Air cooled reflector - any advice appreciated

I've just upgraded my cupboard from a 250w to a 400w HPS (my buds were quite loose before and not particularly heavy so trying to change to a more intense light) only thing is where it's situated I really struggle to maintain a good level of temperature in there. I've got a fan to try and keep the air moving and reduce the temperature but it's still too hot. I've been looking up solutions and saw about air cooled reflectors, is this a good idea? Do they actually work? My room is about 4x3x6 with the light suspended about 14 inches above the girls.

Any help/advice/recommendations appreciated.


Find a cool tube, it will pull most of the heat out at source, you will be able to drop the light right down on top of them maybe 3-4 inches, depends on the extractor
My tent was hitting 90+ with the doors sealed, then i got a tube and bang 75-78
Iv read that a cool shade is best , as it do not stop the PAR/LIGHT , where the cool tube does ,

Cool shade , with a intake/out take fan /carbón filter ,
Find a cool tube, it will pull most of the heat out at source, you will be able to drop the light right down on top of them maybe 3-4 inches, depends on the extractor
My tent was hitting 90+ with the doors sealed, then i got a tube and bang 75-78
Not sure if this will work, I've got it in a cupboard in the middle of my house and can't go drilling through walls to get a vent in. Any other ways of reducing the heat off the light without an a/c unit and annihilating my electricity bill.


Active Member
Not sure if this will work, I've got it in a cupboard in the middle of my house and can't go drilling through walls to get a vent in. Any other ways of reducing the heat off the light without an a/c unit and annihilating my electricity bill.
You don't have to vent outside air. My cab is about the same size as yours + 400w. I exchange basement air, with an a/c on my cabinet that keeps humidity levels at 50% or lower. It's better than running a de-humidifier, they raise temps.
So, you want to ventilate a closed box without cutting any holes?
Effectively yes, I know it's not an ideal set up but wanted to try it with the bigger light this time. Been reading other bits on here and looks like ScrOG might be an idea coupled with the fan.