Strongest Strain Known To Man?

Hash. Strongest, when you have 100% pure THC.

Nope, seriously, there are many very good strains of marijuana, but growing conditions affect the amount of THC dramatically. Even the worst strains can contain decent amounts if cared for well, and best varieties of marijuana can loose all of their potential THC if something goes wrong.
No doubt! I had a buddy that made some bubble hash one time. He got real lazy while making it and only stirred it up for about 1-2 minutes. Anyways since he didnt adgitate(sp) it so much, less plant material came off. This stuff ended up being clear. It reminded me of a pigs ear (dog treat).
Anyways I took two hits off the bong and went to work on my race car. In about 3 hours I had managed to make about 8 more hours of work for myself. lol. lesson learned. Dont smoke hash and work on the car. lol.

From what I read most of the best pot has 18% thc. So when I see 22.5% I start to get a funny feeling in my pants.
The most potent strain that I have smoked would probably be black domina. I a, also very lucky to have tried a few different growers versions of it (2 soils and 1 hydro). They all rock. The dank 100% indica is skunky is a garlicy way that really just makes my mouth water. And to think, for the most part I am a sativa man myself...
the strongest and nicest skunk i have ever smoked was kali mist it blew my mind away i have never heard of anyone trying to grow it though its definately gonna be my next grow

The strongest I ever had was some Sour Diesel. I stayed high 4 awhile, Good taste and very strong smell. All around the finest I smoked
I had a good time on Sour Diesel, one of my buddies from Newfound land came down this summer, he brought 2lbs, and we were high 24/7... might now have been real strong weed, might've just been the fact every blunt was 15-20 grams lol until we ran out then it was back to the regular street weed we have around here
damn thats alot of bud to smoke superstar. thats right at 45 "healthy sized" blunts i think. Wish I was there
Best 2 that i´ve tried are:

Indica - Mazaar (this baby is total comatose (and i aint no light weight smoker imo)

Sativa - Super Silver Haze (just one of those type of smokes that u get cheek bone pain from laughing so much)

Both of them aren´t even pure strains for what i can say, they are F1 Hybrids, so in my next trip to Holland i´m gonna try everything i can get my hands on...specially Neville´s Haze and Himalaya Gold
Arjans Haze is probably the strongest weed ive ever smoked. i thinks its a hybrid of neville's haze and SSH. its said THC content is supposedly 23%
yoo 20 grams in a blunt is my everyday life i took 4 Dutch masters and licked them together and made a 80 gram blunt NO LIE of BLUEBERRY HAZE 20 gram blunts is nothing you had to hold this baby with 2 hands had a sweet video of it but my dumb ex stole it to use against me if i brought her to court that whore ha
Too many seed sellers inflate the THC content of their product. I feel that if you can get anything around 15% THC you have a good product. Years ago I heard of a long time grower getting 30% THC from a plant that he spent all kinds of time and money on growing it out. The plant was Northern Lights #1.

I think that on the street most bud these days come in between 5 to 10% THC. This is very difficult to determine because it is very expensive to do the lab work necessary to find out the THC content.

At the end of the day who cares as long as your bud gets the job done!
80 gram blunt lol...I remember back a few years ago when i was a major chronic we had a blunt that we had to smoke off a telescope stand, and light it with a cutting torch i passed out before it was done though lol
lol you guys are getting out of control. Im a big cheech and chong fan and I remember hearing about the famous record they released that included a rolling paper the size of the album inside. I never saw it (before my time) but that would probably be good for rolling an ounce.
High gang, newbee to site, but have been growing about 8 yrs, high is subjective to body type, different strains effect different people different ways, my top is Super Silver Haze, (haze pheno), Trainwreck, a 2001 vintage Northern Lights