forth forever lol.
If a theist wants to convince someone that there is a god, then yes, they must produce evidence. How can you rely on the lack of evidence for a god to support that there is a god? You make no sense.


Well-Known Member
??? The studies on How much of the Scientific Community is Religious? the studies & comparisons of Histories Great Minds WHO Stopped Their Great Studies due to using "god" as an answer? If you have not seen them you have not seeked higher learning to your best ability. You have the www. @ your power & you refuse or do not know how to research things for your own. Why does that statement bother you.. it is a FACT that the worlds Greatest minds Do not believe in a God..Which is WHY they are the worlds greatest minds.. You cannot FIND MANY TOP LEADING SCIENTISTS who have religion or a god. Why is that?
That's the only part of your statement that slightly bothers me. Some religious people are "smart & good" and they do "take their curiosity a step further", you are referring to the close minded religious people. Please raw, show me the numbers and statistics. I'm not saying your statistics will be wrong, I just wanna see them, :).

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
??? The studies on How much of the Scientific Community is Religious? the studies & comparisons of Histories Great Minds WHO Stopped Their Great Studies due to using "god" as an answer? If you have not seen them you have not seeked higher learning to your best ability. You have the www. @ your power & you refuse or do not know how to research things for your own. Why does that statement bother you.. it is a FACT that the worlds Greatest minds Do not believe in a God..Which is WHY they are the worlds greatest minds.. You cannot FIND MANY TOP LEADING SCIENTISTS who have religion or a god. Why is that?

...yeah, these guys did nothing for us. f.e.


Well-Known Member
If a theist wants to convince someone that there is a god, then yes, they must produce evidence. How can you rely on the lack of evidence for a god to support that there is a god? You make no sense.
I know it doesn't make sense..... neither does atheists, who claim god isn't real, using lack of evidence as evidence.


Well-Known Member
??? The studies on How much of the Scientific Community is Religious? the studies & comparisons of Histories Great Minds WHO Stopped Their Great Studies due to using "god" as an answer? If you have not seen them you have not seeked higher learning to your best ability. You have the www. @ your power & you refuse or do not know how to research things for your own. Why does that statement bother you.. it is a FACT that the worlds Greatest minds Do not believe in a God..Which is WHY they are the worlds greatest minds.. You cannot FIND MANY TOP LEADING SCIENTISTS who have religion or a god. Why is that?
I have a problem with that because you're saying my religion holds me back. I personally know it doesn't hold me back.


Ursus marijanus
I know it doesn't make sense..... neither does atheists, who claim god isn't real, using lack of evidence as evidence.
There is a difference between showing that my stance is tenable ... and showing that yours is not. (my and yours are interchangeable)

Since both the theistic stance (absent such sillinesses as doctrinally-mandated rejections of basic science) and the atheistic stance (absent such sillinesses as inappropriate positivism) are tenable, trying to prove one by debunking the other will be fruitless. The wheel is spinning but the hamster is a figment ... cn


Well-Known Member
Then you have a problem with inductive reasoning, not atheism.
I never said I had a problem with atheists. I said I have a problem with people that claim something is fact without any evidence.
And yeah I have a problem with inductive reasoning.... kinda.

I just asked heis that question because sativa said it's a FACT god doesn't exist, therefore doesn't he need evidence?


Well-Known Member
LMAO.. You cannot deny that. If you did not have faith in an Afterlife...being with god when you die.. that an invisible Entitiy is watching over your EVERY DAY TO DAY move... THAT HAD HELD YOU BACK FROM WHO YOU WOULD BE HAD YOU NOT HAD THAT ILLUSION..

WHY DON'T ALL THE CRAZY GOD BELIEVERS BECOME & STRIVE TO BE GREAT SCIENTISTS TO PROVE HIM TRUE? Is it too much Confidence in their God? Like, Why do I need to further mankinds technological advances when I have a god I will spend eterity w/.

think about where or who you would be...what you would strive to learn, had you not left all the UNKNOWN QUESTIONS TO.. "GOD"..Honestly IMO it is a COP OUT to learning.. Lazy fucks who don't wanna spend time learning about technical shyt instead would rather answer all the Tough questions with "God".. God created that, I don't need to understand it.. We would have no idea what Germs, Bacteria, Cells, Atoms are today had we simply said "God" was doing it all along.. You know bad weather? natural disasters? Back then we would BLAME GOD, Say it is an ACT OF GOD.. NOW DAYS, we KNOW How, Why, most likely when.. it will happen DUE TO UNDERSTANDING Weather & the world we live in.
I have a problem with that because you're saying my religion holds me back. I personally know it doesn't hold me back.
You give religious people to much credit.. they may have wrote alot of books & started many wars.. but they have not bettered mankinds way of life as scientists & people who really questioned life have.