Club 600

Would you just look at that ass! Long tim bro! Set that damn tent up and give it a shot, why not?
Exactly what I'm doing at the the beans soaking!!!!!
Endls, it sure is good to see your avatar's ass around these parts again. For about thirty bucks you can get a cool mist humidifier from wally world, or a warm mist vaporizer if you're worried about temps. I'm not sure you could put it in your tent but it might be good to raise the humidity of your whole garage.
Was thinking the same thing...try to get the humidity and temps somewhat ideal outside the tent....give me a better buffer for inside the tent.
Endls, I would consider something to get your pots off the cold ground. That cold will seep up into your roots I think. Either that or place the tent up off the ground. Wooden skid or something.
got the tent sitting on two inches of that styrofoam insulation shit.
few shots of the room...



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doobie brother yoo inspired me to make a 600 jingle. but cant figure out how to upload the thing on you tube bc theres no video its just audio. and it wont covert or some shit.
Genuity. Beautiful.

Headsup. I wouldn't be able to tell you haven't been doing scrogs for years.

Dez. You make me laugh. You seem like such a nice guy, and yet everything ends in violence. Who finds the near need for violence after a craigslist dealing. Maybe I'm just a pussy, lol. (i do realize not everything you do ends that way, just exaggerating for effect)

EDIT: I re-read your post and guess I misunderstood the first time. You went to a 'friends' house to get your own ballast and dude didn't have it anymore? I though you went to a strangers house and he had already sold the ballast you were interested in. lol, I'm just making everything come from craigslist these days.

Speaking of which Hey D. I forgot to say, nice jars of herb. I can't beleive you got all those buds off craigslist, what a score. ;)

doobie brother yoo inspired me to make a 600 jingle. but cant figure out how to upload the thing on you tube bc theres no video its just audio. and it wont covert or some shit.

If you got some kinda movie maker program from windows you can just put up a pic and add the audio and BAM you got a youtube compatable thingy.
doobie brother yoo inspired me to make a 600 jingle. but cant figure out how to upload the thing on you tube bc theres no video its just audio. and it wont covert or some shit.

If you use Windows, you can open up Movie Maker (a program that is built into Windows) and add a picture along with the song.
Once it's been dropped into the timeline with the audio you will have to move your mouse cursor over the right-hand edge of the thumbnail of the pic and left-click and drag it so it stretches out over the length of the audio clip.
Once that's done, just render it to disk, then upload it as a video to youtube.
The image (or images, if you want to do a montage) will show while the audio plays, so it turns it into a a "video" (through Movie Maker) that can then be uploaded to youtube.
here some shots of the russian rocket fuel after chop still have a few weeks to go on the othe strains this finished fast


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Awesome find, duchie!
That's something that's needed.
Only thing I'm not fond of is that, as we all know, harvesting at different levels of ripeness can make a HUGE impact on everything from taste, smoothness, and effect.
But it does give a great idea as to how a particular strain might be for peoples needs.
Very cool
Holy Fuck. I have to say the chemband is a success. One bowl gits me RIPPED. Buzzing inside my head right now. Very nice head high, spacey feeling, makes my my shut the fuck up but able to work at the same time. Glad I got a few beans left. Also Im sprouting some new ish tomorrow, Thai Super Skunk.
Yeah, I question it a bit to. Does seem a little far stretched. I was hoping it would have more lineage and breeder info. Stuff like that. I believe you can input info to it if you register.
I really should learn to read this thread in chronological order rather that last post first. I've been through that site quite a few times. It is a good one for sure.

I was wondering if i got ignored for a reason, lol. Was gonna say something but didnt wanna sound like a whiny bitch. Oh well, too late..

Im still sick, woe is me. Ha mothafuckin Ha
I cut down my Deep Blue X Jack the Ripper today and as much as I want to go off about it I think I'll reserve myself for a good smoke report on it. If the scissor hash hit I did is any indication, and it was something like what you just described Bill, it's gonna be a good one. I did find a bit of bud rot in the inside of the main cola, about a third way down, but not more than a grams worth really so no biggie. She weighed in wet and trimmed, no stock, 155g, Should net me about 1.5 zips. Didn't get any pictures before I chopped her but I did get a vid of me trimming a bit of it. I'll get that up tomorrow when I get a chance. Tracking number says my new gear will be here sometime tomorrow so I may be a bit busy.
I cut down my Deep Blue X Jack the Ripper today and as much as I want to go off about it I think I'll reserve myself for a good smoke report on it. If the scissor hash hit I did is any indication, and it was something like what you just described Bill, it's gonna be a good one. I did find a bit of bud rot in the inside of the main cola, about a third way down, but not more than a grams worth really so no biggie. She weighed in wet and trimmed, no stock, 155g, Should net me about 1.5 zips. Didn't get any pictures before I chopped her but I did get a vid of me trimming a bit of it. I'll get that up tomorrow when I get a chance. Tracking number says my new gear will be here sometime tomorrow so I may be a bit busy.

Sounds like a nice chop. Cant wait for a proper smoke report.

and sorry for going off, had a really bad day today, and i was trying to have a little fun, but maybe my humor didnt carry through.

Sounds like a nice chop. Cant wait for a proper smoke report.

and sorry for going off, had a really bad day today, and i was trying to have a little fun, but maybe my humor didnt carry through.

Oh no Bill. You weren't going off and don't read my bland response wrong. It's all good here. I know you've been under the weather too. The other day I was dealing with migraines and as usual it was raining. I really should chart barometric pressure for the days I get one and see if I can back up my theory. Did you have a bad day cause your still sick or did something else happen to mess it up?