Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
Only issue I have with believing in stuff like that Fin.. past the point of it only being a man made story.

Is that it seems Obsurde & Pointless. If god knew everything...before hand.. Created everything.. knowing its destination.. MAKES NO SENSE WHY WE LIVE IN THE WORLD WE DO.

Does god have a sense of humor making Life a Game?

Why not just make us all Perfect to begin with.? would that not leave him w/ alot more free time creating positive things in the universe? instead of gambling w/ humans as pets.

I see nothing wrong with the bible or god.. but when it causes someone to live a certain way & reject true knowledge & a intrest in science... I think god is working against his own plan.

If he were so smart, why did he make so many mistakes in ragards to us?
What is the Bible but a man made story???

Then Christianity makes no sense, and I'm not Christian. So that's ok with me.

Life is not a game, lol. I've thought about that a lot. That's the human's problem. They think life is a game, it's not. There ARE NO RULES. This is real fuckin life. This is where ANYTHING can happen. This is what is real. Get out of your "game".

We are perfect. But we strive to be different than what we are. Houses and cars are not real, but we have built our lives around these non existent things. They ARE "tangible", but they are not "real.

I do not follow a book.

He did not make mistakes in regard to us, according to the bible. The mistakes are due to our free will. I am not Christian, but I still believe humans are perfect for what they adapted for. Not for what they are trying to do though.


Well-Known Member
actually satan in islam was the only angel with free will. (or one of the few, cant remember)

and thats why he rebelled

"i am made of fire and man of simple clay, Why should I bow to he!?"

or something like that.

though in another version of the story, satan refused, because, he had made a wow,or something like that, never to love anyone as much as god.

and was told to love man the same as god (you serve those you love as they serve you (i scratch your back because i love to see you happy and know you like that and you do the same for me)

well, it was either a wow, or simply that he couldnt love man the same as god.

mjeh, stories.
That's not true. He has no will. I wass Muslim for a period of my life. And I'm talking Christianity AND Islam.

The clay and fire part is true. But there are other things made of light...angels? Because Djinn are Angels and Demons.

He just didn't want to bow. It was as simple as that. "I'm better than Adam".
In the back of Gods head he feels "I am better than Adam." And Satan's act was just a manifestation of this.


Well-Known Member
The last part is good.. Humans are perfect for what they are adapted for.. not what they try/intend to be.. Beautiful.

then again I doubt we are even perfet for what we have adapted for. ^_^ we have flaws regardless. Evolution & survivlal of the fittest is a bitch.
What is the Bible but a man made story???

Then Christianity makes no sense, and I'm not Christian. So that's ok with me.

Life is not a game, lol. I've thought about that a lot. That's the human's problem. They think life is a game, it's not. There ARE NO RULES. This is real fuckin life. This is where ANYTHING can happen. This is what is real. Get out of your "game".

We are perfect. But we strive to be different than what we are. Houses and cars are not real, but we have built our lives around these non existent things. They ARE "tangible", but they are not "real.

I do not follow a book.

He did not make mistakes in regard to us, according to the bible. The mistakes are due to our free will. I am not Christian, but I still believe humans are perfect for what they adapted for. Not for what they are trying to do though.


Well-Known Member
If you read the Bible you find a lot of crazy shit.
Bitches gettin their Dad drunk to fuck him.
2 month Ceremonies for Dad's death, but burry mom in the yard.
There's more.
i have read a decent amount of it and yes there is alot of crazy shit in it, but they also have alot of very good and very true morals of life that are good to live by...which is why i said what i said


Well-Known Member
are we talkin about futurama and the smurfs?

and because they do means the bible doesnt? i said what i said once again because sativa said the bible is all lies...which isnt the case
Oh. Ok. That's different. It's not "all lies"

It may all be factual historically, or it may be myths. We can't ever know. Like, didn't they not ever find evidence of Jews in Egypt? On the walls or anything?


Well-Known Member
Oh. Ok. That's different. It's not "all lies"

It may all be factual historically, or it may be myths. We can't ever know. Like, didn't they not ever find evidence of Jews in Egypt? On the walls or anything?
i dunno, but the bible is a literature book not a historical book


Well-Known Member
I think Genesis is just teaching you about raising children. And how one day they will do exactly the thing you didn't want them to.
i dont need the bible to tell me that haha my kids are gonna askin jesus for help when he gets the shit smacked outa him for not listenin to me


Well-Known Member
i dont need the bible to tell me that haha my kids are gonna askin jesus for help when he gets the shit smacked outa him for not listenin to me
Is it not Jesus' will to forgive your children/anyone when they do wrong?

But God didn't forgive Adam and Eve...contradiction?


Well-Known Member
God was mean then.
Jesus was the changing point. Having a kid changed gods perspective on shit man.
Can an all powerful,wise and all knowing God change their position? Wouldn't that contradict the all knowing,wise and powerful part? And Jesus wasn't technically born,he was born on Earth but was supposedly always part of the Trinity.

More holes than Swiss cheese...


Well-Known Member
Is it not Jesus' will to forgive your children/anyone when they do wrong?

But God didn't forgive Adam and Eve...contradiction?
they're not gonna be prayin about what they did wrong they gonna pray they dont get smacked upside the back of their head again.

that is pretty bogus and adam didnt even do nothin, but be with the bitch when she was gettin punished. if there is a god and he is all powerful shouldnt he be able to change his position if he feels like. i mean we can do it so if we can its not hard to imagine. just cause he's all powerful and all knowin doesnt mean he cant be an asshole haha


Well-Known Member
Can an all powerful,wise and all knowing God change their position? Wouldn't that contradict the all knowing,wise and powerful part? And Jesus wasn't technically born,he was born on Earth but was supposedly always part of the Trinity.

More holes than Swiss cheese...
Well there WAS NO TRINITY until Jesus came. So yes, this all powerful god would have to change when the son came anyways. And Jesus did calm him down quiet a bit.


Well-Known Member
I read the Bible and he's a DICK when it's him dealing with us (Like if corporate had to come micromanage type attitude). But Jesus wasn't such a dick, so he just used the "same power" in a nicer way, and no one really saw much of god himself at that point.