Club 600

Have a good day Bobo, mine is at an end and the evening is about to be kicked off with a bongo. D
I've got a sinus infection, too, right now from surfing dirty water. It's the pits. Make sure to use a sinus rinse-- helps tons. Oh, and btw, Bill, I'm gonna make some of that tincture you posted the other day... I've been trying to get off the bong for a long time now... I need to get back to edibles. :peace:

Mornin' 6 Hundo. Bobo is alive. Barely. Hope you're all well. Off to another busy day.
Mornin 6-0-0
It is 57*F and 88% rh according to Underground weather at 8:28 am
I bought this homeless girl donut holes and hot chocolate this morn. The look on her face made me feel shitty for taking my problems so seriously, when she was happy just to have a warm cup in her hands.
Well it brightened up peeps and we have had a much nicer afternoon. Countdown to chop the first outdoor girl, it's like an hourly watch, and when I get up in the morning and see it raining I rush outside to make sure the dehumidifier is still on and there is no mould appearing. So far I have only had some PM on the leaves, but have been dealing with that with Silinal (a sodium based spray). I don't think I'll be pulling a lot of weight from these but the fact that some of these buds are the stickiest I have seen can only be a good sign. They equal anything I have grown inside for resin production and as for the nug I pulled last week, that was a smooth ride when smoked. If my indoor growing days in NL ever get number, I know there is always a way. The Big 600 in the sky (all be it one that shines seldom over here)




Lookin good D, looks like some color coming out now on that one huh?
I do a little bit of weights when I train, but more for quick repitition rather than bulking up. I find shadow boxing (with weights in hand) is incredible and really tones you. Good luck with it Bassman.

Thanx, just gotta force myself, till it comes naturally again.

I am only getting direct sun for about 60% of the day on the tops of the plants outside. Th whole plant probably only gets an hour or two max. I guess it will effect yield somewhat but it's not drastic if you are in the finishing phases.

I dont feel so bad then
Mornin 6-0-0
It is 57*F and 88% rh according to Underground weather at 8:28 am
I bought this homeless girl donut holes and hot chocolate this morn. The look on her face made me feel shitty for taking my problems so seriously, when she was happy just to have a warm cup in her hands.

That is really cool bassman. Hopefully it's contagious.

Well, it's a done deal. New digital 600 with a cool tube, ratchet hangers, and Super HPS bulb and a MH conversion bulb. Then to top it off another 2m3 tent. $385 all in. Whoo hoo, that felt good.
Xmas come early duchieman. nice purchases indeed. Now be a good boy or the postman might not deliver them!!
Well, I just fliped the light today for 36 hour dark period befor the light goes back on. I never done this before but from what I have read it seems to be pertty good.Theye are all doing great except the Cloud 9. Ii is so bad looking its not worth taking a pic. I thought about trying to clone it but I got 5 more seeds to play with. I'm just wirried about the growth yet to come. Getting full in there.:weed:I can't wait to harvest and get this box produceing on a regular bases. I think I spoiled my self with my last round cause I CAN'T STAND THE CRAP PEOPLE ARE SELLING HERE!! Terrible. Its either ,looks good, smells good, tastes good, big bucks for it and it don't get you high cause its harvested earily or it dirt weed that tastes like shit but gets you a little higher than the high dollar stuff. I know its grow around here cause I run in to fresh stuff now and then, just wish where ever it came from knew how to harvest better/proper
Well, I just fliped the light today for 36 hour dark period befor the light goes back on. I never done this before but from what I have read it seems to be pertty good.Theye are all doing great except the Cloud 9. Ii is so bad looking its not worth taking a pic. I thought about trying to clone it but I got 5 more seeds to play with. I'm just wirried about the growth yet to come. Getting full in there.:weed:I can't wait to harvest and get this box produceing on a regular bases. I think I spoiled my self with my last round cause I CAN'T STAND THE CRAP PEOPLE ARE SELLING HERE!! Terrible. Its either ,looks good, smells good, tastes good, big bucks for it and it don't get you high cause its harvested earily or it dirt weed that tastes like shit but gets you a little higher than the high dollar stuff. I know its grow around here cause I run in to fresh stuff now and then, just wish where ever it came from knew how to harvest better/proper
well u r on the right track now. Nobody cares about the bud u smoke as much as u do....thats why I grow my own!! That and I know what is in/on
I have my shed covered with visqueen. I went from 2 layers to one, and light increased.
I now have greenhouse film, and cut strips of each and compared it for light transparency, and the visqueen seems to block a noticeable higher percent of light and color.
I wonder if I should switch it out now, or just wait till next years outdoor grow.........?!?
Blackberry kush

