Club 600

Any fellow 6'rs that live in cold climates ever try to set up in a garage??...Setting up my 'ol tent in the garage.....I think I can get the temp sorted out but it is going to be dry as's already next to no humidity in the winter here and running a heater or two during the plants night(our day) isn't going to help.....I am for some reason concerned about running a humidifier when the temp outside the tent is going to be close to 30*F.......any tips????......also.....It obviously has something to do with the stomata, but what would it hurt to veg with a 20-30%RH?

a bowl of water in the tent will raise the humidity.

Any fellow 6'rs that live in cold climates ever try to set up in a garage??...Setting up my 'ol tent in the garage.....I think I can get the temp sorted out but it is going to be dry as's already next to no humidity in the winter here and running a heater or two during the plants night(our day) isn't going to help.....I am for some reason concerned about running a humidifier when the temp outside the tent is going to be close to 30*F.......any tips????......also.....It obviously has something to do with the stomata, but what would it hurt to veg with a 20-30%RH?
I cant believe that we have the opposite problem right now.
I cant get the humidity low enough, esp when it is cold........go figure lol
I cant believe that we have the opposite problem right now.
I cant get the humidity low enough, esp when it is cold........go figure lol
Haha....I do figure that once the plants establish size they'll transpire more to help out......IDK......probably over thinking shit
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Haha....I do figure that once the plants establish size they'll transpire more to help out......IDK......probably over thinking shit
I over think shit all the the high humidity actually was a major problem.
Decided to calm down and got taken off guard with all the bud-rot!!
I over think shit all the the high humidity actually was a major problem.
Decided to calm down and got taken off guard with all the bud-rot!!

For me there has always been a way of dialing in the environment to make it work. I'm facing a challenge currently though and I'm not certain I will sort it out until the weather gets colder lol.
Thanx guys, got it now

DST I am great today, hittn weights outdoors trying to get big again. Gonna put up pics of myself 2 yrs ago when I encourage me to go all out again

I do a little bit of weights when I train, but more for quick repitition rather than bulking up. I find shadow boxing (with weights in hand) is incredible and really tones you. Good luck with it Bassman.

doing fine this day D,been doing lots of house work.

Can you come round mine and do some for me Gen? I am such a retard when it comes to housework, just got no motivation. And my wife, lmfao, she doesn't even know how to spell the word Housework! faf.

Well there is no more direct sun to be had in my shed. The sun is never over head, just off to the side now. Idk if that is gonna make more weeks outside useless or not. I pulled 2 out of the shed into the sun and they must be really happy though.
Man I wish I could just grow in the open!!!!

Oh well, just gotta focus on my indoor winter grow now.

I am only getting direct sun for about 60% of the day on the tops of the plants outside. Th whole plant probably only gets an hour or two max. I guess it will effect yield somewhat but it's not drastic if you are in the finishing phases.

Any fellow 6'rs that live in cold climates ever try to set up in a garage??...Setting up my 'ol tent in the garage.....I think I can get the temp sorted out but it is going to be dry as's already next to no humidity in the winter here and running a heater or two during the plants night(our day) isn't going to help.....I am for some reason concerned about running a humidifier when the temp outside the tent is going to be close to 30*F.......any tips????......also.....It obviously has something to do with the stomata, but what would it hurt to veg with a 20-30%RH?

Well I was going to suggest greehouse heater but that wil produce dry heat. However in combo with humidifier I think you would be more than fine. The heater I have you can set it just above freezing and it just kicks in everytime the temp drops. Or run the lights at night, and off during the day.....

Pissing with rain in the Dam today and looks like it might be here to stay.

Hope all are well.

Peace, DST
Endls, it sure is good to see your avatar's ass around these parts again. For about thirty bucks you can get a cool mist humidifier from wally world, or a warm mist vaporizer if you're worried about temps. I'm not sure you could put it in your tent but it might be good to raise the humidity of your whole garage.

Bassman, it's currently seventy six degrees at six thirty in the morning with eighty seven percent humidity here. Got gills?

I know most of you guys don't follow rugby but i thought i'd share this, funny as fuck lol
Funniest part, "Don't cry, look how bad England were!!!!" lmfao. Not that Scotland did too well like. Nice one 3Eyes.

A definitie FAF!!
Funniest part, "Don't cry, look how bad England were!!!!" lmfao. Not that Scotland did too well like. Nice one 3Eyes.

I think it's the same with all the celtic nations as long as we do better than the English we're happy lol here's an example

Good morning everyone. Hope everyone is doing well. Sorry to hear about the rainy weather D, it's nice and sunny here, not rubbing it in. I think it might be the right kind of day to pluck a Deep Blue Jack The Ripper. Also, if all works well today, I should be putting in for a second tent and light. I keep going back and forth but today I think I'll pull this trigger. I've sent an email off to the guy, just waiting for a reply.

Endls, I would consider something to get your pots off the cold ground. That cold will seep up into your roots I think. Either that or place the tent up off the ground. Wooden skid or something.
Spread more tincture on it. :D

Im up shwag, this sinus infection/chest cold is fucking me up!!

the DOGSOG is drinking 5 gallons of water a DAY right now. Sure glad I'm not traveling this week. I think the 600 should start a cooperative house-sitting service. It would be such a comfort knowing everything is in good hands.
I didn't do that last winter and my res temps got down to low/mid 50's. Brrrrrrrr! I'm putting them on a slab of styrene this year. I'm also going to be heating my spaces during the dark period this winter. It gets bloody cold with the lights out.

Good idea! I use a 1" rubber mat for insulation from the concrete slab.

Im up shwag, this sinus infection/chest cold is fucking me up!!

I've got a sinus infection, too, right now from surfing dirty water. It's the pits. Make sure to use a sinus rinse-- helps tons. Oh, and btw, Bill, I'm gonna make some of that tincture you posted the other day... I've been trying to get off the bong for a long time now... I need to get back to edibles. :peace:

Mornin' 6 Hundo. Bobo is alive. Barely. Hope you're all well. Off to another busy day.
Well it brightened up peeps and we have had a much nicer afternoon. Countdown to chop the first outdoor girl, it's like an hourly watch, and when I get up in the morning and see it raining I rush outside to make sure the dehumidifier is still on and there is no mould appearing. So far I have only had some PM on the leaves, but have been dealing with that with Silinal (a sodium based spray). I don't think I'll be pulling a lot of weight from these but the fact that some of these buds are the stickiest I have seen can only be a good sign. They equal anything I have grown inside for resin production and as for the nug I pulled last week, that was a smooth ride when smoked. If my indoor growing days in NL ever get number, I know there is always a way. The Big 600 in the sky (all be it one that shines seldom over here)


