Uk Weed Street Weights and Prices ! Leave yours here !

Early ninetees London. Bear with me if got a point.
Yeah maybe 20 a henry, for decent weed,
15 bar the rest,
But point is it was a Henry! 3.5g,s
First guy I knew to start short selling was unfortunately the first of a new breed!
If someone told me they had dank then it was gonna be a bit more fine!
I myself when it comes to it will be goin for 25 a Henry,yes 3.5 grams dry cured!
Thats 200 an oz ! I'm well happy with that plus I'm old school brothers n sisters,
Point Is it's gonna be high grade, gonna be cured, but also gonna be Spreadin a lil love around!
Wanna bring down these dicks selling off -grams at a 10! WTF! Hang on a Henry is 3.5 right? End of. Think I'm gonna buy of someone who lies to my face?!?! Umm no fckin way!
You have any idea how many mouldy disease ridden skanky draws get sold? Seriously hazardous to your health,
Bring down the price! Let's get a lil friendly again huh? A lil convo a taster? Would you but from a dealer that doesn't smoke himself ! This is serious stuff, consumables, medicinal, it's come a long way and it's down to us growers to stop the blight of shit weed from nasty spotty youths that would skank out your house soon as look at you!
Make a difference.
They'd be higher than that if you had any say in the matter eh Dura :D Ya crooked bastard :D A few years ago i'd have thought you an ungainly bastard, since i started growing though it just amuses me seeing folk getting well, it's essentially just a mugging agreed on ahead of time :D
They'd be higher than that if you had any say in the matter eh Dura :D Ya crooked bastard :D A few years ago i'd have thought you an ungainly bastard, since i started growing though it just amuses me seeing folk getting well, it's essentially just a mugging agreed on ahead of time :D
damn right i would tip, im a businessman first and foremost. ive got an expensive drink and coke habit to support. as i always say, if you dont like it then grow your own!!
Green, black white, beige, if they're barmaids it doen't matter :p You're seriously trying to talk an alcohol soaked drug ravaged cunt faced scotsman out of a coke habbit? :lol:
i dont touch opiates (ive tried them and they were just TOO good)but i'll have a bash at anything else if i'm in the mood.
Price of weed is so s**t now, 1g for a 10er sometimes you dont even get grammers, more like .7. Few years ago it wasnt so bad, could get an 8th for 20, quart for 30-35 and ounces were like 120quid but those times are gone, thats why ive decided to start growing my own :)
even dealers are getting hit hard. i cant get an oz for less than 160 , and thats buyin bulk, and its usually more than that so the only way to make a profit is put the price up, its gettin harder and harder to get regular sources, the oriental guys that were mass producing brick weed have went quiet so all that seems to be moving is small growers with limited amounts,its fucking cut throat out there. i remember when a quarter of solid was £9 quid and no one wanted grass, it was considered cheap shit, this was back before the prolliferation of hydro shops and the internet information on growing didnt exist. the big cities of england maybe had Black guys of jamaican heritage that knew what they were doing but the rest of the country didnt.
even dealers are getting hit hard. i cant get an oz for less than 160 , and thats buyin bulk, and its usually more than that so the only way to make a profit is put the price up, its gettin harder and harder to get regular sources, the oriental guys that were mass producing brick weed have went quiet so all that seems to be moving is small growers with limited amounts,its fucking cut throat out there. i remember when a quarter of solid was £9 quid and no one wanted grass, it was considered cheap shit, this was back before the prolliferation of hydro shops and the internet information on growing didnt exist. the big cities of england maybe had Black guys of jamaican heritage that knew what they were doing but the rest of the country didnt.

When i cant find some skunk i go to my jamaican dealer and get some bricked up high grade its pretty good shit and he gives me like 2g for a tenner and 3.5-4g for £20 ;D
High grade brick weed sounds like a bit of an oxymoron :D

Know what you mean Dura, folk around these parts are also paying the grower 160 an ounce, you can hardly blame em for trying to put it out at a tenner a gram. Growers are getting cheeky as fuck, if it were a real black market the grower would get a stern reminder to know his place!