Vote ron paul 2012

Thats your schtick . as well as trolling and lying outright.

Not very Moderator like.

according to polls i have taken, people surveyed say ron paul fucks turtles.

and he is comically old. adult diapers old. mothballs and bengay old.
As much as we appreciate your "free markets = bashing in of head and Great Depressions" talking point, please be notified that they have about as much to do with each other as whale shit and cheerios.

Amusingly, there is no accepted cause of the Great Depression among economists. If you ask 20 of them, you will get 20 different answers. However, it is of note that the Federal Reserve is probably the reason that a recession just like any other turned into the Great Depression. Even the people at the Federal Reserve admit this. The Fed Chairman himself said so.

Our recession today is also in part caused by the Federal Reserve. However, they have moved to stop it from becoming a depression this time. They caused it by making the interest rates lower on mortgages. Our government also had a big hand in promoting home purchases. Combined, these two things caused a giant demand for housing. This caused the prices of houses to go higher. This created many jobs and businesses to cash in on this demand. Government stipulated that banks lend money to people who basically couldn't afford to pay it back, driving the prices/demand higher.

To understand the rates, just look at this link at freddiemac. This is from 71 to present.

As much as you would like to blame not having enough regulations for the Great Depression, and our current recession - you are wrong. Government activity is a HUGE part of causing them both ala Federal Reserve and promoting house buying by people who couldn't afford it.

Finally some one gets it.
But people getting loans they couldnt afford wasnt becuase of the goverment. That blame lies squarely with the Banks and Any used car sales man that put up a sign and became a "mortgage" broker
Finally some one gets it.
But people getting loans they couldnt afford wasnt becuase of the goverment. That blame lies squarely with the Banks and Any used car sales man that put up a sign and became a "mortgage" broker

Those banks would not of been able to make those bad loans without the government backing. FHA, Fannie, Freddie, ect ect. The government intentionally put the banks in a position to profit from loaning to people who couldn't pay it back. Without F, F, and F the interest rates would likely be closer to 9-10 percent and house prices would be lower. The federal government forced Fannie and Freddie to buy sub prime mortgages and a certain percent had to be to people who were minorities. Many of the loans would not have been made at all if the government had not forced the issue. We are talking hundreds of billions of dollars in mortgages. If you remove Government's role in the housing market for the last 20 years, there would not have been a bubble. Between the Government and the Federal Reserve they created the recession.

Ron Paul is about as real as his eyebrow...
Those banks would not of been able to make those bad loans without the government backing. FHA, Fannie, Freddie, ect ect. The government intentionally put the banks in a position to profit from loaning to people who couldn't pay it back. Without F, F, and F the interest rates would likely be closer to 9-10 percent and house prices would be lower. The federal government forced Fannie and Freddie to buy sub prime mortgages and a certain percent had to be to people who were minorities. Many of the loans would not have been made at all if the government had not forced the issue. We are talking hundreds of billions of dollars in mortgages. If you remove Government's role in the housing market for the last 20 years, there would not have been a bubble. Between the Government and the Federal Reserve they created the recession.
So what role did the goverment Play in the Dutch Tulip bubble of the 1600s?
I think you are stretching to find something to blame the Federal reserve on to prop up your support of the Grand wizard and Turtle fucking Eyebrow toupee wearing saviour of Stoners, Racists and Conspiracy freaks named Ron Paul

I could turn around and say it was lack of regulation in the Mortgage markets that lead to its collapse
So what role did the goverment Play in the Dutch Tulip bubble of the 1600s?
I think you are stretching to find something to blame the Federal reserve on to prop up your support of the Grand wizard and Turtle fucking Eyebrow toupee wearing saviour of Stoners, Racists and Conspiracy freaks named Ron Paul

I could turn around and say it was lack of regulation in the Mortgage markets that lead to its collapse

