My 2 cents on profit for caregivers


Active Member
Your only allowed 5 patients..after that your putting out illegal drugs...

No shit, thanks for the tip. Thats exactly why I am legal, have been legal, and will remain legal. Youre kinda off subject but i see you tend to bounce around with what ever negativity you can spread. Why divide us when we all have the same end result in mind. But you Bob, I wonder what it is you really are looking for.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Corey and Trevor..still nothing but rhetoric? Count..still cant talk about a fair care giver wage? Anyone? me a 60 plant, 5 patient care giver plan that shows fair profit for your work....

bob harris

Well-Known Member
No shit, thanks for the tip. Thats exactly why I am legal, have been legal, and will remain legal. Youre kinda off subject but i see you tend to bounce around with what ever negativity you can spread. Why divide us when we all have the same end result in mind. But you Bob, I wonder what it is you really are looking for.

I'm looking for exactly what I've stated. What is a fair care giver wage? Based on 60 plants and 5 patients in Michigan. Seems no one can answer.

And if you have only 5 patients, grow only enough for those patients, receive money from only those patients (your fair profit) I applaud you.

However, If you have 5 patients, supply those patients with meds, but grow out all 60 plants and sell the overages for profit...then, well, your profiteering.

You see, I am also hoping that some day the medical laws become better. And hoping for decriminalization one day.

But when the morons posing as care givers, continually state that they should be able to make any amount of money they can, with no accountability, well it makes a joke out of medical cannabis.

And by making medical cannabis a joke.. they cause further tightening of the medical laws...and certain delays to any moves towards decriminalization.

They are actually using the new law, enacted to help people, to conduct blatant criminal activity..under the guise of caregiver. How's that help the med laws get more lenient? Is it helping getting us close to decriminalization?

Caregiver profit is good. Be a career caregiver? Go for it. But if you think you time and effort to grow for 5 people is worth more than a real full time job, out in the real just isn't. Too easy, not enough hours put in, no real skill level. Some skill in growing good meds...but not the kind of skills to justify what you want to make.

If your one of the people thinking you should make however much you can, manipulating plant counts and patients for maximum profit, (growing out all you can, supplying your patients, then selling mass overages elsewhere) Your profiteering..and causing laws to be tightened, and are a criminal, and should go to jail.

And I don't say go to jail because it involve cannabis. I say go to jail because you are committing your crime in the name of "patients", hiding behind "caregiver" and well your just a DICK for doing the exact things that prevent further steps towards the decriminalization of cannabis or medical laws being more lenient.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Get hooked on phonics because your reading and comprehension is going to get you in a lot of trouble.
We are allowed to be compensated for costs associated with..
It does not take a lot of time or money, and the only people claiming it does are lairs and people who don't know how to grow.

The point of the comparison is to make it sound legitimate even though it's clearly not.

And I don't understand anyone's mentality that thinks they should get anything for free either, so what is a fare compensation for patients that sing over their 12 plants ?
Good point. it would seem that care givers think that a patient should either be given 1 oz a month for those 12 plants, or at the most be allowed to purchase as much as they like for 200 an oz....but none of them really wish to clarify.

And the most perplexing part is (read the law) why do the care givers think that those are now HIS 12 plants?
The law doesn't give the plants to the care allows him to cultivate them FOR the patient, in return for fair compensation..

The wording of the law reads that the plants still belong to the patient...the care giver is only allowed to cultivate them. He receives compensation from the patient for growing them...The care giver does not OWN the plants, he merely manages them for the patients.

I'm glad these care givers are not personal bankers...I'd deposit my 12 dollars a month with them..agree to pay them fair compensation for managing my money....Then they would give me $1 back to live on that month...Then next month, I would give them 12 more dollars..they give me $1 back and so on. Heck, at that rate I'd figure that I had quite a nice savings account going...until I realized the banker was keeping $11 a month..

WOW an epiphany! That's why care givers only seem to deal in cash..They are afraid someone might take a fee for all that profit if they put the money in the bank...

