First time I have smoked way back in highschool was the best weed I have ever had, never came close to it in the last 17 years of searching

. I met this cool dude at work named Dax, I knew he smoked and so another buddy of mine and me asked him to hook us up. We Paid 80 for an eigth! Anyways it was time to head to Dax's house and smoke it, he had one rule since it was our first time we had to stay there, no prob. anyways he never said what it was, just kept calling it some KB from humbolt county.. This was the first time I ever smoked, the first time I have ever had some serious KB, and was introduced to the amazing humbolt county! Anyways was a true one hitter, but took several. man I tell you unbelievable high! We were totally couch locked but not sleepy at all. Very trippy stoned out of my mind off of one bowl.
After that I never could smoke mexican schwag and have always tried to find bud like that shit. never came close.
I gatta move to Humbolt county!