You're just a bigot who hides behind liberal ideology in order to spew your prejudices.
So what role did the goverment Play in the Dutch Tulip bubble of the 1600s?
I think you are stretching to find something to blame the Federal reserve on to prop up your support of the Grand wizard and Turtle fucking Eyebrow toupee wearing saviour of Stoners, Racists and Conspiracy freaks named Ron Paul

I could turn around and say it was lack of regulation in the Mortgage markets that lead to its collapse

Tulips were rare, and so people payed more for them. It wasn't something that businesses did either. That was free market. Low supply, high demand, high prices. High supply, low demand, low prices. Supply and Demand meet and form what is the actual value of the item. You can't compare a housing bubble created with regulation/law with what people are willing to pay for something unique and rare. Tulips were like a piece of antique glass and the price was set by the buyers. If the Government had given low interest loans or tax breaks to people who bought Tulips, the price would of went up more as demand swelled since more people would be able to buy them.

Houses and flowers in general are comparable though. Common 3/2 houses in a development (daisies) have lower prices than houses on the beach(tulips) Often to the point that you look at them and go 'thats insane for that house'. Houses on the ocean cost more because they are special and many people like them. In America we have about 300 million people, and about 130 million houses. There are around 115-120 million households. This means we have more houses than people. Prices are still based on demand. However, our government controls demand through backing and making loans to people who would not otherwise qualify for a loan or be able to afford it. The federal reserve lowers interest rates which causes mortgages to be cheaper and bigger/more expensive houses to be afforded. This caused a rapid climb in sales and house prices. The banks weren't just giving people loans they knew they would lose money on. They were giving them loans because the government backed them. If the government did not intend for this to be, it would not have F,F, and F. Even if the bubble had occurred due to a free market, it would not have been as bad without the Government fanning the fires.

You assume that I am against the Federal Reserve because of Ron Paul. I knew and hated what the Fed Reserve was before I even knew about Ron Paul. I gravitated to Ron Paul because I already believed in his position. I did not change my beliefs to fit his position.
Goverment Didnt make the Loans
Financial institutions did
They were/are governed by Underwriting rules and Regulations
In Both case's they got lax becuase of Low Interest Rates, However no matter what teh Interest rate the Federal Reserves sets on short term paper
It is still up to the Lending instutions to have standards
The goverment never ever forced a bank to make a loan
are you fucking kidding me do you not remember where regulation came from? we had the great depression because of an unregulated market in which the rich were free to swindel the working class with no consquences. the private sector was so great that any time worker's asked for break's or vacation time, or a retirement plan they would hire goon's to bash the skull's of american worker's until they went back to work and shut their mouth's -TYRANNY-and when the president called in the military it wasn't to protect corperate profit's it was to protect the worker's.they had to setup machine gun barricade's to protect american worker's from the richest company in america.they have had to enforce minimum wage(if your company can't afford minimum wage then it's a FAIL)child labor law's and many other basic worker's right's upon industries because NEW'S FLASH THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE WORKING CLASS.unregulated america had 12yr old children working in front of unguarded saw's for 12 hrs a day with no break's(which is another regulation that they had to enforce upon those wonderful humanist). they are not libertarian's like they claim if republican's were they would have voted to decrease our payroll tax of the working class,no they did the opposite and fought it the whole way while threatening to shut down the gov. if they did not get the bush tax cut's extended(which by the way we have for 11 year's now with the unemployment rate steadily climbing since it was inacted not just since obama came into office)for the elite american's who are not struggling to make ends meet with their billion dollar bank account's.our founding father's first act after the revolution was to setup the congress so they could setup taxes.they owe something back to the nation that made them so prosperous.
Wow, you're ignorance is overflowing. The depression was a setup by the bankers and don't believe anything different! A setup to get a scared sheeple to accept the federal reserve system and later FDR's New Deal, which was the first great leap in federal government size. Giving us foolish and worthless institutions such as the social security administration and many more. It was the bankers that slipped the federal reserve bank through as our currency provider and regulator in the middle of the night. It's RON PAUL and only RON PAUL who wants to reverse the damage that the federal reserve has done and will continue to do by printing money out of thin air. Which ultimately is stealing value tomorrow from the money you earned today. A brilliant scheme which makes it close to impossible to retire and truly own anything, keeping people working all their lives. In essence, the bankers made us slaves without us knowing it. It has nothing to do with a free or unregulated market.
[B said:
CountGlochula[/B]]are you fucking kidding me do you not remember where regulation came from? we had the great depression because of an unregulated market in which the rich were free to swindel the working class with no consquences. the private sector was so great that any time worker's asked for break's or vacation time, or a retirement plan they would hire goon's to bash the skull's of american worker's until they went back to work and shut their mouth's -TYRANNY-and when the president called in the military it wasn't to protect corperate profit's it was to protect the worker's.they had to setup machine gun barricade's to protect american worker's from the richest company in america.they have had to enforce minimum wage(if your company can't afford minimum wage then it's a FAIL)child labor law's and many other basic worker's right's upon industries because NEW'S FLASH THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE WORKING CLASS.unregulated america had 12yr old children working in front of unguarded saw's for 12 hrs a day with no break's(which is another regulation that they had to enforce upon those wonderful humanist). they are not libertarian's like they claim if republican's were they would have voted to decrease our payroll tax of the working class,no they did the opposite and fought it the whole way while threatening to shut down the gov. if they did not get the bush tax cut's extended(which by the way we have for 11 year's now with the unemployment rate steadily climbing since it was inacted not just since obama came into office)for the elite american's who are not struggling to make ends meet with their billion dollar bank account's.our founding father's first act after the revolution was to setup the congress so they could setup taxes.they owe something back to the nation that made them so prosperous.
Damn right, Republicans aren't libertarians. Your very right about that, but thats about it.

