Strongest Strain Known To Man?

Heard there was a strain called William's Wonder which is overall best.

See my grow report of same; link is in my signature below.

I have no idea if this is the strongest strain of all time. . .and my guess is it probably isn't. . .BUT its definitely strong as hell, and if not the strongest strain I've ever tried, one of the strongest.

One joint of this couchlocked two heavy smokers, and literally made a third pass out.
After researching heavy hitters around the world for 40 years or more I have come across a few breeds that are what I consider top of the line, period. Waikiki Queen (feminized) from AMS, Amnesia Haze (feminized) from, these 2 are huge producers, sativa dominant (speedy up high) & smoke very mild & clean, if I could only grow 2 kinds I would make these the ones, also White widow, Ice, THC Bomb, & Neville's Haze are very good. I'm waiting patiently for the breeders to produce some 30+%. I think they will get there soon. The ones I mentioned go from 25% down to 20%. Happy Toking! Snakebite
I have smoked pounds and pounds and pounds, you build a tolerance and it seems that even the best weed won't really get you that baked, like when you first started smoking. But one time about 3 years ago we met this guy on the beach, my buddy knew him but I didn't, he gave us his watch to hold on to while we gave him $20 bucks to go get some bud in the city. He showed up about 4 hours later, he pulled out a single fatty and told us that if we weren't happy with this crazy expensive joint that we could keep the watch, he had this smile on his face like he knew that we were about to be blown away. What, $20 bucks for one joint, what is it, oh it's just some hydro he says. We smoked it and for 2 hours I could not stop laughing, I felt like I was floating on a cloud and I was in complete paradise, never had that buzz again. He told us it was Strawberry. is the only site I've found that carries it and I'm gonna test this out as soon as I can afford an indoor set up. Seriously worth a try, if it's the same thing I smoked that day, I swear to God I'll never smoke another sativa again.
the strongest and nicest skunk i have ever smoked was kali mist it blew my mind away i have never heard of anyone trying to grow it though its definately gonna be my next grow


I know a guy growing about 20 of the cali mist this year outdoor. Guy at the seed bank recommended it. I had never heard of it before. I'll let you know what I think and how it turned out closer to Oct :)