My 2 cents on profit for caregivers


Well-Known Member
Charging by need is admirable.

And the best is expensive.

But the best rarely comes from farms. It comes from gardens..smaller grows. It's grown in soil, never hydro...big pots, organic, guano teas..ewc's, cared for daily. They tend to be Sativa's, moderate yielders, and long growing. They tend NOT to have massive cola's, and are not "dank", at least that's not the word I would use.

There are exceptions, some times Farmer have a little room elsewhere, with a "special" grow...but the "best" never comes out of a mass grow...
thats sum funny shit right there. I have sum of the best weed in northern california and I grow 10 pounds + every 2 months.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
thats sum funny shit right there. I have sum of the best weed in northern california and I grow 10 pounds + every 2 months.
Everyone that grows has sum of the best..have ya ever heard anyone, of any size, say "Yeah, I grow some mediocre stuff...."

Do you have mandatory testing in CA? Does it have to be analyzed? Just curious...


Well-Known Member
Everyone that grows has sum of the best..have ya ever heard anyone, of any size, say "Yeah, I grow some mediocre stuff...."

Do you have mandatory testing in CA? Does it have to be analyzed? Just curious...
I sell to clubs all through california. from salidas Think Green to torrance's delta 9 and backersfields BCCP and fresnos earth source. my meds are on there top shelf in southern california for 400 a ounce up north for 325.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
and yeah I grow in soil. and what does big pots hae to do with anything lol your funny. and not big colas but big pots?
Big pots has a lot to do with it...If your in organic soil..pre mixed with fertilizers, (supersoil..if you will) you need some pot size to allow enough nutrient value in the soil to last the grow, and you need the root system be be allowed to grow both horizontally and down, if ya expect the plant to hold up its weight. I hate staked plants...they don't need stakes in the wild to hold them matter how big they get.

And big colas mean nothing. They are just a series of buds that grow should break them down before you dry...don't want mold.
Giant colas is an Indica trait...and sorry..Indicas are not better than Sativa's. Bottom line, the size of the cola has nothing to do with "quality"...just appearance. If ya associate BIG with BETTER....well that"s foolish. But it does give you more women to pick from.

Look at the evolution of the cannabis cup: The cannabis cup isn't so much about the "srtain"'s about the grower. Jack Herrer has won more cups than any other strain. But it's been entered by many growers..The cup goes to the grower..not the strain.

That said, lets get back to the evolution of the cup:

When it first was one category. An all out, bring it on one winner shoot out.
Then they divided it. Sativa and Indica. Why..cause the Indica guys were crying so hard about never winning the cup...
Then the Hydro guys got whiney, because they could never win. (got mad bag appeal..couldn't compete on "taste" with the soil guys) they added categories for them.

Which brings us back to "BEST"..It's always been a Sativa..soil grown..strain. The others all had to have a category created for them...

Do you grow in soil? Or use soil to hold the roots while you feed them Jug Food? I mean if you ppm'n and ec'ing that that food water mix....that's not growing in soil. It's using soil as a medium...


Well-Known Member
anybody selling their med's for less then 300oz i feel sorry for.

Anyone buying thier Meds for more than $200... I feel sorry for!!!

When its legal and it will be.... the bottom will fall out just like all the other industires that are now swampt by individualls that want to make money.

I use to be a GC before the current economic down sizing....Everyone one and their mom became contractors...low balling the industry ..... the MJ industry is no different


Well-Known Member
Big pots has a lot to do with it...If your in organic soil..pre mixed with fertilizers, (supersoil..if you will) you need some pot size to allow enough nutrient value in the soil to last the grow, and you need the root system be be allowed to grow both horizontally and down, if ya expect the plant to hold up its weight. I hate staked plants...they don't need stakes in the wild to hold them matter how big they get.

And big colas mean nothing. They are just a series of buds that grow should break them down before you dry...don't want mold.
Giant colas is an Indica trait...and sorry..Indicas are not better than Sativa's. Bottom line, the size of the cola has nothing to do with "quality"...just appearance. If ya associate BIG with BETTER....well that"s foolish. But it does give you more women to pick from.