A guy I talked to said," dont grow BBK for personal".
I asked why.
He told me wont get you high, just looks good.

I am here to tell you it got me high and gave me the munchies. I know I shouldnt be eating custard filled but they taste so good!
I just blew it up, all credit is yours.

lmfao!!! nice one. I'll still think of it as you about to laugh though.:)

depending on the pic u r thinking of I might have been.

Looks like Shishkaberry and Blackberry Kush are the same strain except mom and dad switched?

Blackberry Kush
Lineage: Afghani Mother x DJ Shorts Blue Berry
Lineage: DJ Shorts Blue Berry Mother x Afghani Father
Does switching mom and dad really change the strain?
I've heard the same thing about the Shishkaberry and Blackberry. I'm happy to hear you like the Blackberry as much as I do.

I am trying to solve a problem I'm now facing. I never got my 1K ballast back from dude because I found out when I visited his place that he no longer has it. After things very close to getting violent he offered me a 1K MH ballast and $50. I'm not a fan of violence anymore so I took his offer but now have a HPS bulb and a MH ballast :(
I don't know if I should buy another HPS ballast, use the bulb that I have and sit on the MH ballast until it sells? Or, should I try to sell my bulb and buy a HPS conversion bulb to use in the ballast I now have?
The downside to the HPS conversion bub is that they don't produce nearly the total lumens of a HPS with the conversion being in the 105-120k range and the HPS at 150k. They do claim to have a better PAR rating but that is something I have no way of testing.

Any thoughts?

There is another option I suppose which is to buy a 'warm MH' bulb that has a color temp rated at 3000 kelvin and use the MH ballast.
Here is the info on that bulb:
SunMaster Warm Deluxe Grow Lamps emit balanced light similar to a 3000 ° Kelvin source, making them ideal for all phases of plant growth while ensuring more natural growth patterns occur in most species. Its enhanced orange-red component promotes flowering, stem elongation and germination while a rich blue content assures healthy vegetative growth.
SunMaster Warm Deluxe lamps surpass all other HID sources in PAR Watts - the most objective measurement of total light energy available for photosynthesis. Available in 400 and 1000 Watt horizontal and 1100 Watt universal burning versions, these bulbs are for use in equivalent Wattage metal halide fixtures equipped with a mogul socket with positioning slot.
SunMaster measures artificial horticultural light in Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Watts. While lumens are based on the eye sensitivity curve of human beings, PAR Watts objectively measure the total Watts of light emitted by a lamp in the spectral region that plants respond to. They account for the nutritional value of light and are a direct measure of the light energy available for photosynthesis. 105,000 lumens.
I think if it was me in the long run it would be better to buy a new ballast and sell the one you got.
That was my first thought and plan but then started looking into other options. Most didn't make any sense for my setup but I thought the Sunmaster sounded like it might be a decent option. I'm still leaning toward buying a HPS ballast though. I see some on Craigslist for decent prices so I may go check them out.
My whole intention was to be able to light the 40x80 space with a single light and I don't know how much better a 105,000 lumen light will be than the 90,000 one that's in there now. that's what it was rated at anyway when new but only has a couple cycles on it now.
If it were me Dez, I'd probably cut my losses and either sell it and put it towards a new HPS or, if coin's not too big a deal, keep the MH for whatever may come and get the new ballast. Either way, I'd stay away from the conversion, bulb. I understand that things can be adapted to work in other equipment but I like to keep things more straight forward and not play around.