Strongest Strain Known To Man?

Seedism BLZ BUD >>> ( G13 x SliverHaze x Trainwreck ) Smacks you right in the face first hit... 10 min later you think it's letting off at this time I suggest looking for a chair the ride has just begun! LOL Killer...

TGA Pandora's Box >>> ( Jack the Ripper x Space Queen ) Put a smile on... In the morning your JAW will be sore from smiling so much. Don't get into a laughing binge with your buddies because you won't be able to stop...
No such thing.... there will always be a newer and stronger strain.
Absolutely right, yesterday's strong strains are all kind of OG's & kushes, today's strains are all kind of alien technology and tomorrow's who knows?
Cannabis evolution is a fact and that's a nice thing.
First time I have smoked way back in highschool was the best weed I have ever had, never came close to it in the last 17 years of searching :(. I met this cool dude at work named Dax, I knew he smoked and so another buddy of mine and me asked him to hook us up. We Paid 80 for an eigth! Anyways it was time to head to Dax's house and smoke it, he had one rule since it was our first time we had to stay there, no prob. anyways he never said what it was, just kept calling it some KB from humbolt county.. This was the first time I ever smoked, the first time I have ever had some serious KB, and was introduced to the amazing humbolt county! Anyways was a true one hitter, but took several. man I tell you unbelievable high! We were totally couch locked but not sleepy at all. Very trippy stoned out of my mind off of one bowl.
After that I never could smoke mexican schwag and have always tried to find bud like that shit. never came close.
I gatta move to Humbolt county!

KB=Kind Bud=any good seedless green bud
KB=Kind Bud=any good seedless green bud

Yep, and if he could time travel and bring a bud back from his highschool days to compare to today's bud, he would find there isnt much difference. It would be just average on today's market. Nostalgia always makes things better than they really were.
the strongest strain known is the white clone from chrome..period end of the story people who say herijuana,og kush of any kind or sour D it's bullshit..noone come close to the white in frostylness
I have Krome's The White, it has more trichs than most strains do but it's far from the strongest smoke. My friend has a cut that puts out more trichs and is a lot stronger than Krome's The White. It's really hard to say what is the strongest because new stuff comes out all the time.
Depends on what you are refering as the strongest also friend... do u think the highest THC numbers is the strongest or the best THC to CBD ratio or many other things... I have smoked really high THC strains that didnt hold a candle to a cannatonic that was much lower in THC but had a outstanding CBD count... and also these cannabinoids effect every individual differently so that is a hard question to answer properly... hope this shines a bit of light on the subject although i can only give my experience to what i have had.... A few of the hardest hitting strains i have had personally was a G13 (thats what he said it was but the G13 is a bit of a mystery strain n e how with many different strains taking the name) the cannatonic which was a GREAT medical starin and old school herijuana...
Potent? In what way? There are many diferent highs and several cannabinoids at play in what would be refered to as "potency". That said as far as high is concerned I would have to say Durban Poison is the most potent strain I've grown and or smoked. I've smoked other peoples Durban and it was even better than mine.
the fact every blunt was 15-20 grams lol until we ran out

I had a pound of some chronic that i dont know the name of, but we called it Kryptonite cause it would fuck superman himself up. I couldn't even smoke a gram joint without nearly comatosing myself so the stuff you had cant be any better than the street weed i got right here.
Heard there was a strain called William's Wonder which is overall best. Also one called Endless Sky which apparently is not as good as it was before. Has anyone tried a strain actually called couchlock?

Anyway, the title of this post is too generic. It should be broken down a bit more like Strongest Trippy stone, Body Stone, Narcotic stone. either that or people got to get more descriptive as to the type of stone they had in order for them to list it as the strongest stone to them. Gives us readers a better idea when we go out shopping for seeds 8-)
chocolate thai, or white russian for me chocolate thai was strong and long lasting probably the longest high ive ever had and i have a high tolerance
I have Krome's The White, it has more trichs than most strains do but it's far from the strongest smoke. My friend has a cut that puts out more trichs and is a lot stronger than Krome's The White. It's really hard to say what is the strongest because new stuff comes out all the time.

this is because the amount of trichs doesnt always tell the potency. you can have a plant covered in trichomes and it still depends on what is INSIDE of those trichs.

Because of that it is nearly impossible to flat out call one strain "the most potent". It really is more about a single phenotype being found that has the potency.

Example: This past run i did about 6 strains. out of them all the one with the strongest overall effect was Nirvana Venus Flytrap. that strain is NOT known for its high potency. in fact its advertized more as a commercial high yield strain.
I just happened to pop a seed that contained a valuable phenotype. it carries a very powerful smell, even in veg. The funny thing is it yields kinda crappy, and the quality is off the hook.

so u cant just say one strain is more potent because of the hash ratio. but u can sure tell when a plant doesnt have hardly any resin that its not gonna be potent either as there isnt much of an area for there to be cannabinoids/thc/terpenes.

terpenes have alot to do with potency and effect as well. that venus flytrap pheno has very strong terpenes, i imagine it has something to do with it being so good.

EDIT: with that said here is a list of the strongest smokes ive ever had the pleasure of indulging in, by strain name of course.
Raspberry Cough (out of Tuscola County... hick-ville, farm land. 2011)
Super lemon haze(Genesee county compassion circa 2011, not greenhouse. big difference.)
Purple Haze(out of the Club scene in Detroit city 2006)
Larry OG kush(Flint's north side hoods, 2010)
Northern Lights(supposedly NL#5. North Flint area 2003)

The strongest overall smokes i grew personally:
Venus Flytrap (Fem seeds, bought in 2012 from Nirvana shop)
Chrystal (Fem seeds from nirvana 2011)
OG Kush (dinafem 2012)
Critical + (dinafem 2012)
Heard there was a strain called William's Wonder which is overall best. Also one called Endless Sky which apparently is not as good as it was before. Has anyone tried a strain actually called couchlock?

Anyway, the title of this post is too generic. It should be broken down a bit more like Strongest Trippy stone, Body Stone, Narcotic stone. either that or people got to get more descriptive as to the type of stone they had in order for them to list it as the strongest stone to them. Gives us readers a better idea when we go out shopping for seeds 8-)

IMO/IME when a certain strain/pheno of smoke gets you "that high" that its some of strongest you've smoked... it doesnt really make a huge difference wither or not its a sativa/indica/hybrid effect.

in my years of smoking and growing ive noticed that typically the strongest strains usually arent purely indica or sativa anyways. ive been a huge fan of heavy indicas over the years, and even with that said i get typically go for the hybrids if i have a choice between the two. reason being: the hybrids are much more likely to be more potent. and most still lean one way or the other.

id say the biggest exception i can think of is pre98 bubba, or La affie/con. very very heavily indica, and very very potent.

I dont much care for nearly "pure" sativas, IMHO i feel you can get just as much headiness/tripy-ness/racey-ness out of a heavily sativa hybrid. such as the SLH i mentioned above. im sure some true sativa heads might disagree, but im just telling my own HONEST opinion based off of experience.

so honestly it doesnt matter one way or the other. Stong strains/phenos are strong regardless id say.