Look at the evolution of the cannabis cup: The cannabis cup isn't so much about the "srtain"'s about the grower. Jack Herrer has won more cups than any other strain. But it's been entered by many growers..The cup goes to the grower..not the strain.

That said, lets get back to the evolution of the cup:

When it first was one category. An all out, bring it on one winner shoot out.
Then they divided it. Sativa and Indica. Why..cause the Indica guys were crying so hard about never winning the cup...
Then the Hydro guys got whiney, because they could never win. (got mad bag appeal..couldn't compete on "taste" with the soil guys) they added categories for them.

Which brings us back to "BEST"..It's always been a Sativa..soil grown..strain. The others all had to have a category created for them...

Do you grow in soil? Or use soil to hold the roots while you feed them Jug Food? I mean if you ppm'n and ec'ing that that food water mix....that's not growing in soil. It's using soil as a medium...

Giant colas are a indica trait????? Really this is my Casey Jones ( Sour Diesel x Bubba x Thai).... Sativa Dom...look at my huge ass airry molding at all :)

Theres no way in hell that the branches from this strain will hold up these nuggs without staking... even outdoors.

Just those 2 nugs... bottom picture... wieghed over a 36 gs


bob harris

Well-Known Member
Giant colas are a indica trait????? Really this is my Casey Jones.... sativa dom...look at my huge ass airry buds :)

Why you got stakes holding up those ladies? Are they sick? can't hold their own weight? Every healthy plant I've ever grow can hold its own weight. Small pots? Mixing up bottled nutes? I mean they look like they will come out Ok..but I kinda feel sorry for them...

Sativa Dominate..ya that's what they sold ya. look at those fatty leaves,and none with more than 5 fingers?. The Indica is what is giving you those leaves..and the..let me look at the picture again to be fair....and those medium size colas.

Why do you think they started crossing Indica's and sativas?To make better strains? Sorry, wrong answer. Land Race Sativa's were too hard and time consuming to grow in "pots"..

No one thought.."hey, lets make a Indica Taller"..
No one thought "bet we can slow down that indica flower time with some sativa genetics"

The advent of breeding was to bring Sativa Qualities to indica's..not the other way around. it was "sativas are waaaaay better than indicas...maybe we can get Sativa's to flower quicker, and keep the hight down if we cross with an Indica"..

Your strain may be very nice....but don't believe that plant is "Sativa Dominate" for a second...I know..looked it up..they are claiming 80% sativa or something like that....but come on man, trust your eyes...not the gut selling genetics..It may have 80% Sativa Genetics...but the other 20% is controlling the growth of that plant..

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Really though....I wish the guys that claim to be caregivers...that can't act like a care givers...would stop putting their " I should make as much as I want, and not be accountable and my time and skills are so valuable rhetoric in a MEDICAL FUCKING FORUM.

Post that shit under "general growing"..."advanced growing"...."legalization"..."organics"...or any of the other forums. But please take your "dank shit" TO ANOTHER FORUM.

Not a forum someone might read while trying to decide their position on the med laws. That "I should make whatever i want" jive bullshit smack, has no place in a medical forum.....unless they are truly the ones wanting laws tightened, and privileged revoked....that would be less competition..they'd like that. keep the prices up!

A medical forum should talk about positive medical cannabis behavior. REASONABLE profits discussions are fine. Info on the latest propositions are fine. Discussions on how dispensaries could operate discreetly and professionally are fine. (and dispensaries have no need for a smoking area, I can't find a pharmacy that has a little room I can go pop my pills in...why do I need a place to medicate at the dispensary?)
Talk about what strains for what condition, fine. Tons to talk about.

Topics and discussions that would cause a reasonable person, using this site as research, to define their position (READ VOTE) on medical cannabis, to think "WOW there ARE positives to this issue"
You're an idiot dude. its not that we should be able to charge what we want, we do charge what we want stupid. LOL, Merk is a bunch of greedy cancer killers and SCJohnson is a bunch of meanies that cure athletes foot and I'm a jerk that helps relieve pain all at a cost stupid. If you find a better deal great but shut your stupd mouth about that which you don't want to buy. Thats all, just shut it and let us be. You got a great thing going, keep it going and leave me alone. I hate all this "greedy care giver" stuff. If I was truely greedy I'd grow my stuff and not let the world have any of it for any price idiot. Thats greed fool. you're tripping over compensaton not greed. P.S. I would be totally greedy if I saw you dying for a toke. :)


