Poppa's PF Tek Golden Teacher Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Ok so here goes... I just started my PF/BRF Tek grow a few days ago.

I have done 6 1/2 Pint BRF Jars, I have a Pressure Cooker so I used that they were sterilized for 90mins.

Thanks goes out to Sporeworks for quick delivery and a free syringe!

After Pressure cooking I let the jars sit for a couple of days INSIDE the pressure cooker, I didn't open it to maintain sterility. After that I knocked up 6 jars with a GT Spore Syringe.

Innoculation was done at approx 12 midnight (the morning of 10/6).

Now here is where it got complicated, I was too busy paying attention to the spore solution in the jars than how much I was putting in... so the first 2 jars ended up with a massive dose and 1 only got about 1/2 a dose as I ran out of spore solution in that syringe.

Some 60hrs later I have 3 jars showing signs of life... good or bad remains to be seen, The 3 jars not showing anything I THINK are the 2 I over dosed and the 1 tiny dose so I'm not too worried about them... I will also say that I don't have micropore tape over the innoc holes and had until today left the aluminum foil on the lids (fear of contamination), but I finally removed them today as I was taking pics... And here are the pics


Jar 2

Jar 3

From what I can tell it looks like myc but I'm concerned it could be cobweb mold... I'm not really in a hrurry I'm heading out of Town on Wednesday for a Week so they are going to be in my incubator for several days should be a nice surprise when I get back from DC :o could be good or bad though with that many days unattended. Anyways I'll take some more pics of everyone before I leave on Wed...
Nice to see more mushroom journals poppin up around here!
You still got some time to go, but you're definitely on the right track.
Keep up the good work poppa!
Thanks like I said above I'm heading outta town for a week-ish on Wed for DC so I wont be tempted to look at em as much... thinking about a webcam so I can see em tho ;) I've got to post this over @ shroomery too.. I've just been busy getting my MP3 collection finally ready (editing MP3 tags SUCKS!!! people need to learn how to rip) so I've been editing some 15,000 MP3s, thankfully I've been working on it for a few weeks and using a program that does the hard work :D but anyways I'm gonna get this posted there as well. I'm also going to take a few more pics on Tues or Wed and post em up before I leave.
Ok so good news bad news... Bad news is my DC Trip was cancelled so I get to "watch paint dry" or "watch myc grow" :D the good news is I see at least a little growth in all 6 jars now the the other 3 trail significantly but still growth is good and I had one jar just explode with growth... here is a pic:

The 3 jars that are ahead have growth at all 4 inoculation points which I was only seeing at 1 or 2 yesterday so things are looking good!!!

Edit: You know the funny thing is I was all laid back and cool with being able to let them sit in the corner and incubate but now that I'm seeing growth I want to look every 30mins!!! Crap need to lock em up in the safe ;) I see why jr mycologists are impatient now.
Ok I finally got a chance to sit back down here after checking all the Jars throughly... And here is the breakdown

2 Jars are showing Myc at 4 points (1 showed nothing yesterday, they are small but all 4 inoculation pts. show growth)

1 Jar shows Myc at 3 Points

2 Jars are showing Myc at 2 points (1 showed nothing yesterday)

1 Jar shows Myc at 1 point so at least all 6 are alive with what looks like Myc!!!

I threw my Temp/Humidity Sensor in there and its about 56-57% Humidity and right about 80-81 Deg F, I know I shouldn't get above 80 for the Mycelium growth buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut.
I'm also Incubating in an Opaque Rubbermaid 18 Gallon Storage Bin
Cover those holes up man, I learned the hard way. I lost 13 of my jars to the green mold because I didn't cover the holes up.
Yeah it's super hard to be patient when you know in the end you get that wonderful "studying" time!
Home-grown mushrooms are potentially way more potent than wild mushrooms, and I would much rather trust something I cultivated with spores from a reliable vendor.
do you have a layer of dry vermiculite the top 1/2 inch of your jar? if you have that, (and, of COURSE cleaned the rim before PCing as to not leave a trail for contams to follow to the cake) you should be pretty well guarded against contams. best of luck to you!

i too am using to BRF PF tek! i 'noced up 9 1/2 pints with penis envy a week ago, and 3 days ago i 'noced up 5 PES amazonian and 4 fuckin' golden teachers!

definately subbed! especially with how close yours GTs are to mine...
OK quick update, I've been swamped the last couple days babysitting my mother after surgery so I haven't had time to look take pics but hopefully monday-tuesday, at this point I'm starting to see a little condensation on the inside of the jars but the significant thing is that all jars are showing great growth except the one that I did last as it didn't get enough spore solution... can I knock with another variety on top of it? Its not a big deal just going to take longer to colonize.
Here is how they look now! GREAT!!! all except that one that missed the 4th innoc point... and the condensation, I live in a pretty high pollen/contam area so I'm keeping the micropore tape on it sure hasn't affected myc growth!!!

You ALWAYS leave the micro pore tape on the lid. No question about it ;)
The condensation is fine, and normal.
They look good bro!

Thanks Blackhash, someone mentioned it earlier and I just wanted to set it straight that I had no intention of removing it... +rep for the encouragment and advice!
OK another update:

I'm considering what to do with the jar that only received 3 innoc points, its severely behind... I'm thinking I will probably toss it when I birth the other 5 cakes... And speaking of birthing! I have 1 cake that is 100% colonized and the other 4 are between 95-98% so I am looking at birthing and dunking probably sometime around next Mon-Tue.

Here are the pics:

After the Roll and placement in the fruiting chamber how long are we talking before the first flush? usually a couple weeks right?