Why Auditing the FED is important and the only one who will do it...


New Member
Ron Paul exposed the FED in his audit. So far they are missing 16.1 trillion dollars and growing, 9 trillion completely unaccounted for while the rest went to unknown foreign banks and special corporate interests. His bill to audit the FED was unanimously supported in congress.

You understand how much is at risk for them If Ron Paul was president? You understand that we can save this economy? You see now why this is sooo important to so many people, why so many people are passionate about this?

Ron Paul looked in the first Room of the feds basement and found it full of bodies, should he see whats in the other rooms or leave? He can if he is elected to president...he can check all of those rooms, or at least put a lock on the basement door so they can't put any more bodies down there.

Bernie Sanders Speaking Back in 2009 on Ron Paul's committee...At the start of audit of the FED, Bernie asks Bernanke "Where is the Money?":

Another Member of the Committee, Congressman Kucinich, Exposes the FEDS early knowledge of the housing bubble:


This year at the conclusion of a hearing Chairman Paul asks Bernanke if gold is money:


New Member
You see the FED shares most of the responsibility for the financial crisis, before 1999 this wouldn't have happened on such a large scale, before Nixon it wouldn't have built up to begin with, and before 1913 there wouldn't have even been a fed...And now...After 2010...the problem is much bigger, now the corporate interest aren't just going to simply IGNORE the People....but they will crush us and our freedoms...Tyranny is on the way...Corporate Rule is at our doorstep.


New Member
Hello? Not 1 smartass comment from the sheeple? We found bodies in the basement so should we keep digging yes or no?


Well-Known Member
we don't need a daily ron paul thread..... soon this will start looking like spam and don't cry a river when it's removed.

where's the money>? nobody knows. it's legal 'trade secrets' and only a handful of bankers know.

the result of LESS government in the FINANCIAL INDUSTRY....


Well-Known Member
we don't need a daily ron paul thread..... soon this will start looking like spam and don't cry a river when it's removed.

where's the money>? nobody knows. it's legal 'trade secrets' and only a handful of bankers know.

the result of LESS government in the FINANCIAL INDUSTRY....
Instead of removing Ron Paul threads maybe supporters of other candidates need to ante up and post something positive about their would be leader, and to those people I say good luck with that.:lol:


New Member
It is imperative that Ron Paul is elected...legal trade secrets...trillions of dollars to offshore banks is not legal trade secrets....its robbery...its trillions of dollars, its half the national debt...given to whom? Greece? shouldn't congress know? Ron Paul only scratched the surface of this, should he dig deeper?


Well-Known Member
trillions of dollars to offshore banks???? there's short term loans that the fed gives out but the majority of our money is tied up in ultra-complex, de-regulated securities for the better part of the next 50 years....


Well-Known Member
trillions of dollars to offshore banks???? there's short term loans that the fed gives out but the majority of our money is tied up in ultra-complex, de-regulated securities for the better part of the next 50 years....
$16 trillion to offshore and big multinational banking firms, Hundreds of Billions to individual foreign banks, which no one would have known about if it weren't for Ron Paul and his bill to audit the Fed that became part of the Frank Dodd bill. Know what the interest rate on that loan was ? ZERO!!!! When credit is created it devalues all the Dollars already out in the system. at zero interest it means that everyone who uses the dollar will ultimately foot the bill through inflation. The Fed can create as much money as it wants since it only requires a keystroke. Almost NONE of that money has been paid back, or is ever likely to be paid back.


Well-Known Member
we don't need a daily ron paul thread..... soon this will start looking like spam and don't cry a river when it's removed.

where's the money>? nobody knows. it's legal 'trade secrets' and only a handful of bankers know.

the result of LESS government in the FINANCIAL INDUSTRY....
Quit fucking posting in his threads if you don't like it.

Saying his posts are spam is getting old.

Some of us like reading what he posts even if we don't post in his threads.


Well-Known Member
your description of world economics is so vague i feel you don't get economics at all. dude their not throwing money at random countries because they want to piss off ron paul supporters.


New Member
the intention is to be as simple as possible so everyone will understand. The point is they are missing 16.1 trillion dollars after simply scratching the surface. The point is that they are responsible for the financial crisis and much much more.


New Member
Can anyone point me to a Main Stream Media Reporting of this missing 16 trillion 9 trillion?
All I see are alex jones like web sites and references to "loans"


New Member
I read it
Question is.
Was it given or Loaned?
Was it paid back?
I think 0% interest is bad
But again
Was it paid back?
Ever heard of Overnight lending?


New Member
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The Federal Reserve made $9 trillion in overnight loans to major banks and Wall Street firms during the financial crisis, according to newly revealed data released Wednesday.
The loans were made through a special loan program set up by the Fed in the wake of the Bear Stearns collapse in March 2008 to keep the nation's bond markets trading normally.

The amount of cash being pumped out to the financial giants was not previously disclosed. All the loans were backed by collateral and all were paid back with a very low interest rate to the Fed -- an annual rate of between 0.5% to 3.5%.
Still, the total amount was a surprise, even to some who had followed the Fed's rescue efforts closely.


New Member
Some Wall Street firms disputed the way the Fed reported the numbers. An executive from one of the firms said that many of the overnight loans were rolled over for days at a time, and that each day it was counted as a new loan. "It's being double, triple, quadruple counted in some cases," said the executive.


New Member
In addition to the loan program for bond dealers, the data covered the Fed's purchases of more $1 trillion in mortgages, and spending to back consumer and small business loans, as well as commercial paper used to keep large corporations running.
The rescues of the investment bank Bear Stearns in March of 2008, and insurance behemoth AIG in September of that year, were also revealed in far greater detail, as were programs to make dollars available to foreign central banks in return for their currency, in order to keep international trade flowing.


Well-Known Member
deprave, out of curiosity, what's your educational background in economics?
He has 5 doctorates in economics, his most prized one coming from Harvard. He has won 3 Nobel peace prizes for his excellent newsletters on Austrian Economics vs Keynesian Economics. He has been invited to the White House underneath both former President George W Bush and President Barack Obama (although Obama refused to talk to him, instead he was stuck with Vice President Joe Biden's wife Second Lady Dr. Jill Biden where she continuously rambled on about breast cancer awareness).

What kind of answer do you expect?