Well-Known Member
hehhee, seen people saying 250 a ounce is fair or even 300..

and selling to sick people? lets put it like this, im disabled and if i had to buy the ounce for 250, id go without food or live on spagetti everyday.

yes, by all means lets make a profit.

i think growing my 2 monthly pound+ takes about 5 minutes out of every day with the occasional hour´s work a few times (2-3 times over the month at most, often less)
thats 4x4 space im using up. dunno what the electric bill is, minuscule.
I agree but if you spent a little more time with your girls they would appreciate it. They are alive and they enjoy company. :)


Well-Known Member
if you were paying attention from the start you would have seen us say that "truly" disabled people should get a nice break.but as bob and many of us know is that many people get it on simple thing's and then try to make it sound like it's their life saving medecine.most do not see a problem with fellow citizen's obtaining a card,most of us just view it as a tax.i see it as a way to show fellow citizen's that it's not a dangerous drug causing violence or any of the other stupid lie's.
well, so im a angry overreactive cuss :)

and excuse me and i agree, people that arent really disabled and still want someone to grow for them, well, the market is the market and they Could grow if they want.


Well-Known Member
I agree but if you spent a little more time with your girls they would appreciate it. They are alive and they enjoy company. :)
lol, oh i look at them quite bit more often than that, i enjoy their company too, but im saying , The Actual work, is very little.

usually you gotta suck a dick or get a long ass degree (or kiss alot of ass) to make that much money, for that little work ;)


Well-Known Member

1000 a week is fair caregiver wage for what i do. 20 hours a week my ass. my garden is full time.

there is a distinct definition between income and profit, set forth by the irs. let's use that. when was the last time any of you paid a profit tax. most never make profit. they earn income, and they are taxed as such.
the prob is, what i do for a thousand a week is hard to reproduce. so the average grower, in his ignorance, wants to be paid the same, for less work. because murf is makin it, i wanna make it too, so their ounces are 500 apiece.

that's the difference. i give away more than i sell. and still make about what i did at my other job. it's HARD WORK in my garden. and no, i don't profit. if i do this for the next 25 years i may be able to retire.

try to think faster,please.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you Murf. Any caregiver with a max load of patients that have a high supply demand requires quite a few plants. I'm surprised at people saying it's not a lot of work. I put a lot of work into 4 plants, I mean it's not a major amount but I have daily garden chores and it is more than 5 minutes. Especially when it comes flushing time etc. Daily waterings, emptying the dehumidifier constantly, rotating plants, checking PH etc. If I had 20 plants going for 5 patients It would be a hell of a lot of work.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
I honestly don't see working 24 plants or even 32 when I've got clones or seeds rooting as all that much work or time.
And I LST the shit out of my babies.


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't see working 24 plants or even 32 when I've got clones or seeds rooting as all that much work or time.
And I LST the shit out of my babies.
Well there is definitely things you can do to make it all easier. I don't have water to my room so I'm hauling buckets of water etc.. 20 plants would be a chore for me.


Well-Known Member

come sling sheets with me? osb that is.

anyway, i don't have 20 plants apiece for 5 patients either. good try though. i can absolutely guarantee i don't break laws. that shit is for the kiddies. or those without previous federal indictments.

my rooms, setup, layout, hardware, software, etc., is in aconstant state of flux. i do experiments regularly, and incorporate the beneficial techniques i learn into my organization.
water and feed day takes 8 hours. i won't say my numbers, but they are legal(less than you think:)). it's one thing i do that makes my medicine consistently better than the rest. drip feed machine coming soon(oh the information!lol).

also i build most of my own hardware. having a background in R&D, engineering, and fab. most of what i come up with is pretty pro. CUSTOM MODDED hardware. most could only dream.
most of the things we talk about anyymore on this site are gay. i had a personna for about a year and half, before i was murf(i've always been murf,:)). back then, you had to have sharp pencils to play with the kids here. i learned quite a bit from reading the back logs on this site, and i would advise others to as well. there is much great info here, but it needs to be sought.
most of what is said now is shit.