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Well, I would say no new grower is going to be pumping out some Cali Grade A++ their first few grows, Unless backed by funds & alot of reading.

So in a sense, the more money / time you have to put into it, the Faster you should be able to get Top Notch Quality.

all Marijuana is not Equal, some shit just needs to be grown in that LAB. <3

There is truth to that. Big difference between growing weed and producing Medical Grade/connoisseur grade product. But that's more experience than money...genetics only provide potential...quality lies in the hand of the grower..


Well-Known Member
hehhee, seen people saying 250 a ounce is fair or even 300..

and selling to sick people? lets put it like this, im disabled and if i had to buy the ounce for 250, id go without food or live on spagetti everyday.

yes, by all means lets make a profit.

i think growing my 2 monthly pound+ takes about 5 minutes out of every day with the occasional hour´s work a few times (2-3 times over the month at most, often less)
thats 4x4 space im using up. dunno what the electric bill is, minuscule.


Active Member
if you were paying attention from the start you would have seen us say that "truly" disabled people should get a nice break.but as bob and many of us know is that many people get it on simple thing's and then try to make it sound like it's their life saving medecine.most do not see a problem with fellow citizen's obtaining a card,most of us just view it as a tax.i see it as a way to show fellow citizen's that it's not a dangerous drug causing violence or any of the other stupid lie's.


Well-Known Member
Corey and Trevor..still nothing but rhetoric? Count..still cant talk about a fair care giver wage? Anyone? me a 60 plant, 5 patient care giver plan that shows fair profit for your work....
I thought it was 72 plants?

Bob? do you know what day it is?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Hell, I smoke over an oz to myself per week.. I have to keepup with my own demand & need !
An oz per week? must be very ill to need that much medicine...sorry to hear that. If I had to take that much medicine to get relief..I'd look for one that works better.


Well-Known Member
Huh? I smoke for pleasure as well my friend. o_O Did I say otherwise?
An oz per week? must be very ill to need that much medicine...sorry to hear that. If I had to take that much medicine to get relief..I'd look for one that works better.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
lol and you call yourselves "Caregivers"..

fucking hilarious.
I think the term care giver is pretty funny for some of these clowns too.

I'm all for some profit to the "care giver" the whole thread is about what reasonable compensation should be. Hey, if your supplying 5 patients, and you make $700 or so a month doing it..god bless you..that's fair for the actual time and effort. But if you think you should make $100,000 a year....your just a drug dealer posing as a caregiver.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
5 patients + yourself x 12 plants = 72 plants
That number was never used in an example. But if you'd like to use 72 plants and 6 people total, that just makes the number look worse for the care allows him to abuse more plant count and make even more "ill gotten" profits.


Well-Known Member
How about if you don't grow for anyone but yourself legally? Alot harder to get slammed w/ the book and be made an example of. o_O I would rather stay @ my own legal limit, so that I do not have to worry about the mumbo jumobo bs that comes along w/ having that big of a grow. If I get busted, I have no worries with a decent lawyer & feds have no reason to get involved. It is when LEO tries to fk you over cause you have some dime-a-dozen story about why & who you "grow for".

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Buddy do you grow for 5 patients that require 1-2oz every week? To make that statement is pure ignorant! How old are you?
Old enough to know the difference between a legitimate argument and an idiots reply.
I'd love to meet the "patient" that's got $1200 to $2400 a month to spend on meds, much less 5 of them.
My costs to grow for 4 cards and offering free meds monthly is less then $600 a month.

But nice try there kiddo.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Where did you get 72 plants? Haven't seen that number once in this thread.
Are you saying the care giver can grow 72 plants as long as he is also a card holding patient? Might want to check on that. I'm not sure, but I thought if you were a patient, and a care giver, you could only take on 4 more patients. Of course, I never read the law lookin for ths MOST I could grow.

See, YOU are a patient 1 + 4 = 5...If you take on 5 patients..and are a patient yourself..aren't you growing for 6?