

Well-Known Member
does that look like a bug is nibbling on my leaf 2 u guys??

here is 2 pictures there is a tiny hole on the middle of that nibble or scraping what ever it is.

What u guys think?



Well-Known Member
get a mag. glass and look under the leaf. that looks like the work of thrips. they're really small.


Well-Known Member
Check out FAQ's,It should have an answer.I would use a nonchemical pesticide, (pyrethrin) but there may be better ways.


Well-Known Member
thank god ill have to go get a nag today and see if its them or not u guys know how much that shit is to get rid of them???


Well-Known Member
i had a few holes like that in a some of the fan leaves with my first crop,,,i checked the plants thoroughly and never found any bugs,it didnt get worse,so maybe a bug got in,had a nibble then left!them plants ended up producing big fat bud so unless you find any bugs in there or on ya plants i wouldnt worry,,,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
That's why you need a magnifier, at least 20X,it will let you see the little bugs,and they are little, can be missed with naked eye. Not that you had thrips,you may have burn holes from water droplets on leaves,I have had that happen too.


Well-Known Member
It just looks like a genetic thing....or a lil bit of nute deff....Its not a bite its just where leaves didnt grow together...Its genetics, i have fan leaves that grew in together on this grow and right now a second plant growing out my my first one...at the bottom where the codylns are, another set of ones grew out of it and now i see more leaf sets coming out...Weird shit happens on weeds...it is fine...unless you see bugs...


Well-Known Member
haha good because i just got backk and i spent over 2hrs looking for a fucking bug or larva and did not find shit i was scared for a min but thanks alot guy weight off my shoulders


Well-Known Member
That's why you need a magnifier, at least 20X,it will let you see the little bugs,and they are little, can be missed with naked eye. Not that you had thrips,you may have burn holes from water droplets on leaves,I have had that happen too.
my mag was not 20X not near that not even 5x ill have to get a better one for sure.


Well-Known Member
My old lady bought it at the head shop.I don't know how much it was , X-mas present after all.I have seen them advertised in some mag.I think it was HT but it might have been Skunk.