I like the way you lump regulations into one broad sweeping category though. I think your really need to step back and examine all sides of any given argument instead of swiftly dismissing it because of something horrific...really why do you lump everything into two categories is beyond me. Do you understand both sides on even one issue?

I can't believe how tightly the dems have people like your wrapped around their finger that you buy into their entire story one hundred percent. The dems and republicans are both liars and con-men. I don't know whats worse sometimes, the mainline republicans or the mainline democrats. Its blocks of text like this make me lean toward the conservatives sometimes.

Please come back when you learn something about politics and then we will talk.
Finally some one gets it.
But people getting loans they couldnt afford wasnt becuase of the goverment. That blame lies squarely with the Banks and Any used car sales man that put up a sign and became a "mortgage" broker
and the FED for enabling this.
Damn right, Republicans aren't libertarians. Your very right about that, but thats about it.

I can't believe how tightly the dems have people like your wrapped around their finger that you buy into their entire story one hundred percent. The dems and republicans are both liars and con-men. I don't know whats worse sometimes, the mainline republicans or the mainline democrats.
Well put! The function of the the two party system is to keep us occupied with petty arguments and moral debates while both parties ultimately heard the red and blue sheep into the same big government/nanny state. Hardcore republicans and hardcore democrats are both puppets of the same marionette.
our founding father's first act after the revolution was to setup the congress so they could setup taxes.they owe something back to the nation that made them so prosperous.

They put this in so they could pay for the war debts ran up during the rebellion.

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"

The founding fathers gave the Federal Government the right to tax things, but not people. The fact that they pointedly did NOT give the Fed Gov the right to tax incomes means they did not intend for it to do so and did not want it to have that power. That didn't happen in the founding fathers lifetimes. This is why the income tax was not legal until 1913 when this was added.

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

Amusingly, this was the same year that the Federal Reserve started. Woodrow Wilson was a rotten scumbag fuck who did his best to destroy this country.
My God people! I didn't create this post so all you guys could insult each other! We're all brothers and sisters here, with a common goal of legalization, so why fight with each other? It makes me sad....