seedling sprouts have tiny white crystals on the seed shell


Well-Known Member
ive noticed tiny white crystals forming on the shells my newly sprouting seedling. and i mean tiny. ive also noticed that the sprouts have not grown at all for a few days. does anyone know whats happening?
The shell is still on the plant? Are the first baby leaves out? If not maybe consider taking the shell off yourself but be super duper gentle.

They should fall off when the leaves come out, if it even makes it out of the soil. In my few sprouts the seed was never on the plant when it came up.

Could be messing up the growth if it's been on there for days. But let some other people with more experience speak first before doing anything rash.

And I don't think the shell should be on more than a day or two.


Well-Known Member
the seedling is a newborn barely pushed out of the rockwool. all of my other seedlings came out the same way w the shell still on, and the shells fell off in a few days. do u know what the tiny crystals are?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Kind of hard to tell with out a photo. Maybe someone sprinkled sugar on your plants as a joke. Give me a while. I will come up with another guess. As for the slow growth. I am thinking you are a new grower. Most new growers over water, over nut, just about over everything. Maybe try laying back on the watering. But then again, this is just a guess, because not only do we not have a photo, but you gave no information on your set up and such.

Ah yah. I know what those Crystals are from. Little Gray Aliens came in late at night and piss'd on your plants giving them Space Herpies. :)

Give these people more info. I bet someone will nail it down.


Well-Known Member
those damn aliens... i knew it. but ya i woulda posted a pic but i dnt have a camera that can capture an image the size of a trichome. ive got my seedlings in a prop tray w a dome over it. could the crystals be fungus or mold?


Active Member
Well if you are talking about the roots that looks hairy(white hair around it) its normal dont worry.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
If you are foliare feeding with a heavy solution, you could get a salt build up on your plants. I NEVER FOLIAR Feed. NEVER. More harm then good in my book. But others live by it. Yah know. To each thier own.


yh its normal mate my stem wen it first came up had like rele fine hairs that look like cystals but my mrs was soon to put a downer on things with her know it all attitude haha


Well-Known Member
its not the root or the stem w the crystals, they are on the shell of the seed. the sprout is just poking through the rockwool and is only about 1/4 " tall. the shell is still over the cotelydons. the cotelydons have not opened up yet. and since i posted this morning, the sprout has fallen a bit and the tiny stem is turning a brownish color. doesnt look good at all. i think its dying


Well-Known Member
has anyone ever used a hydrogen peroxide/water mix? how much hp would u put in a gallon of water?


Well-Known Member
That sucks! Better luck next time.
ya its a bummer but its a great learning experience for me! its a lot of trial and error, from which ive learned a great deal not only about plants but about life in general, especially patients and a great love and respect for our beautiful mother earth. peace