Who thinks we need a porn section?

Who thinks we need a porn section?

  • WE NEED PORN!!!!

    Votes: 64 56.1%
  • That's just uncalled for

    Votes: 50 43.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member

:p ok i'll buy that for a dollar.. but wot would the draw backs be ?? im just weight out both options. I mean if there was one yes it would weed out the issues of misposting in the worng sections but on the other hand would it cause issues or get out of hand? not trying to put ur idea down just wondering wot the though is on it.


Master of Mayhem
If it's in it's own section who cares if it gets out of hand? Those guys over in the politics section would murder each other if given the chance.....but they do that over there!


Well-Known Member
o, i wouldnt know i dipped in the politics section and was out just as quick. out of hand I was referring more towards the fact that dotn we want this to be a weed based forum. like i said just a thought i had to throw up there but i have no quams with it, like i tell peopel if you dont like the topic stay out of that section. i guess at least this way it would be contained to one area so you would either browse it or not. peace:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i voted no although dont care if people want some porn and the porn avatars dongt bother me but if i wanna see some porn ill go to a porn site not to a weed growing site but thats just me


Well-Known Member
Not enough POV on that site....Just saying...

so find somewhere else.

your all fucking up a good thing here. go jack-off somewhere else. this once was a pretty cool grow site. seems like perverted children want to fuck it up for everyone else. i'm offended and embarrassed as an indivudual and as a mod of this site. isn't all the pot enough. why? why? why?:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

this is about the only thing here that has ever really bothered me. :-|

have a little respect. and class for that matter.



Master of Mayhem
OK so with that being said, can I no longer worry about seeing porn avatars and pictures of peoples body parts on here?


Well-Known Member
You know what....fuck it....I don't care anymore.

Do as you please people........I will STFU now.
Dont let people take the piss out of you bro......Shit aint right. Everyone shitting on your opinions needs to be shit on. Thats the way I see it.. You like to talk about Obama, I like to talk about pussy and fuckin..

Is there a reason we got to discriminate agianst people that disagree with what you do? If people say that porn doesnt belong here then politics doesnt belong here all it does is start arguments.....

Neither does off topic or anything else that has to do with normal casual conversation..It should be Grow only if this is how people think about it...Get rid of all the other shit if my porn is considered shit aswell........


Well-Known Member
Talk about its wrong well so is taking the piss out of sombody over politics.....So if your gonna delete the positive delete the negative to.. Its only right saying that no porn but you can post pictures of the american flag burning? Shanagins!!! Total bullshit!!


Well-Known Member
Dont let people take the piss out of you bro......Shit aint right. Everyone shitting on your opinions needs to be shit on. Thats the way I see it.. You like to talk about Obama, I like to talk about pussy and fuckin..

Is there a reason we got to discriminate agianst people that disagree with what you do? If people say that porn doesnt belong here then politics doesnt belong here all it does is start arguments.....

Neither does off topic or anything else that has to do with normal casual conversation..It should be Grow only if this is how people think about it...Get rid of all the other shit if my porn is considered shit aswell........

seeing a pic is much different then reading a thread, no? :roll:

i started said thread. good luck all, we'll see what plays out. could go either way. :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
Imma keep ranting because who ever says this is wrong is completely thinking for them self..Ive seen burned american flags,meth, dead bodys and I could go on forever....But some tittys,ass hole and penis offends you?!?!

Get the fuck over it and think about what your saying its completely ludicris:peace:


Master of Mayhem
Dont let people take the piss out of you bro......Shit aint right. Everyone shitting on your opinions needs to be shit on. Thats the way I see it.. You like to talk about Obama, I like to talk about pussy and fuckin..
After a while man it just seems that my efforts are futile.

Is there a reason we got to discriminate agianst people that disagree with what you do? If people say that porn doesnt belong here then politics doesnt belong here all it does is start arguments.....

Neither does off topic or anything else that has to do with normal casual conversation..It should be Grow only if this is how people think about it...Get rid of all the other shit if my porn is considered shit aswell........

Thank you.....I agree 110%. It's not like I'm asking for a section that would end up looking lik YouPorn or some shit. I just thought it would be cool to have a section where people like yourself can talk about pussy and fuckin. I myself am not really interested in things like that ALL of the time, but it would be cool to have a section like that IF I am interested ya know? Also, this will weed out the sex topics/conversation from the other sections.

It's just like the politics section...usually I stay outta there, but if I'm feelin froggy and want to argue, or notice a topic that grabs my attention, I will then visit that section.

I really don't see the harm in what I am proposing, but whaddaya gonna do ya know? I also respect Fdd's opinion on the matter as he seems to be the only staff member to actually care about shit, so if he says not good, then I will drop it. :peace:


Well-Known Member
my personal opnion from reading this thread is it seems to be a touchy subject and I think it would cause too many waves. i say if you have something along those lines to post do it in the spirituality and sexuality section. lets keep it to GROWING!!! my 2 sense:blsmoke: peace


Well-Known Member
my personal opnion from reading this thread is it seems to be a touchy subject and I think it would cause too many waves. i say if you have something along those lines to post do it in the spirituality and sexuality section. lets keep it to GROWING!!! my 2 sense:blsmoke: peace
You can put it in the sexuality section but they delete it because they disagree..Yet burned american flags offend me yet its still there? People talking about abortions everyone remember that thread.....Problems.....All im saying is dont delete positive vibes when there is so much negative to delete first. Just because you see tittys you delete it right after you looked at dead bodys and left those to be?

Im just calling people on their bull shit if this is a grow site only lets make it grow only...Lets not beat around the bush..I mean look at peoples attitudes in those threads all happy people....Now go to politics.....Yeah its stupid this is a friendly place and tittys are friendly lets let them in.....

Remember this thread was made because a member was scared to show us a picture with fear of being banned it wasnt even bad...Not threatened just felt unconfortable posting that picture thinking they would get banned...If you can post burned flags ill post pussy its only fair it says "canibus cafe" but here at RIU we kick you out the Cafe for liking porn? I dont think it sends a right message to discriminate anyone and thats whats happening right here....Discrimination=Hate ....Period...