Strongest Strain Known To Man?

Shit im gunna have to say euphoria or rasberry kush. I just had rasberry kush for the first time like 4 days ago and have been smokin it since. Every single time it surprises the me lol and it SSSSTTTTIIINNNKKKSSS SOOOOOOOOO DAAAMMNNN GOOOD hahahaha. Im a fan of the deisles but this shit takes the cake. Super heavy kush taste with a hint of tart rasberrys that leaves u absolutly blasted. I feel like im at home watchin a movie when im walkin around town and shit. Half a joint and thats all u need for a good couple hrs.
well for me was some squidgy black dont know if many call it different im from england so was made from the buds and leaf of powerplant and was one of the best smokes i have ever had!!!!!!!!!!!
First time I have smoked way back in highschool was the best weed I have ever had, never came close to it in the last 17 years of searching :(. I met this cool dude at work named Dax, I knew he smoked and so another buddy of mine and me asked him to hook us up. We Paid 80 for an eigth! Anyways it was time to head to Dax's house and smoke it, he had one rule since it was our first time we had to stay there, no prob. anyways he never said what it was, just kept calling it some KB from humbolt county.. This was the first time I ever smoked, the first time I have ever had some serious KB, and was introduced to the amazing humbolt county! Anyways was a true one hitter, but took several. man I tell you unbelievable high! We were totally couch locked but not sleepy at all. Very trippy stoned out of my mind off of one bowl.
After that I never could smoke mexican schwag and have always tried to find bud like that shit. never came close.
I gatta move to Humbolt county!
First time I have smoked way back in highschool was the best weed I have ever had, never came close to it in the last 17 years of searching :(. I met this cool dude at work named Dax, I knew he smoked and so another buddy of mine and me asked him to hook us up. We Paid 80 for an eigth! Anyways it was time to head to Dax's house and smoke it, he had one rule since it was our first time we had to stay there, no prob. anyways he never said what it was, just kept calling it some KB from humbolt county.. This was the first time I ever smoked, the first time I have ever had some serious KB, and was introduced to the amazing humbolt county! Anyways was a true one hitter, but took several. man I tell you unbelievable high! We were totally couch locked but not sleepy at all. Very trippy stoned out of my mind off of one bowl.
After that I never could smoke mexican schwag and have always tried to find bud like that shit. never came close.
I gatta move to Humbolt county!

We call that acquired tolerance, and Black African was probably the most potent strain known to man....genetics are long gone.
This is truly a question that has no answer....plants are like people, every now and again you get a robert wadlow
GCGB: Green Crack x God Bud,One of the top strains in interior British Columbia(if your lucky enough to know a clone supplier who'll part with em,lol) Extremely Potent with the most intense kush smells I have seen.
This Green Crack Hybrid was developed in the Okanagen and only available to the connected for bout 5 yrs,It recently leaked ito the market and the secret is out.
Some of the "Strongest Strains On Earth" as tested by High Times Magazine (May 2012 issue)...

#1: OG Ghost Train Haze (Rare Dankness) - THC= 25.49%
#2: Chem Dog (GreenHouse)- THC= 24.72%
#7: Kosher Kush (DNA ) - THC= 22.68%
#9: Dr. Grinspoon (Barney's Farm) - THC= 21.87%
#13: Larry OG Kush (Cali Connection) - THC= 21.46

... this is not the complete list, just highlighted a few that would be easily obtainable through a seedbank! as the others on the list may prove difficult to obtain.
Happy Growing!
I've never seen that list but looking at it now, a couple things stand out to me.

GHS and CC is on there. From GHS is their bull shit Chem Dog, which just like their other strains have false lineages. Their Bubba Kush is supposedly bubblegum x kush, and this chem dog is og kush x sour diesel. I don't know everything about kushes or sour dees but I thought they were crosses or bagseed of chemdawg. And if those are the crosses they used that's not my issue, it's that they label them something which they are not. And I mentioned CC because Swerve is a dumb ass.

Dr. Grinspoon by Barneys... is that even weed? Look at the pic on attitude, it looks like a fake plant you'd buy at bed bath and beyond. Even the airiest of sativas I've seen do not look as ridiculous as whatever the fuck that shit is.

I don't know anything about kosher kush or dna. I grew out Sour Diesel and OG 18 from RP and I didn't care for them.

My only question for Rare Dankness is how many packs will I have to pop to find a pheno like Scott submitted. I've seen some posts of people who have started the GTH crosses and got a lot of variation in phenos. I have two packs so I'm gonna find out for myself this year. So fuck that list.
That black stuff was called Gunjii Black, DH Short said it was the most potent smoke hes ever had to date , made him quit on the joint which was "pinner" in his terms. he took seed back home but none of it grew right outside of Africa

Ask him, hel tell you
I don't know guys......Death Star is rated at 26% with high CBD. It's grown close to me now, and I'm getting it quite a bit. It's utterly devastating. I've never seen anything like it.

I got some Querkel yesterday, and wow was that nice. Tasty, and powerful. The grower gets mad props.....
We call that acquired tolerance, and Black African was probably the most potent strain known to man....genetics are long gone.
Im from another country but I know older folk who tell stories about African black, they all swear it was the bombest of bomb. I think that really says something, it's known worldwide and the timeline they speak of is over 10 years ago.
i was wrong about the seeds comin back with him, my bad

Black Magic African
DJ Short

This herb is the strongest ever. Although I have only smoked the Black Magic a very limited number of times, and I've never had more than a joint of my own, I feel it needs mention. I did once get to see a bag of this herb that belonged to someone else. It looked like rotted, black leaf, some leaves intact but crumpled, plus a powdery black shake. It had no particular odor other than sweet spicy moldy hay, and rolled best into thin pinjoints.

The smoke was slightly harsh, but with a very deep, rich flavor. I also recall that it produced lots of white smoke. Anyhow, this stuff was dangerous! I often questioned if it was truly pure herb. I have, however, sampled the same product from different sources at different times, all with the same story.

It was equatorial Black African, the supposed herb of some tribe, Pygmy group, or another equally incredible origin! It was likely an indigenous Central African herb. One pinjoint between three or four people was more than adequate. This was truly the most devastating and consciously inebriating herb I have ever smoked.

I do not recall ever passing out or losing consciousness, but I did have to let go in order to come back . This stuff alone could cause one to reach 3.5 pluses on the Shulgin psychedelic rating scale!

I never was able to acquire seeds from the Black African, though I have tried. It is one of the few indigenous strains that I am interested in working with.
Home grown strain Kronic kush you got to be sitting down when taking a hit guaranteed to make you black out even had wimps say it was laced pure Kronic kush!!!
purple sour diesel or God Bud purple pheno for me.. Love the earthy taste and stone of the dense god bud and full purple nugs, The sour diesel was a 10 weeker that went fully purple, almost black and smelt of grapes until week 10.. then it smelled of rotten beef. The taste would be so strong I'd salivate and maybe gag in the morning. Hanging those bitches to dry would give my wife a headache for days!!!