Question about curing. (Knowing when it's right for storing)


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure my stuff is ready to be stored. If I leave a bud out for about an hour the stem dry's up, and will break. The stuff still in the jar is not really crispy, but taken out for like an hour it is. The stems in the jar still bend, but like I said leave it out for an hour, and they dry up and snap pretty easily.

So I'm guessing it's ready for a good storage. I don't have to burp it anymore as that would be letting out the moisture right? I want a good bit in there to keep them hydrated kinda, and let them sit in their own fragrance right? I'm pretty sure mold isn't a threat. That's the only issue right? In terms of curing? And not letting it get to dry?


Scientia Cannabis
Have you dried it properly?
How long have you been curing it for?
What is the RH?

Long Dogg

it helps for someone on the internet to give you good advice.
I have one, and i am still learning how to get this right.


Well-Known Member
Hey this is kinda where I'm at....on curing my stuff. new here so I hope i can follow this...
I'd watch out I thought my shit was for sure ready, but it was still to wet. It got mold. My stuff was pretty moist everytime I would go to burp it. Make sure they're dry enough, or you burp enough, or for long enough.


Yea decided 2 lay it allout in baking pans n let it dry a little more,was worried that it might mold. Hope yours is ok..


Well-Known Member
I think my fatal mistake was not letting the air out for long enough, or not often enough. Good luck to you. If you don't want to risk mold, or take the length of time it takes to cure you can always water cure. I mean you're not selling it right, who cares about bag appeal.

If you do get mold you can just extract the thc through what is called iso extraction. It will kill the mold, and leave you with potent, but small amounts of pure thc.


id say if ur really concerned bout longterm storage take what u would allot to the storage stash.. and hang cure those suckers for 14 days then paper bag it. good old hanging is the best way to maintain flavor overtime, and u wil have to burp the jars much less often if u put a couple paper towels i nteh top and bottom layering them depending on the size of the jar and whatnot. they will help moisture levels from building too quickly, but otherwise until shits bone-dry which is gI've or take 3-4 weeks later.. (yes no joke) ur gonna have to burp jars anyway u look at it, i know people that AFTER curing well use dehumidifiers to further dry their product, but ifu ask me it always takes away for mteh flavor and that important to me, but if u could take small hit in that area then the Dehuimidifer works really well after uv already cured that is, i can't stress that enuf, if u were to do it before ud essentially be sucking all the flavor out