My 2 cents on profit for caregivers


New Member
$'re nuts. The base value is probably in the 100 an oz range. If you can't grow weed and make a decent living at 100 an either can't grow weed, or you're way over valuing your time efforts and expenses.

That's based on the assumption that growing is recognized as a business, and run like one. You license, accurate accounting, paying taxes...little stuff like that. Doesn't sound like most guys could survive in that scenario. Or they feel that that would be an "infringement' on their rights.

So, want you want, is the freedoms of business ownership, without the real world responsibilities of business ownership?. .

I mean, as a business, would this work for you? Take a look a this hypothetical scenario, even adjust it as you like. lets establish a fair and decent living for a caregiver with 5 patients and 12 plants per person.

Start up costs. lets assume that as a business, you will have to rent a location.

Is $10,000 for start up equipment enough? I'm only thinkin 500 a month for rent. just need open floor and electricity.

Easy one man operation..60 plants ain't that big a deal. yup, there will be some long day stretches. Harvesting times, re pot days...all that stuff. but ther will be long periods of "look and check" days too.. Kinda nice job.

So, I set up my operation. I think the way to make the most profit is flower half/veg half rotation. So I can flower 30 plants every two months. Lets cut that in half, so we can keep the accounting 'monthly".

15, 8 week plants, no space limitations, all the equipment you could possibly want...what's your yield estimate...on the low side? 2.5 oz per plant ok? That should be easy, right? remember, these have 8 weeks to root and they aren't too tiny to start.

2.5 x 15plants...37.5oz's right?

One oz for each of the 5 card holders...37.5 oz towards gross profits. At 200 an oz, that's $7500 gross per month.

Now we need expenses to get to net profit...

Rent 500, electric $1100 per month (most of you guys seem to think less) Equipment depreciation, repair, replacement and maintenance,300 a month, soil, ferts, pots..misc stuff...200 a month (again, generous by what I've read) lets pay an accountant 350 a month too, for our taxes and accounting.

add em all up...$2450 in expenses....if they are off in your estimation, help me get them right.

7500 gross minus 2400 expenses, your "taxable gross' is $5100 per month. Yearly taxable gross: $61,200

Like a good American, you file and pay taxes on 67k, for your your part time job (based on required hours to tend 60 plants) is that fair?
according to your own math you are off by $12,600


Active Member
my time is valuable and it costs me time to grow. It is what it is bro, shouldn't big pharma get the same BS treatment though? Do you spend this much time whining about Merk maging record profits? nah, there isn't a website for kids to play on for that, is there? NEXT......
You keep saying your time is valuable. why is your time so valuable? If its that valuable why dont you just grow for yourself and not have to worry about anybody else. Oh wait thats why, because your looking to cash in on patients and pay off your house and all your bills with it. IF you were really trying to help the people you would charge What it cost you to grow it per ounce plus a little, not 300 an oz or 100 a 1/4. all iam saying is profiteering from being a caregiver isnt what its intened purpose is.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
my time is valuable and it costs me time to grow. It is what it is bro, shouldn't big pharma get the same BS treatment though? Do you spend this much time whining about Merk maging record profits? nah, there isn't a website for kids to play on for that, is there? NEXT......
Why do you people always try to use legal professions as examples to compare something that's against the MM law ?
Illegal aliens would be a better comparison. Sure they make a profit, but they can be picked up and their new lives changed at any time. Just think what a salad would cost if they started charging fear tax.


Active Member
Why do you people always try to use legal professions as examples to compare something that's against the MM law ?
Illegal aliens would be a better comparison. Sure they make a profit, but they can be picked up and their new lives changed at any time. Just think what a salad would cost if they started charging fear tax.
Accepting payment from my patients (if i chose to have some) is not illegal, even under the new restrictions. So it is a LEGAL profession. Not sure what your meds look like, nor do I care, but to put out the meds I would want, it takes alot of time and money. The point behind the comparison (that I thought was fairly obvious) was, when you or anyone else provides a service why would you expect to get that for free? I dont understand anyones mentality that thinks they should get anything for free.


Active Member
You keep saying your time is valuable. why is your time so valuable? If its that valuable why dont you just grow for yourself and not have to worry about anybody else. Oh wait thats why, because your looking to cash in on patients and pay off your house and all your bills with it. IF you were really trying to help the people you would charge What it cost you to grow it per ounce plus a little, not 300 an oz or 100 a 1/4. all iam saying is profiteering from being a caregiver isnt what its intened purpose is.
Profiteering...maybe not. But if your good at something and your product is legally in demand and you can pay your bills with it, why wouldnt you? Its the epitamy of the American way. What is it you do for a living? Im sure youre good at whatever it is you do(your product), thus your position is retained for you everyday (your demand) and they pay you for your time spent (your profit).


Well-Known Member
Why do you people always try to use legal professions as examples to compare something that's against the MM law ?
Illegal aliens would be a better comparison. Sure they make a profit, but they can be picked up and their new lives changed at any time. Just think what a salad would cost if they started charging fear tax.



Easy, LOL!


