ug bro get off that FFoF already get some real dirt like roots its cheaper and honestly you will like it better probably try a bag bro i can get em for 17 bucks a 1.5 cubic foot bag about 5 bucks cheaper than FFoF. I really dislike FFoF after switching out to other brands, and trying new things, made me realize fox farms is the miracle grow of the hydro store. It works but it needs work if you know what i mean, i always added perlite. The roots i just dump in pots it fuckin leaches so fuckin business and the ingredients OMFG the best part, SO MUCH higher quality shit in it off the bat than FFOF i mean dood i had the fuckin beard on my soil when i opened my roots bag, you know what i mean the beard from all the mycos and shit in the soil thriving. NEVER seen that with any bagged soil, only seen it when i ammended soil and cooked it.