Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Thanks to the stupid black dimming you appear to have no ass. & the underwear not translucent enough

There. Verification. Happy =\

I would love to include my face in these pics but, due to the nature of my job, i can't =\

But you can see it to the left so, use your imagination i guess =\

PS- Sorry for the blurry pic, I took only took one shot and didnt realize it was blurry until i uploaded it.


Well-Known Member
It's probably a he, using some girl in Fresno's name and such...

She's got a Facebook, but it's not private... so he probably got the photos off of there.


Well-Known Member
it said it was taken with a cellphone in march
Ah for the booty pic with RIU on it probably... I only looked at the first one she had taken which didn't have the RIU photoshopped on to it.

Either way, it's lyin' bout sumfin'.... mmmhmmmm.