Well-Known Member
I'd still keep a regular job if I were you. If it's ever legalized, the tobacco companies will take over growing. The liquor stores will probably do the selling. You'll have a nice gap in your resume.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
So your comparing youself to a doctor? do you have a phd in cannabis? being a caregiver wasnt designed to provide people with jobs to make a living off of, It was designed so that people who couldnt grow their own medicine could have someone to do it for them. So like i said, what you charge them for the medicine should cover COSTS and whatever else you need to sustain the grow. Not for someone to start paying off their house.
Thank you...

bob harris

Well-Known Member
View attachment 1842377
Before you go talking more shit take a look at this.
Cannabidiol —CBD— is a compound in Cannabis that has medical effects but does not make people feel “stoned” and actually counters some of the effects of THC. After decades in which only high-THC Cannabis was available, CBD-rich strains are now being grown by and for medical users.
The reduced psychoactivity of CBD-rich Cannabis may make it an appealing treatment option for patients seeking anti-inflammatory, anti-pain, anti-anxiety and/or anti-spasm effects without disconcerting euphoria or lethargy.
Scientific and clinical studies indicate that CBD could be effective in easing symptoms of a wide range of difficult-to-control conditions, including: rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, alcoholism, PTSD, epilepsy, antibiotic-resistant infections and neurological disorders. CBD has demonstrated neuroprotective effects, and its anti-cancer potential is currently being explored at several academic research centers in the U.S. and other countries.
this is what you need for parkinsons dude so don't say you know your shit.THCV has no benefit for parkinsons you need CBD or THCA

Your simply wrong.

Thcv acts as a primary b1 brain cell REGULATOR..(it's even on your pie chart).regulates neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain...It actually balances the chemicals supporting brain function...Greatly helping Parkinson. Thc and thcv also cause a stimulant effect..reliving the chronic fatigue associated with Parkinson's. As your you quote points out, cbd blocks the effect of euphoria (the reports wording) The "euphoria" is better described as the stimulant effect. Thank's for highlighting neuroprotective defects...Only problem is by the time you are diagnosed with Parkinson"s..The stuff it would be protecting has already been ruined by the disease.

Your quote amounts to wearing a rubber after you get AIDS in hopes it will cure the aids.

don't know where you hand picked your reference...but it sounds like it's from a seed bank pushing Indica's...and I dare say that I have spent a lot more time researching my condition than you have.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Accepting payment from my patients (if i chose to have some) is not illegal, even under the new restrictions. So it is a LEGAL profession. Not sure what your meds look like, nor do I care, but to put out the meds I would want, it takes alot of time and money. The point behind the comparison (that I thought was fairly obvious) was, when you or anyone else provides a service why would you expect to get that for free? I dont understand anyones mentality that thinks they should get anything for free.
Get hooked on phonics because your reading and comprehension is going to get you in a lot of trouble.
We are allowed to be compensated for costs associated with..
It does not take a lot of time or money, and the only people claiming it does are lairs and people who don't know how to grow.

The point of the comparison is to make it sound legitimate even though it's clearly not.

And I don't understand anyone's mentality that thinks they should get anything for free either, so what is a fare compensation for patients that sing over their 12 plants ?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Accepting payment from my patients (if i chose to have some) is not illegal, even under the new restrictions. So it is a LEGAL profession. Not sure what your meds look like, nor do I care, but to put out the meds I would want, it takes alot of time and money. The point behind the comparison (that I thought was fairly obvious) was, when you or anyone else provides a service why would you expect to get that for free? I dont understand anyones mentality that thinks they should get anything for free.
No one argument has been made against a care taker making reasonable profit. REASONABLE being the key word.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Accepting payment from my patients (if i chose to have some) is not illegal, even under the new restrictions. So it is a LEGAL profession. Not sure what your meds look like, nor do I care, but to put out the meds I would want, it takes alot of time and money. The point behind the comparison (that I thought was fairly obvious) was, when you or anyone else provides a service why would you expect to get that for free? I dont understand anyones mentality that thinks they should get anything for free.
Your only allowed 5 patients..How many oz's they need? And no one is saying a care giver should not be compensated.

Just that the skill, knowledge and time are closer in worth to a fry cook than a Doctor.


Well-Known Member
Well, I would say no new grower is going to be pumping out some Cali Grade A++ their first few grows, Unless backed by funds & alot of reading.

So in a sense, the more money / time you have to put into it, the Faster you should be able to get Top Notch Quality.

all Marijuana is not Equal, some shit just needs to be grown in that LAB. <3


Active Member
So your comparing youself to a doctor? do you have a phd in cannabis? being a caregiver wasnt designed to provide people with jobs to make a living off of, It was designed so that people who couldnt grow their own medicine could have someone to do it for them. So like i said, what you charge them for the medicine should cover COSTS and whatever else you need to sustain the grow. Not for someone to start paying off their house.
I thought it was a pretty easy point to get but I will clarify for you. I compared myself to a Doctor, a Nurse, a Home healthcare worker, and a guy that rakes your leaves. Now here it is pay attention. What do all of those people have in common? They all provide a service, for....(you guessed it) a profit. Thats the comparison. If your going to attempt to quote someone, be sure to quote them entirely.


Active Member
Get hooked on phonics because your reading and comprehension is going to get you in a lot of trouble.
We are allowed to be compensated for costs associated with..
It does not take a lot of time or money, and the only people claiming it does are lairs and people who don't know how to grow.
Buddy do you grow for 5 patients that require 1-2oz every week? To make that statement is pure ignorant! How old are you?