The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Well i'm not there yet but the autopots might have some hope for em yet.

All spluffed heavily with black rose.

closest to harvest is the little DWC romulan that ran out of air

Tiny Black Rose

BSB x Casey


so when ya think them black rose seeds will be ready then? ;-)


Well-Known Member
is it possible to keep it outside? wifes not a fan of indoor
tell us all about it, whats it in( soil, coco, etc) what size of a pot is it in. was it planted outside originally, what are you feeding it, does the green house have any sort of heating or fans in it. is it sativa or indica? and tbh we really need a picture to tell u what stage she is at.


Well-Known Member
Hey Beansly ive got the tv on and its showing sum crap film from the late 70s or early 80s, its called 'panic in the skies' and its the original mexican sex symbol actor in it 'erik estrada'. god that brings back memories i used to love that programme called 'chips' when i was kid


RIU Bulldog
Hey Beansly ive got the tv on and its showing sum crap film from the late 70s or early 80s, its called 'panic in the skies' and its the original mexican sex symbol actor in it 'erik estrada'. god that brings back memories i used to love that programme called 'chips' when i was kid
I'm not quite that old pal lol Erik Estrada was already a punch-line when I came up. Now were stuck with Jenifer Lopez and Cheech Marin.
And for the recond I couldn't grow facial hari to save my life. I'm told it's the indian in me. Aztec Warrior!
No more locked doors! Gracias!


Well-Known Member
take the pics straight on next time, that kills my neck! its got atleast3 or 4 weeks to go. nip out and but sum plant food for it, if your stuck find a tomato food. if you can afford it then buy real mj food. sumthin like bio bizz bloom, its 10 quid a litre, u add maybe 4 ml to each litre of water and just pour it in, do a litre at a time until sum water run out the pot( this water is called 'run off), then lift the pot up and feel the weight, itll be fucking heavy btw, lift it every day and when its light to lift that means it need it again, grass like to be wet and then dry out almost completly , this is important to get oxygen tothe roots, dont keep it soaking it fucks up the roots. geta thermometer that tell u max and min temps, it'll show waht the kinumum is at night and the max thru the day, if it goes below 20-22 degrees at nite find an electric heater and put it on a timer to switch on for a wee while. thru the day you really want the temps between 26 and 28(celsius btw).thats about it for the basics. maybe hook up a smll fan to blow air around as humidity can cause bud rot, its also handy when u harvest to dry it a bit quicker,again this is important if its outside to avoid rot and mold.


Well-Known Member
food shopping done now an jus waiting for baby to wake up so i can go to the pub for a few pint of ale :-) gna enjoy my last day off lol, and got a bottle of bacardi waiting here for when i get home and just over 4oz of psycho left, gna be a good afternoon methinks


Well-Known Member
Dura72....your a f**king star....thanks for the straightforward advice...Much appreciated by a newbie.
sound mate, any other questions just ask, this site taught me to gow so i like to help where i can, im in here most days and you'll find that all the UK guys( and even that wee spick beansly!) will help, we've got a large cross- section of growers with knowledge of almost every style here so if i cant answer one of them will. where abouts in the uk are you?