Strongest Strain Known To Man?

Read an article about some guy in australia thta was growing stuff that was 23%

he had some railroad cars he Buried and had welded together
I grow SOG and my Sharksbreath is 30-37% when tested, it is a DNA genetics "reserva privada" strain and has beat many strains (in Spain and the High Time cup) talked about here. This is pro grade bud and is hard to nute-burn Sharksbreath is the second best, IN MY OPINION "Tie Stick" is the worlds only 1 hitta quitta.

Whats SOG have to do with it?
Sour diesel gets my vote.
did u guys know that THC is actually really bad for you! its cannaboil that is in MJ that actually gives us positive effects for us. the THC is what makes you unable to make decisions clearly and fucks with ur mental state, and if used frequently with High thc lvls 50-100% can and will cause scitzofrenia/sycosis. but chances of getting 50-100% thc from your MJ is rare, only way to get these high lvls is to make the MJ into liquid form extracting the THC, then inject it into your self. lol good luck trying to do that at home. lol. look on youtube these videos, good info. "magic weed........." is a documentery type video on the history of MJ very infomitive "should i smoke dope" is a reality type documentery on MJ both vids opened my eyes to the bigger picture! my summer garden pics ------------> LOOK
anyone ever heard of green crack? that shit is strong. i have had some killer outdoor in 2007 fall. it was def a skunk strain. knocked me on my ass everytime i toked it. was outdoor but indoor quality. prob best stuff i ever had, and there was some seed in it too. grew a seed in a friends backyard. it needed 2 more weeks till harvest buddy was getting paroniod cause you could smell it from 2 blocks away lol, and it got over 12 ft. tall. it was premature but still heavy stone, not as heavy, but still nice. wish i had more seeds of that stuff!!!. those pics are of blueberry supposally
Honestly, I've grown 30+ strains and probably smoked close to 60+...

My top 3 ever (so far lol)

1. Barneys Farm LSD (the skunk pheno, wow!)
2. Sensi Seeds Jack Herer (wow!)
3. Bubblegum from (holy cow!)
Whoa look how long this thread got! Read some interesting stuff. Really nice pics too. The strongest strain known to man I don't think I can answer, but I'd recommend any strains from DJ Short, Alphakronik, Serious Seeds, G13, TGA Subcool, Mr Nice. These are my go to breeders. Serious Seeds White Russian is one of the most potent strains I've tried.
G13's Sour AK really hits hard. TGA Seeds Chernobyl is ridiculously strong. From Mr Nice, the strain Medicine Man.
My favorite DJ Short strain is True Blueberry and I like Alphakronik's Cheddarwurst.
has anyone heard about this new shit called JX13?? supposed to be the highest THC ever recorded!!! i haven't found any research on it yet, supposedly some article is in last months High Times about it. if anyone can find anything about it im dying to know.
did u guys know that THC is actually really bad for you! its cannaboil that is in MJ that actually gives us positive effects for us. the THC is what makes you unable to make decisions clearly and fucks with ur mental state, and if used frequently with High thc lvls 50-100% can and will cause scitzofrenia/sycosis. but chances of getting 50-100% thc from your MJ is rare, only way to get these high lvls is to make the MJ into liquid form extracting the THC, then inject it into your self. lol good luck trying to do that at home. lol. look on youtube these videos, good info. "magic weed........." is a documentery type video on the history of MJ very infomitive "should i smoke dope" is a reality type documentery on MJ both vids opened my eyes to the bigger picture! my summer garden pics ------------> LOOK

rofl. "should i smoke dope" is such a propaganda film. if you believe that shit you are an idiot.

THC is not bad for you. and does not CAUSE any mental disorder. It will bring out symptoms in people who have a mental predisposition.
Most potent strain i have smoked was a pheno of my own cross Blue yoshi, but i trained it and stressed it so i could get an ounce of resin rocks as i called them, kief encrusted nugs. you can do this with alot of strains.
The strongest strain I ever had was a friends own strain, what he done with it was make some oil and had some skuff he compressed the weed dipped it in the oil and dusted it in the skuff. Wow this shit was real strong as the weed was compressed you could put more weight into your spliffs bowl etc. As you have the same weight but less mass of weed means you can put more in. This shit gave me couchlock seriously I couldnt move like i was paralysed for 5 hrs. I never had anything that done that to me. Nice thread
strongest i ever smoked: NIRVANA - Raspberry Cough i was laughing like a little kid off of one good round in the Volcano. im a very heavy smoker too.
strongest i ever grew: nirvana's chrystal and white castle both have an AMAZING display of crystals on them as well... even the stems of fan leaves are white with crystals. i can speak from experience of growing those two, i havent grown raspberry cough yet, only blackberry(black domino x raspberry cough). blackberry is very nice too just not as resin covered as chrystal or white castle. ive also had a few KILLER bagseed plants over the years, just covered in stinky, sticky resin, its a gamble with those tho.