Getting A Bit Bushy Up Top


Active Member
Hi everyone yet another question to ask which may divide some of you.

Scrogging.....should I trim up top or not?

Please view this picture before you offer any advise.

after switching the lights over to 12hr the plants stretched a little more than planned and now there's quite a lot of foliage covering some of the lower buds but these buds are all above the screen and I was wondering if I could trim some of the leaves just to thin out the top of the canopy a little.

thoughts on this would be very welcome.



not sure buddy im a noob but im just wondering how many plants that is? and what strain? looks sexual btw keep it up! thx


Well-Known Member

Remove foliage that is shading sites where flowers are beginning, above the canopy. NOT ALL AT ONCE.
Foliage should already be removed below the screen..

Which parts of the flower photosynthesis and what pigments? Stem Leaf Pistol Sepal Calyx etc.?
The process of manufacturing energy in the plant world (similar to the processes in all animals and human beings) is a very complex, cascade of chemical events. I remember well having to memorize the entire cycle of the many chemical reactions years ago in college and I remember then, thinking how amazing it is that this level of complexity exists within a simple leaf. The photosynthesis primarily is dealing with the green parts of a plant and involves chlorophyl, which is why plants are green. Other colors also can be involved, but don't use chlorophyl - but rather they use pigments like carotenes & xanthenes when other colors are involved, Phycoerythrin is the pigment in red algae & fucoxanthol in brown algae & diatoms which can be found in a wide variety of colors. Mainly what's going on is that sunlight is the energy source turning simple carbon dioxide into organic compounds like sugars & giving off oxygen as a waste product. Imagine that - the oxygen you & I need is a simple waste product of the process of photosynthesis. Hence, it's easy to see the necessity of the plant world for the animal world to exist & vice versa. We give off carbon dioxide as a waste product, which plants can't live without. Not only do we need the oxygen given off in photosynthesis, but the plants themselves are often part of our food source,giving us the energy the human body needs to function. Surprisingly, the actual
amount of energy trapped by photosynthesis is unimagineably immense, it is about 100 terawatts; which is about 6X larger than the yearly power use of human civilization.


Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
kevs right for the most part, but sometimes a fan or two is needed to be pulled, but please dont go too crazy man really gentle and try and spread it out over time. Less stress.


Active Member
kevs right for the most part, but sometimes a fan or two is needed to be pulled, but please dont go too crazy man really gentle and try and spread it out over time. Less stress.
Captain kron if I was to trim what's your thoughts on trimming the leaves back like when cloning rather than snipping the leaf at the stem. As you can see from the picture it's getting pritty thick up top.


kevin murphy

New Member
cant argue with any of the comments if it has to be trimmed then trimm mate like kk said do it over time instaed all at once mate


Well-Known Member
I think i'm gona have the same problem in a few weeks, i'm also thinking at this stage how i'm gona manage all the fan leaves and whether i'll have to do a trim up top also... seeing you handle your's will be educational. If you do trim up, please post some pics of before vs after. Good luck, canopy looks beautiful!


Active Member
I think i'm gona have the same problem in a few weeks, i'm also thinking at this stage how i'm gona manage all the fan leaves and whether i'll have to do a trim up top also... seeing you handle your's will be educational. If you do trim up, please post some pics of before vs after. Good luck, canopy looks beautiful!
Thanks for the kind words.
Yeah I've trimmed a little and I'm going to trim a bit more every 3-4 days till I'm happy so yeah no worries I'm post some pictures as soon as I can.
